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I looked at Nik holding Daphne down with anger and pure rage. He was chocking her as she was struggling to breath and push him back, I was frozen.


I turned to see Oliver angry, he saw Nik holding Daphne and tried to strike at Nik. I pulled him back and shoved him away.

"Oliver listen to me! You don't feel anything for her, she put a love potion on you! Please! You have to fight it, I don't want to hurt you-" before I could finish Oliver got up and shoved me

I fell down groaning, the poison was leaving me weak. Nik through Daphne down now that she was unconscious, before Nik and Oliver could fight Draco along with Blaise and Theo grabbed Oliver. I felt light headed again, I began to through up blood.

"Give him this!" Pansy came in running and through a vial at Draco

Draco shoved it down Oliver's throat as the red liquid went through his lips while Theo and Blaise held Oliver down. Nik held me in his arms to see blood running down my lips, sweat dripping down my forehead. My entire body became hot like I was running a temperature.

"She's in here!" I heard Susan

Madam Pomfrey came inside pacing, she put another liquid in between my lips as the silver potion went through my blood lips. I thought she had cured me already, Oliver was out cold. I turned to see Daphne holding her wand as she choked. Nik kneeling down as he had my head to his chest.

"I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL SHES DEAD!" Daphne yelled like a psychotic bitch

"Get her"

I heard a firm and strong tone, Aurors coming quickly as Daphne tried to run. They where basically the police men of the Wizarding world. They catch and find dark wizards who use dark magic and unforgivable curses like Daphne just used. Severus came up as the aurors held Daphne. She tried to fight them off but she couldn't do anything.

"By using an unforgivable curse I Severus Snape sentence you Daphne Greengrass to Azkaban" Severus said seriously as they took her away

Then everything went black.

My head was pounding, the room was cool but my skin felt hot. Each time I'd close my eyes the head ache would only get worse. I leaned up a bit as my sight got blurry then started to get clear. I leaned up to see I was in the hospital wing.

"I'm glad your alright" I turned to see Nik

"S-Stay away from me" I said lowly and weakly

"I saved your life and this is how you repay me, not very friendly" Nik said smirking

"What do you want!?" I spat

"For starters you could show a bit more respect, I did just save you and your baby" Nik said crossing his arms

I stayed quiet and he smirked, he grabbed a chair and sat down on the chair that was facing backwards. His arms rested on the leaning back of the chair.

"What's your relationship with Oliver Riddle?" He asked bluntly with no emotion

"I-I, it's none of your business" I said clearly

"You could either tell me or I could easily kill you, mind you there's no one to save you" Nik said seriously

I looked around to see he was right but u didn't understand why everyone was gone. I turned back to him and leaned a bit back.

"H-He's someone who I've been with...I-I have strong feelings for him and he's the father of my children" I said breathing a bit heavier

"So you love him..but does he love you?" He asked assumed

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