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I began to walk and when I opened the door all I could see was the red blood on the floor. My throat closed up as I felt my eyes watered, I looked up to see what the blood was from...grandmother.

"NO!" I cried out as I went running to her on the floor

"Syden? m-must leave" my grandmother struggled to talk

"No, shhh it's okay! Please! Don't leave me" I cried out as I pressed pressure on her stab wound

"Well hello deary"

I turned to see a women with fuzzy hair and a white streak in it as she wore all black but it was a dress. I turned to her as I also saw men behind her and besides her. I cried as I held my grandmother in my arms.

"Your...your Bellatrix, did you do this?!" I cried out as I held my grandmother

"I...l-love you" my grams said as I saw life leaving her eyes

"NO! GRAMS NO! NO!" I cried out as I began to sob

I pulled my grams into my chest as her body became lifeless. I held her tightly, my tears falling on her face as it was now lifeless.

"How could you...where family...your my aunt, if it was you I would have been the same..why?" I cried as I looked at Bellatrix

Bellatrix looked confused by my show of affection, it was like she didn't know how to take it in. I cried as I held my grams, he hand fell to the floor and I let out low sobs.

"I'll get her" the man that looked like a werewolf said

"Stop!" Bellatrix said somewhat hesitant

"NO! Please! Don't...don't l-leave me!" I sobbed as I held my grams

"I'll get her" the man said again

Before he could take another step white lights like a shifting form came from the air, flying all around. Everyone flinching, before I knew it Bellatrix and the other men went flying back. Then Bellatrix began to throw spells, The werewolf like man came towards me.

"Stay away from my daughter" I looked to see side to see Sirius

Sirius shoots a spell and he goes flying back into the floor, I see Tonks, Remus, Mr. Weasley, Mad eye moody who I found out about by the twins. I sat down as they fought, the blood on my hands. My grandmothers blood, I crawled back to her.

"It's could be with grandpa and mum now grams...take care of her for me" I cried as I closed her eyes


"NO!" I yelled and ran I front of my father as Bellatrix stopped

"Please" I cried to her

She gave me a look I've seen before, it was the same look my grams gave me when she had to ground me. I stood in front of Sirius while Bellatrix just stared at me.

"Stupefy!" Sirius yelled as Bellatrix fell back

"NO!" Before I could do anything Remus had his hands wrapped around me

He pulled me back as Bellatrix laid on the floor stun, before I knew it we where in the air. She was standing again but she didn't follow, she did throw a spell but I jumped in front of Remus letting the spell hit me. I was knocked out.

"I don't know what she was thinking" Sirius said

"You need to give her a good hand Sirius!" Professor moody said

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