Letting go

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I was now on the dance floor with...Oliver. I stared at him then began to dance to the beats of the song. Oliver eyeing me like a tiger to a gazelle, my body began to move by its self. I lifted my arm or my head and turned around grinding my body against Oliver's. His hands began to to grip my body as he moved his body with mine, everyone was dancing crazy and letting go to hear the beats and heavy music so no one dared to pay attention to me.

"Your playing a dangerous game Black" Oliver whispered in my ear

"Who says it's not my game" I said back turning to face him

His hands on my lower back, our lips inches apart. I could see his brown eyes and long eyelashes. I smiled as I looked down at his lips, then he stopped me and walked away. He left me alone on the floor, I felt a bit annoyed and embarrassed...he always leaves. I walked off the floor towards the snack table, I began to eat candy. Mainly the pepper mint ones, I loved the taste of it especially when I drink. Then I stopped to feel someone tap my shoulder, I turned to see Fred.

"Wanna dance" he said smirking

"I don't know, I mean— HECK YEAH!" I said pulling him to the dance floor

He chuckled and we began to dance our bodies close, he was a bit taller than me. Maybe three inches taller but it was still enough for me to reach his lips if I wanted to. Then I noticed no Professors where around, it wasn't a big deal to them to leave us alone because there where "responsible" students around. Then music like never before began to play, I knew it was muggle music. Then everyone began to dance a bit closer and laugh as they did so, Fred's hands where placed on my hips I bodies having no gap in the middle. Then I leaned in and kissed him, our lips in sync as they where both desperate for each other's taste. I laughed parting my lips as they still touched his, I was out of breath.

"You look amazing" he whispered to me

"Thank you, I feel a bit better" I said in his ear

Then I did the most devilish thing I've ever done before, I gripped his collar and pulled him in then I put my hand over his ear covering my mouth. I let out soft moans, Fred's entire body grew stiff. He then pulled me in tightly, I understood why as soon as my body touched his. He had a large size, it was pressing up against my heat. He smirked devilish as i chuckled.

"You think that's funny do you Miss. Black?" He asked grinning

"Hilarious" I said laughing

"You know, bad girls have to be punished" he said smirking

I raised my brow and bit my bottom lip, before I knew it Fred was pulling me out of The Great Hall quickly, we ran to my room. I opened the door and closed it as Fred came in, I was glad to see no one was inside here. Fred gripped my body immediately and crashed our lips together. I felt his pulling off his vest along with his bow, I lifted my wand then pointed it down to my feet making the zippers go down from my heels. I threw the heels off kicking my feet, Fred's hand then went to my back to unzip my dress. Panic flew through my body as I remembered how horrible my scars looked and how they made my body look.

"Wait! Fred wait!" I said stopping him

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you!?" Fred Aidee worried

"No it's just...my body..it's not t-the same" I said breathing heavily

Fred looked at me confused then realized I was speaking of my scars, he took a dee breath and closed his eyes. He sat down and pulled me in as his head rested on my stomach.

"I'm sorry Syden because of me you'll always have these scars...but I like them, it shows me even after all your battles you've stayed strong and won" Fred said softly

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