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I woke up to feel my head banging, it felt like I became a vampire when the sun hit my face. My head almost felt like it exploded, I waved my wand and the curtains closed leaving the room dark. My door then went open, it was Draco I knew what he was going to do. I quickly threw my black blanket over my head as he paced to the curtains and opened them fully.

"Close them" I said muffling as I was under the blanket

"No one told you to get drunk, now get your ass up. Where going to diagon Alley for your dress, come on mums waiting for you" Draco said crossing his arms

"What?" I said confused

"What you didn't think I was going to tell her and everyone else about you. Besides it's not like they could touch you, they know your with the Riddle's and there loyalty to them is beyond anything. Get up black!" Draco said pulling my blanket off

"No!" I said covering my face as my head ache only grew

"Here drink this they'll help princess" Draco said putting a vial on the counter

"Fine!" I said drinking it quickly

My headache and dizziness disappeared as soon as I drank the vial. I leaned up as I felt my headache gone. Draco shoved his hands in his pockets annoyed.

"Now go shower, you rink of fire whiskey..you almost smell like a filthy muddblood" Draco spat getting me up

I rolled my eyes and got in the shower, once I got out I felt like I was in a new skin. I didn't know how I felt about meeting Narcissa and Bellatrix again but I guess I didn't have much of a choice. Besides Bellatrix isn't someone to mess with, The Riddle brothers have the ministry at there feet with fear so I doubt that they would mess with them. I got out of the shower to see Draco messing with my album player, I crossed my arms as he laughed when he pressed the button to move the hand to make it play music.

"I knew you where a softy" I said smiling

"Shut it, what are you wearing princess? No you have to change. Let me take a look" Draco said opening my closet

He ended up pulling out a black see through long sleeve shirt that was lose and had a v line in front, then pulled out black pants that were it ripped. I quickly grabbed my shoes before he could chose heels, he scoffed and put the clothes on the bed then turned around not facing me so I could change.

"Are you sure I have to dress like this I mean I don't mind the colors but wearing all this? I don't know" I said putting in the shirt that was see through

You could see my black bra, I groaned and Draco turned around crossing his arms

"What?" Draco asked raising his brows

"You could see my—chest" I said moving my hand around my breast

"So what if anyone stares I'll punch them" Draco said bluntly

"Not how it works, pass me a black muscle shirt but it has like a square kinda of front not a v or u line in front it's a square" I said pointing to the counter closet

Draco walked over and pulled out a spaghetti strap that had thick straps and a type of square like form in front that complemented my assets. Draco threw me the shirt and I slipped it on as Draco turned around. I tucked my black muscles shirt into the black pants as I took of the shirt Draco chose. Then I put on my black shoes and a black pea coat that was long.

"I'm ready" I said smiling nervously

"Come on we could use the apperation key mum gave me" Draco said grabbing my hand as I nodded

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