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I turned to see Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Neville, Hannah, Dean, Alondra, Seamus, Luna, Cedric, Camille, Cho, Ginny, and then my eyes widen when I saw Susan, Theo, Blaise and Pansy.

"Oh my for Syden what happened!?" Ron said as I smiled feeling a bit tired.

I felt really weak all of a sudden, I fell to my knee. I tried to stand but it was no luck. Draco ran towards me along with Fred. I looked them all, they came.

"You came" I said lowly

"I've never liked working with Potter but we need to for this" Draco said a bit annoyed

"That makes two of us Malfoy" Harry said Annoyed as much as Draco

"You know it sucks you hate yourself that much Potter" Draco said smiling as Pansy chucked

"I'm fine I just need to sit" I said as they sat me down

"Here" Draco said giving me his jacket from his suit

I put it on my laps as they all sat down. Some in the floor and other on the couches. Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Draco all sitting in the couch as Susan sat on the floor in front of Pansy. Everyone else spread out eventually.

"Thank you for coming, I know it's in such a short notice but..I need help finding my only blood relative. I know this is a lot for what I'm asking so I won't hold it against you if you want to leave" I said to everyone

They all exchanged looks and stayed siting down, I smiled.

"Okay well where going to need to work together. By that I mean where going to work with five more death eaters. I know the order and death eaters don't get along but this is the only choice we have if where going to fight Evolution. These men are ruthless and do not care about killing. They've even killed someone from the Ministry that's why the haven't taken action" I said clenched my jaw

"We're going to be staying here, everyone needs to learn how to fight. With and without there wands that's where I come in. I'm going to be teaching you all and calling the shots" Mason said walking in as everyone turned to him

"What?! Why can't Harry be in charge" Seamus said

"Because your in my house and I'm the only one that can kick all your asses, well other than Syden" Mason said as I smiled

"I'm not okay with this" Seamus said as some people nodded

"Okay then I'll be in charge, Mason just needs to warm me up and I'll be good to go. I'll be calling all the shots and let's face it I'm the strongest one here. I'm an aminugus so that means I have strength like no one here, just asked Fred and George" I said smirking as Fred and George laughing a bit.

"Great all ready flirting" I heard a voice

It was Oliver's voice, I clenched my fist but then let it go. I got up and everyone did too.

"Alright so where going to have to share rooms two on each bed got it?" I asked as the nodded

"Okay the girl I met in the carriage Alondra will be sleeping with Draco. Blaise with Luna, Ron with hermione, Harry with Ginny, Pansy with Theo, Cedric with Cho, George with Susan, Seamus with Dean, Neville with Hannah, and Fred with...there's no one else" I said reading the list

"Well your the last one" Fred said smirking As I cleared my throat

"And Fred with me I guess." I said lowly

"Now there are blankets and everything you need in each room. Your last names will be on the doors, so if you need anything just ask Mason and I" I said lowly

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