Heart break

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I laid on my bed, I haven't left it sense Mason dropped me off in here. That was two days ago, I haven't even gotten up off of bed, I've been in this room drowning in my own sorrow. I have to cast silencing charms to make sure no one hears my screams and sobs, along with my loud music. I've only drank one thing, fire whiskey. I enjoy the burning sensation as it runs down my throat, it's the only thing that helps. Of course it has it's consequences the next morning but I just drink more to make it go away.

"No! I've given her two days Mason no more!" I heard Olivers's voice

"Let her be Oliver!" Mason's voice said

"You've been soft with her, you can't do that!" Oliver's voice said angry

My door busted open making me sit up, Oliver came in at sat down with an angry posture.

"No please go on, tell me what's wrong?! Cry, sob, scream do it all but I'll be dammed if I'm going to sit here and watch you throw your life away Syden!" Oliver yelled grabbing my wrist

He yanked me out of bed and began to pull me towards the shower. He turned on the water and took off his shirt alone with his trousers only leaving him in his boxers, he began to take off my shirt and pants leaving me in my bra and underwear.

"What are you-"

"NOTHING I HAVEN'T done or SEEN before! Remember I was the one to do this when we tortured you!" Oliver spat at me

He pulled me in the shower and grabbed me making me stand under the water. Mason left, he was angry at Oliver and didn't want to hear him anymore. I was lying if I said I didn't want to kiss Oliver right now. I dropped my hand slowly as the water streamed through my body. I could feel Oliver's chest on my back, it was taking everything in me not to turn around and land my lips on his. Then again I wasn't that strong, my lips touched his as I snapped back and faced him. His hands groped my entire body, he bit my bottom lips and began to kiss my neck as I dig my nails into his back. His taste was euphoric, his entire body was muscular and perfect...his scars all over his body from all the "training" he had done in the past made me see he had wounds too. I took off my bra but still didn't part out lips, his finger tips at the elastic of my underwear. I wanted him, now and badly. I ran my hands through his wet hair as the water left us soaking wet. He dropped his trousers and I did the same to my underwear, I could feel his erection rubbing on my heat. I felt amazing, I moaned in his mouth just to barley feel him. Being a virgin I've never even felt anything like this but I knew I wanted it. He carried me out of the shower as our bodies dropped water all over the floor. We began to walked towards my bed as I kissed him not breaking our kiss. He then threw me in the bed, I lifted myself up with my elbows as he began to hover over my body. His eyes dark and full of lust, thirst for my taste. I gripped his size with my hand and he groaned as I did so, I began to jerk his size as I flipped him over. I was now over him as he laid on the bed, his muscles tensed up as I stroke his size faster and faster, I kissed the tip...muggle movies to help with this stuff. He grunted and let out a small moan as I took his size into my mouth.

"Fuck!" He moaned

"Keep..going..don't, ugh that feels-good!" Oliver moaned as he grunted

Before I knew it warm liquid shot into my mouth hitting the back of my throat, I swallowed it. I stood up and was yanked by my wrist, he was over me. He began to rub his tip at my entrance making me moan loudly. Our wet hair and bodies leaving our wetness in my bed, water dripped in my face from his hair as it was in curls. Then he entered me without letting me adjust, I left like my oxygen was cut off as I took him in. His size was something that was out of this world, I stared into his eyes brown eyes. He was so perfect...I knew then that I liked Oliver and there was no one else I wanted to share this moment with. But I was saw something...he gave me the same look. He let his guard down, I kissed his lips as he thrusted into me. The pain was worth every moment, it was pleasurable pain and Oliver was it.

"OLIVER ! I-UGH-I'm going to!-" I couldn't finish my sentence as it was cut by my moans

"Then do it!" Oliver spat grinning as he bit my neck

Leaving marks on my neck I felt warm liquid shooting into me again, he was breathing heavily then pulled out standing on his knees as his chest rose up and down. My legs felt hot as they trembled, Oliver laid next to me. It took me a moment to realize that I was no longer or virgin, I also realized that Oliver had somewhat claimed me by being the first man I slept with. I felt tired, it was like my body couldn't handle this. Then I closed my eyes.

"You look beautiful" Oliver said lying in the ground

"You look very handsome...and at peace" I said laying with him

"I am...but I miss you" Oliver said sadly

"I miss you more"I said turning facing him

"I have to go now"

"I know, I miss you"

I woke up feeling my entire body hot, the dream was weird but felt real. I looked besides me and Oliver wasn't there, there was a breakfast trate next to me with a letter.

Dear princess,

You better eat this, you haven't eaten in two days. Now eat before I shove it down your throat and make you pay for locking yourself up. Especially for weaselbee! Now eat. Love you.

Love, Draco

I smiled to read the letter, I began to eat. I haven't eaten in two days so I naturally ate everything on my trate. I get different when I stood up, my core hurt a little but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle. Today my day will start and I'll be ready to start it with Oliver .

Next chapter!

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