Hand and band

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It's been eight months, I've been happier each day besides Fred. He works at the home shop still while I stay home and rest, I love when he comes home and smothers me in kisses when I hand him his plate. I worked at the joke shop for five months but now that my belly is much bigger Fred agreed with me to stay home and rest. I like to read durning the day and make food for Ron, George and Fred when they come home. Fred wakes up every morning and kisses me a goodbye then my belly. He's taken care of me when I start to feel sick but it's only happened about three times. When there at work I either go with Molly or to Malfoy manor. Molly was in shock at first but instantly was full of joy and happiness. She's already knitted the babies jumpers. A yellow one for my girl and green and red ones for the boys.

Turns out Alondra was pregnant too, she's now pregnant with her baby but still isn't showing. Draco was happier than ever and started working at The Ministry of Magic as an Auror. We comes by to visit when he can to make sure I'm fine. Narcissa and Bellatrix already found a manor for Fred and I so when the babies are born. I've missed Oliver and owled him but he didn't respond just like Ivan.

Fred and I decided to paint the manor we had with loving colors. We had light yellow walls with white cabins and sofas as light green pillows where on it. The babies had the biggest room sense we put all the cribs inside together. The room was a soft cream color with white and black decorations. My body has changed a bit, my breast are much more bigger. My legs look a bit swollen sometimes and my back hurts when I do to much movement. Molly said she felt like that with Fred and George so we gave me some herbs I could put in tea.

Our manor was beautiful, it was on a flat surface that had a whole field with green grass that reached up to middle of my lower legs. Yellow sunflowers looked beautiful and my favorite tree I have outside that's near the manor. I love to read my books there often and wear no shoes as I feel the grass, the fresh window blowing by.

I've gotten lots of visits from everyone congratulating me on my pregnancy. Even Crabbe and Goyal stopped by and gifted the babies small broom sticks with a candy basket. I absolutely loves it and put it in the nursery with the babies things. Sirius writes to me everyday but I can't answer most of the time. He writes every day asking if I'm doing well and need anything but I freeze so it's always Fred that sends out letters telling him I'm fine. Harry does the same but I couldn't bring myself to answer, Ginny has grown to overprotective of the babies it's absolutely amazing and funny. She's been playing quidditch and is the new team captain. We've only got one more month of school before we graduate but by then I'll have my babies, I'm only one week away. I've been quite nervous but Luna always comes by calming me down and making me comfortable. She puts lots of beautiful crystals in the babies nursery, she brings me books and gives me tea's she loves. She'll stay sometimes with me until she goes back home. Her and Blaise are officially dating and have been inseparable. Just like Pansy and Theo.

"Love are you ready?" Fred shouted calmly from downstairs

"Coming Freddie!" I said putting in my sundress with white shoes

The dress was long and cream white. I walked down the stairs as Fred kissed my lips then kissed my belly.

"Your never going to get tired of this are you?" I said as he kissed my belly three times

"Not at all, three kisses for each of them" Fred smiled

We where going to have a picnic outside at the burrow. The sun was shining and it was a perfect weather to enjoy the outside. We apperated there to see George and everyone outside already.

"SYDEN!" Ginny yelled running towards me from across the field

She hugged me tightly as she slowed herself down, she let go then touched my belly smiling. Molly got up and walked towards me.

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