Just fun

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He sat there just looking at the fire, then his head tilted up making me panic until I saw he had a bottle of fire whiskey. He was drinking, I smelled the air and realize he was smoking. I closed my eyes in disappointment but more hurt because he was just doing this because of me. I told him I loved him but I didn't regret it, you could tell someone you love them without actually believing in love..right?

"Your back, guessing you where with Fred or George"

I heard him say, he knew I was here. I didn't respond I started walking and run upstairs. My arm was yanked back and now Oliver was holding me tightly as his hands where on my arms, gripping them tightly.

"You don't get to fucken leave after what you just said!" Oliver spat in my face

"You where with him weren't you!?" He said as his muscles flexed with anger

"No I was with Harry, Ron, Fred, and George I wasn't alone with either one of them" I said not looking into his eyes

"Why'd you say it!?" He said shaking me a bit

I didn't say anything, instead I looked down. I couldn't let him know I loved him and he was off shagging girls while my heart fluttered when I thought of him.

"TELL ME!" He yelled shaking me harder

"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU, EVER SENSE THE DAY YOU SAID FOREVER YOU DID SOMETHING TO ME!" I yelled in his face as angry tears streamed down mine.

He looked at me skeptical with an angry look as I stared into his brown eyes. I blinked rapidly looking down, I couldn't do this right now. He pulled me in from my neck making me groan a bit.

"If you are fucking lying do you know what I'm going so to you, huh!? I'm going to fuck YOU so hard until you can't even fucking walk then I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" He said seething through his teeth

I should have probably been scared at least a bit but all of me was turned in right now. My breathing got heavier, he pinned me back against the wall closing the gap between us.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked him

"Do what?" He asked looking at my lips.

"Why did you beat up Ivan?" I asked him.

"Do you have to mention that fucking piece of shit to me!" Oliver said annoyed

"You don't even know him, why would you beat him up Oliver?" I asked again demanding an answer.

"What you think you get to sneak around with your little boyfriend like a little slut and I wouldn't notice! Yeah, that's right I saw you and the bloody Weasley together! By the lake, I heard everything" he spat at my face

"You heard what he did...so you..beat him up" I said understanding everything.

"Can you shut the fuck up already" He said

Before I could respond his lips pressed against mine roughly. He began to bit my bottom lip, I moaned a bit making him bite it harder. He kissed me again and swirled his tongue into my mouth. His tongue dominating mine, his other hand dripped my thigh lifting it up. I wrapped my leg around his waist as he let my neck go bringing my other leg up. I wrapped both my legs around him as I began to shift my hips back and forth. He placed his hands on my rare end squeezing them hard enough to leave bruises.

"Looks like you too off my mark, don't do it again. I marked my territory for a reason" Oliver said as he began to kiss my neck

He began to suck on my sensitive spot as I moaned, he began to bite my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair, he wrapped his arm around my waist and began to walk up the stairs. I expected to be going to my room but instead we headed to his, I've never been in Oliver's room. He opened the door as he kissed my neck. We walked in and it was dark, everything in the room was either black or grey. His silk black sheets on the bed as he paid me down.

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