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We stood up once our headmaster Dumbledore gave all the good lucks and news. I didn't pay much attention, I was too busy watching Fred and George both flirt with a Gryffindor girl sitting in between them. I clenched my fist and got up walking off. I was in one of the halls, it was quite dark so the moon shined brightly along with the stars. I stared up at the stars, one always stood out to me. It was the brightest and biggest one, I imagined it was my mother and she watched over me.

"I give up mum...this whole thing, it's too complicated...and I don't have grams to tell me what to do" I said as I began to cry

"Why do you cry?"

I turned to see a guy with black hair but it was with curls. His eyes where brown and he had long eyelashes, he was very handsome.

"No reason" i said standing up and wiping my tears

"There must be a reason, no one cries for nothing" the guy said

"Yeah! Well I do now buzz off" I said crossing my arms

"Oliver, you must be new here especially if you talk to me like that" Oliver said grinning

"Listen Oliver I've been having a fucking crappy life right now so I would appreciate it if you just left me the fuck alone" I said turning back around

"No" Oliver said numbly

"What?" I turned around squinting my eyes

"I said no" Oliver was smiling

"Why? Just leave me alone!" I said turning to him fully

"Do you know what the word Nyctophilia means?" Oliver asked raising his brow

"No" I said numbly

"It's when you have a preference to night or remind me a lot of that word" Oliver said staring at me

"Yeah well it's kinda hard not to get attached when it's the only thing that will stay" I clenched my fist

"Why do you say?" Oliver slides over besides me as I stared up at the stars

"My entire life I've been abandoned, I killed my mother when she gave birth to father was never around and was in Azkaban. My godfather had no excuse for not being around but he still chose not to. The only one that was around was my grams and she's dead" I said swallowing thickly

"You focus on the wrong things" Oliver said looking straight up as I turned to look at him

"What?" I asked confused

"You focus too much on who leaves you rather than who stays, I'm sure you have someone" Oliver said

"No I don't, I didn't now I have...Draco, he's my family" I said staring at him

Oliver's jawline was sharp and clean, he was very handsome. Before I could stare any more I was yanked back by someone.

"Hey!" I said to see Draco

"What do you think your doing-"

"Malfoy, it's quite rude if you to pull people around like that" Oliver said smiling but it was like rage was behind his smile

"She's my cousin, besides she has no business talking to you Riddle" Draco said grabbing my hand

Oliver scoffed with a smile and walked off, he was a Riddle as in You know who's son. I turned to Draco he was angry, I crossed my arms.

"What?" I asked

"You cannot TALK with him! He is dangerous Syden" Draco said seriously and harshly

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