Living dead

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"How long do you think you could last being married to me?" I asked

"Forever, for eternity, for infinitely. Not even when the entire oceans disappear will I ever get tired of you love" Fred said hugging me as we sat outside on the grass

"I will always be here-"

His arms around me disappeared, I turned around and he was gone. I screamed his name searching for him, I turned back around the entire field was on fire...and Fred was standing in the middle.

"FRED!" I yelled trying to run to him

"Syden" Fred held out his hand as the fire reached him

I shouted sobbing as my feet didn't move, I watched how the man I loved died in front of me. No matter what though he didn't scream, just smiled staring at me as I sobbed fighting to reach him.

"She needs to wake up"

I heard a voice as my eyelids began to open with a blurry vision. Each blink I took it would get more clear, my head was hurting. The light from the room only made it worse. I turned to see George crying and balling.

"G-George?" I asked lowly

He looked up at me crying as he walked to me, the Matron walked out the room. George looked like Fred. It was like having my Freddie back. He held my hand crying.

"I-I....don't leave me too" George cried on my hand

I felt my heart ache and pounding, I lost a husband and the father to my children but George lost his other half, the one person who's been there by him his entire life. I leaned up and hugged him as he sobbed in my arms, tears fell from my eyes just to hear his crying. Ron came in the room slowly, his eyes red as well for his nose and cheeks. He looked at me and automatically started crying to see George in my arms. He walked to and leaned on the bed as I held him in my arms. They cried hugging me as I felt myself dying from inside.

"H-he left us Sy...y-you can't" Ron cried as I held them close

Ginny just came in balling already, he came on top of my legs and rested her head in it as she cried. Ginny didn't deserve to lose the brother that protected her and cared for her like no other. There bond was something beautiful, Ron hugged me from the side as he rested his head in my shoulder. He cried as I stroked Ginny's hair.

"I'm here" I said lowly as they all cried

They lost there brother, they lost the one person who they loved and made them full. They lost there a part of themselves too. As I stroked Ginny's hair I saw my wedding rings, I stopped and stared at my ring. George stopped crying and so did Ron but they look numb. Ginny crying soundlessly, I had to tell them.

"You know, F-Fred knew...before h-he...I'm pregnant" I said lowly as I stared at my ring

All there heads turned to look at mine, I began to cry. My babies where never going to meet there father, they weren't going to come home and call him daddy, father, or papa.

"Freddie...he never got to meet them" Ginny said as tears fell from her eyes

George hugged me tightly as I held it in staying strong. I kissed Ginny's forehead and Ron's, I cupped George's cheeks as he cried.

"We'll be fine...he will always be here...we are Weasley's we can do it together" I said as George cried

"Where is she!?"

We heard screaming from outside the room, Molly then busted through the door. She looked to have been crying, she saw all her children around me as they had been crying. Tears escaped her eyes as she walked to me holding out her arms.

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