Regulas Black

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I stood there in shock, he looked no older than twenty five but there was nearly impossible unless he didn't age as fast as my father did. He must be at least forty something or it his late thirties, he turned to Nik.

"Your never going to get better if your think torturing him is the solution. It'll only make you feel guilt and eat you alive as year's go by. Your angry and want to distract the pain with anything so you could feel something...anything other than pain." Regulus said so calmly

Each word he spoke was true and I knew it but how did he. He just got here and he's already telling me how I feel without me telling him how I feel. My grip tightened in my bow, he looked down to my fist.

"You think it's a fair fight to have him tied up. Untie him and see how good you'll be." He said crossing his arms

"You don't think I can take him!" I spat

"I never said that but if your going to hurt someone at least let them strike back" He said

"Oh but he did! I'm the worst place of it all, he's going to rot in hell when I kill him but before he owes me a debt" I seethed through my teeth turning to Nik

I began to walk to him, I felt someone grab my wrist. I instantly grabbed the hand and twisted it upwards, Regulus grabbed his other hand trying to grip my wrist until I kicked him.

"And no one is going to stop me!" I spat

He then threw me over, I saw now on the other side as he stood in front of Nik. I took of my arrow holder and threw it. I was angry, I punched and kicked. He grabbed my wrist twisting them. I jumped and kicked his stomach as I fell into my back flipping him over. He let go of my wrist, he got up.

"You don't know me! You done know what I've been through!" I snapped

"That's where your wrong, your entire life you've been wrong by one person who kept hurting you over and over. Sirius, that's where I can relate to you. You and I are the same Syden, we've never had anyone there. You can't stand the fact of anyone trying to get close to you because your to afraid to be hurt and wronged again" Regulus said standing up a bit out of breath

"Shut up!" I raised my voice

"Your entire life you haven't been able to depend on anyone, you've always protected those around you but you always wanted someone to protect you. You never knew what thar unconditional love felt like so you looked for it in all the wrong places. Alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. You would get so waisted you couldn't even remember who you where, sometimes you even wondered how you where alive. You bottle everything up" Regulus said a bit faster

"I SAID SHUT UP" I yelled as my fist clenched

Regulus went flying back and hit the grass hard, he landed groaning a bit then breathed heavily. I unclench my fist as I swallowed thickly.

"Until you erupt and hurt everyone around you" Regulus said standing up


I heard as I saw Draco coming out with Oliver, Harry, Sirius, Remus, Ron, and George. They all stopped to see me and then Nik but it was Sirius who froze completely when he saw Regulus. He went pale and looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Nik" Harry said in shock

"R-Regulus" Sirius said as his voice wavered

He began to walk towards Regulus in absolute shock, Regulus walked back next to me and put his hand behind his back. His body went stiff as Sirius looked confused.

"I'm not here for you Black, I'm here for Snuggles" Regulus said as I turned to him confused

"Snuggles?" I asked confused

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