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"Oh you don't know we'll let me tell you, our blood here has the ability to heal and sometimes even save lives. You see Mason here never told me the consequences but when he tried to save you because you where "dead" he then told me the consequences where your life spans shortening!" Oliver said angry

"What does this have to do-"


Olive pulled out his wand and pointed it to Harry angry, the tension in the room rose as Harry took his out.

"Well you see you always cried because your father never chose you and you where right! He didn't! I saved him that day but Mason really saved him! He never died! DUMBLEDORE, HARRY, AND YOUR FATHER AGREED FOR YOU NOT TO KNOW HE WAS ALIVE!" Oliver yelled angry

I felt like my breathing was completely cut off, everything I've been through was for nothing. I went to Azkaban for killing a man that never actually killed my father. I was living hell for a man that yet again...chose Harry. I stumbled back as a wave of shock and panic hit me, I never felt this overwhelming feeling before.


"You know what her power is going to do!" Mason yelled

I felt like my lungs where drowning in my thoughts, my eyes turning into water as tears streamed down my face. My body became fragile and completely soft as I walked out the house. The feeling of this kind of pain....this pain that meant I was never the one. I've never been the one to be loved or chosen. I began to sob and scream, I could hear lightning as it began to pour. It was sunny and there was no way it could rain but it was and hard, dark clouds forming in the sky as thunder struck. I clenched my fist with anger, I then screamed and it was like everything I've ever held in was let go, it was a wave of power. White and black light striking out of me as lightning stuck to the ground. Rain falling onto me!

"YOU CHOSE HIM!" I yelled angry shutting my eyes

I screamed sobbing, I opened my eyes and it was like everything was destroyed. The big rocks in that where in the water where now into tiny bits and peace's, the shells on the floor completely broken, the glass table we had outside destroyed. The flowers and roses by the table died out turning a dark and died color. I grabbed my wand, I lifted it up to the air. Lighting still striking as it rained and poured. I stuck the sky with the magic I've been holding back, bolts of electric power shooting out of my wand. It felt like I was sucking in all the power from the storm. I then stopped breathing heavily as the sky cleared, the power I just let lose was coursing through my veins. I could feel it but I felt was like a warmth and somewhat power that felt like it was protecting me now. It was weird

"-Syden's mother died because Syden's power was to much for her to bare. Then when Syden was born and her mother died so she also took her mother's power!"

I could hear Draco's voice echoing in my head, I got up and walked away. I went running to the back of the house and grabbed a broom stick. I got on before anyone could notice, I was going to find my brother.

Everyone already knew where they where, Evolution was always in the woods that had small tunnels around it. I saw the entrance of the woods, I put my broom stick down and began to walk in holding my bow and arrow, facing it down wards but ready to shoot as I walking in with caution. Then i turned to see a man, I shot the arrow and he fell down immediately. His body stiff like he was dead but he wasn't..not yet. I continued to walk, I turned to hear a branch break. Men then started to come out of the shadow and run towards me. I began to shoot men after men. I've already shot 20 of them but there's so much, I took out my wand and stung 9 of them taking some out. I used a wind spell to make them fly back. I began to run ahead as they shot spells at me, I was still shoot arrows. I had a all the weapons I brought with me. I took out throwing knifes and threw them at 3 men all hitting there throats. As I ran I could hear Draco's screaming getting louder. Then I could see the blonde boy on the floor crying. I felt anger course there my veins. I stopped running and turned back. I closed my eyes begging for this to work, I triggered all of my anger and hate. I lifted my wand and pointed straight ahead at the men that where coming my way. Then lightning like magic shooting out of my wand in a black and white light. All the men falling, there skin literally ripping off there body. Blood coming out of there mouths as they screamed in pain, they dropped to the floor dead as my power struck the trees making them fall or move to the side. I turned back to see all the men that where chasing me were dead. My eyes widen as I stood in shock, I gulped and turned back around. There had to be at least two hundred men after there all dead. I was a monster, I was...just as bad as any evil and horrible person here. I saw about 18 men around the area. Draco's screams terrorizing me as it was horrific to hear. I then grabbed three arrows, I went running and jumped on a log turning back as I shoot three arrows at the three men. They fell to the floor, the rest of them men turning to me. I put my bow on my back and grabbed my bo staff. I pressed the button as I pointed it to one of the men pacing to me. It fully stretched out and hit the man right on the face making him fall and knock out. I began to fight men trying to dodge as much spells as I could. I spell cutting my arm and leg. I couldn't afford to care about the pain and continued to fight. Men after men falling as all I saw was red. Then there where only two. I grabbed my arrows and shot two at the men that held Draco. I went pacing to Draco and grabbed him.

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