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Seventeen Years later

It's been a long time, now all my babies are grown up. Tomas, my oldest son. He was sorted into Slytherin, he's very much like Oliver in lots of ways. The only person he has a soft spot for is Lilith. He's very overprotective of her, they remind me so much of Draco and I when we where younger. Mason, he's my second oldest. He's absolute perfect and would be the first Riddle to be a Gryffindor. He made not only myself proud but Oliver, he showed everyone that the Riddle blood isn't dirt with evilness like everyone once thought. He's so close with everyone but mainly with Roy. Lilith, very much like Pansy but has a soft spot for family. She's a Slytherin like Tomas. Her and Scarlet bump heads often but they always try to keep it civil. Roy my darling boy, my first Weasley boy. He's much like Fred, his laugh. His smile, his personality, but the way he cares is what warms my heart. It makes me feel like I've never lost Freddie. He's very overprotective of Scarlet, he's still learning that scarlet isn't only his sister but so is Lilith. It's usually always Lilith and Tomas fighting with Scarlet and Roy then it's Mason that makes them civil with each other. He's a Gryffindor just like his father. Scarlet my little girl. My Weasley girl. She's beautiful from the inside and outside. She's pure and amazingly talented at magic, she's gifted. Freddie would be proud of his little girl, she's a Gryffindor. The triplets are seventeen while the twins are sixteen.

Draco, his son Scorpius is the best of cousins with Tomas. There a perfect duo, both Slytherins. Draco lives with Alondra and comes by to visit, I can't even imagine how long it's been. Draco and Alondra are godparents to Tomas. I'm the godmother to Scorpius and the godfather is Oliver.

Blaise and Luna have two twin boys. The two boys where turns, unfortunately for Luna but Blaise has never been more excited. He and Luna named the first boy Lorcan Blaise Zabini then is Lysander Blaise second Zabini. I couldn't help but laugh at the middle names, he really got his Blaise jr and Blaise the second. He never got his Blaisa so he's godfather to Lilith and Pansy godmother to Her as well. I'm the godmother to Lorcan and Draco the godfather. To Lysander his godparents are Theo and Hermione. Both boys are Ravenclaws.

Pansy and Theo had a daughter named Gabriel Parkinson Knott. She's extremely close to Lilith both being Slytherins they spend a lot of time together. Pansy and Theo are the ones who always try to host get togethers for the family. I'm Gabriels godmother while Blaise is her godfather. Draco had a lot to say about it but then smiled it off. He was only joking.

Susan and George had two kids. The first was a boy George named Fred The second Weasley. I loved him with all my heart. He's the closets with Mason which is rare but beautiful at the same time. Then is Gia she's best friends with Scarlet. Both of George's kids are Gryffindor's, I'm starting to think the entire Weasley family might have a house of there own pretty soon. George and Susan are godparents to Roy. While I'm the godparent to Fred and so is Oliver. The Godfather to Gia is Ron and Ginny.

Ron and Hermione had two kids one girl named Rose Weasley then a boy named Hugo Weasley. Hugo is the closest with Roy and so is Rose but she's always with Scarlet. There Gryffindor's as well. Harry is the godfather to Rose and the Godmother is Ginny. I'm the godmother to Hugo and the godfather is George. Ron is the godfather to Scarlet and the godmother is Ginny.

Harry and Ginny had three kids, turns out Ginny was pregnant when Luna was as well but didn't know. He first was a boy named James Sirius Potter who is close to Roy. Then is Remus Evans Potter who is closer to Scarlet. Lastly is there daughter Lily Luna Potter who's a year younger Han scarlet and Roy but is still extremely close them. I'm the godmother to James and the godfather is Ron. The godmother to Remus is Hermione and then the godfather is George. To Lily Luna is the godmother and Neville is The Godfather. Everyone expect for Remus was sorted into Gryffindor, he's a Slytherin but gets along quite well with Scorpius and Tomas.

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