Remember me

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"Tonight" I said to Regulus

He knew exactly what I was talking about, I felt everything within me break. I just needed Fred to see his children and raise them the way he wanted to even if it wasn't by my side. My magic would be gone...was it worth it? I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Adrian. He was out of breath but smiling with excitement.

"That was fun" he said as he laughed

"Honestly Potter! What the fuck! Your such a bloody dimwit, ungrateful if you will!" Draco spat at Harry

Harry paced to Draco and through a punch, Draco grabbed Harry's wrist and punched him in the jaw throwing him down. He kicked his stomach and then spit onto him.

"Fuck you Potter!" Draco walked back as everyone stayed quiet

"George I need to talk to you" I mumbled as George nodded

I grabbed his hand and walked somewhere private, I sat down onto a lodge helping him sit as well.

"George...if there was ever a chance getting him back would you take it?" I asked him lowly

"Freddie? Of course I would, he's my brother Sy..but everything happens for a reason and I think it's just faith telling him it was time." George said as he cleared his throat from choking up

"What if there was a way to bring him back? But no consequence" I said turning away from him

"Syden there'll always be consequences...sometimes I wake up and think it's all a bad dream and that I'll see Freddie down stairs at the shop attending people. That he and I will eventually grab a fire work and scare Ron until he screams in a high bitch screaming bloody hell..but them reality settles in Sy" George said as his voice wavered

"Then—then I realize I'm alone" George said as I wrapped my arms around his head holding him

"Why'd he leave me Syden?! H-He was supposed to stay! He-He was supposed to grow old with me!" George began to sob

"I know Georgie" I said lowly as I held my sobs in

"I-I forgot what he sound like sydenie" George cried

Then I remembered.


"I need you to do me a favor..make a recording of my voice with your wand. I need to say goodbye one last time love. Hello Georgie, I assume you've got yourself and Susan knocked up. Always a lose one you, I've got to say Georgie I didn't think you had it in yourself. I'm proud George...I'm proud you'll finally be seen and I won't have to hold you hand anymore. You can do it Georgie, take care of that bloody shop with Ron. Take care of Ginny, she's always been my little sister. Tell mum and dad I'm perfectly fine...Bill and Fleur will be alright so will Charlie and Percy. I need you to take care of my Scarlett and Roy...tell them daddy loves them but...but don't let Syden because the thing I feared lost know better than anyone else What it is. I love you Gred...always. Give that to them.." I remember what Fred told me to do, the favor

"George I-I need you to hear something" I said lowly

He looked up at me as he wiped his tears sniffing. I pulled my wand out of my strap and held it up. I closed my eyes and flickered my wand. I opened them too see a form of Fred but in a somewhat patronus form. George stood up with tears as he saw his other half before his eyes. George heard every word and balled like I've never seen, he hugged Fred even if he couldn't really nor feel him. My eyes watered as I saw the man I loved before my eyes. I stood up as George turned to me hugging me tightly as my body collapsed with his. He began to cry and sob as I hugged him back.

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