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I stood there as he laughed in my face to see my father dead to the slow poison he shot at him, to see the success of taking my fathers life. He laughed pointing the wand towards me again, I clenched my fist tightly.

"You'll die and when you do your loved ones will be left defenseless and alone...just. Like. You" he said laughing

"I'm going to kill you...even if it means I die" I spat

I tried to pull out my wand and in the process be shot the poisonous spell at me, I bend down and rolled over behind the bed. I pulled out my wand and shot spells at him. He hid behind the other side of the wall.

"Your willing to kill me and yet you know you'll die I'm the process, pathetic! Just for your loved ones" he spat

"I'm prepaid to sacrifice my life! I will gladly do it twice!" I yelled standing up and shooting spell one after another

He blocked them moving his wand up and down, making the spell ricochet off his block to the floor or walls. The thought of my fathers dead body inside the hospital wing as I fought the man that killed him in the halls made me sick to my stomach, it made my blood boil and fire come out of my eyes just at the sight of the death eater. He shoot spells at me and now it was me backing up as I blocked them.

"Sirius?" The death eater said

"What?!" I snapped my head towards the entrance of the hospital wing

But no one was standing there, it was like someone pulled my heart out of my chest. My eyes filled with tears to not see the sight of my father.

"Got ya" He said evilly and shot a spell at me as I turned back to him

I went flying into the air and hitting the ground hard, the impact of my body hitting the ground made me groan in pain as my wand rolled out of my hands. The death eater was now standing above me smiling as his yellow teeth showed, he was proud to see me defenseless and weak on the floor as he stood tall over me in ground victory. He pointed his wand at me as I held my stomach in pain leaning up on my elbows.

"Crucio!" He yelled as his wand pointed at me

The Cruciatus Curse, When cast successfully the curse inflicted intense, excruciating pain on the victim. The Cruciatus Curse ,also known as the Torture Curse, was a tool of the Dark Arts and one of the three Unforgivable Curses. It was one of the most powerful and sinister spells known to Wizardkind. Yet is didn't even manage to let all the pain I felt inside come out as I let out horrific screams from my mouth. It was like hot burning knifes digging into my flesh as thick needles joined in. I remember this pain perfectly well, I yelled sobbing in pain as I was being tortured to hear the death eater laughing as my painful screams. In that moment I wanted my father to come in and save me, to tell me he came back for me and is going to be here forever.

"YES! Scream just like your father did to protect the weak and utterly stupid Potter boy!" He spat seething threw his teeth

I don't know how I did it but I made myself stop screaming, tears falling down the side of my face as my body moved and trembled in pain. Groans of pain escaping my mouth, my father was not weak and neither was Harry.

"Barty Crouch STAND DOWN! YOUR SURROUNDED!" I heard a shout

The pain then stopped I laid on the floor weak and defenseless as tears fell down the side of my face. Barty was his name, he turned around to see Dumbledore, Severus, Remus, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Dean, Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Dean, Seamus, Luna, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Fred, George, lee Jordan, Lavender Brown, Susan Bones, Zacharias Smith, and the rest of the Order. Everyone except Angelina Johnson, I couldn't move. My body was weak and fragile from the curse, he turned around slowly facing them all as they pointed there wands at him. Breaking threw them was Draco and Oliver angry, I laid there crying. I looked up to see my wand, it was like that was my fuel. I weakly turned onto my stomach, I began to drag my body towards my wand as I cried. I reached out and grabbed my wand, I weakly began to pull my knees up. I had my palms and knees on the floor, then I was now kneeling down. I stood up as my body was still weak, I turned and pointed my wand towards Barty as he had his back turned to me. He turned around and I gave him the strongest punch I could ever throw. He fell to the floor as I stumbled a bit, he held his blood nose as he whimpered in pain.

"Y-You k-killed my father" I said weakly out of breath

"Y-You just tortured me...but when you poisoned my father you made sure it w-was painful and slow. Y-you took away m-my only living parent! But there was something you where w-wrong about! I AM NOT WEAK! I AM A BLACK, DAUGHTER OF SIRIUS BLACK. HIS HEIR TO THE BLACK FAMILY BLOODLINE! YOUR A FOOL IF YOU THINK IT WOULD BE THIS EASY TO KILL ME! YOUR AN IDIOT IF YOU'D EVER THINK I'D EVER BOW DOWN TO YOUR FEET AND BEG FOR MERCY!" I yelled loudly angry


"P-Please I'm sorry" he said lowly

"Syden let me handle him-"

"STEP BACK! STEP BACK! He killed my father!....he's mine!" I spat pointing my wand at Dumbledore who I cut off

Dumbledore stopped in his footsteps looking at me with no fear, Draco shocked and worried. Oliver wanting to step towards me slowly but stopped.

"You are no murderer Syden, your the daughter of the most noble wizards I've ever met. You could not hurt intentionally, you may be a black but your Sirius Black's daughter. Don't ruin that pure image he had for you" Dumbledore said softly

"Your right Professor I am Sirius Daughter and Raven Browns Daughter but...I was not raised by either of them" I spat

I pointed my wand at Barty who looked at me with fear, his wand on the floor. Then I shoot the same spell he shot at my father, his body tensed up in pain as he let out a scream. Then he stopped he began to cough just like my father did when he was in the hospital wing. Olive came from besides me and snatched my wand, I didn't fight him. All I could do was stand there frozen as I watched the man that killed my father get the proper justice he deserved. I began to fell light headed, I knew it was because I pushed my body to much. I had just been cursed and tortured her I managed to stand and fight. My body collapsed onto the floor as I saw flashes of green, then everything went black.

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