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"Scrap!" Ratchet slams his fist on the table, smashing all his hard work, but at the moment he doesn't care. "I should have just told her..." 

"We should have..." Optimus corrected him. "But we shouldn't dwell on our faults for too long. We should make sure she's okay."

Remembering how they indeed have planted a tracking device in her collar, Ratchet starts looking for the signal to at least make sure she was still on the premises. Unfortunately tough, she wasn't. "Sweet Solus Prime, she's gone!"


"Explain to me again why you need to accompany me?" Knockout was not at all pleased with this, but his career and possibly survival, hangs in the balance.

"To make sure you don't mess up...again." His partner for this mission answered. "But to put it quite honestly, I prefer to work alone."

"All do respect to our leader, but what could have possibly possessed him to think that you wouldn't try anything funny?" The con medic asked, unsure of his leader's choice.

Airachnid looked at him smugly and answered: "A girl has her ways...even around a merciless warlord like Megatron."

"You sure it has nothing to do with revenge and the claiming of a certain prize and whatnot?" Knockout started pushing her buttons.

She hissed at him and treatened to stab him with the sharp tips of her many spider feet. "Careful, girlfriend... I might leave you strung up for dead out here."

Knockout calmly eyed her threats and rolled his optics. "OOOH! I'm shaking in my stabilizer coverings! Yeah, Uh-huh...In case you didn't know, Lord Megatron wants both me and the dragon alive, Airachnid. I'm currently the only con who can mentally control this thing." He was bluffing, but he didn't want to stroke her ego. "And besides, what's an army without at least one medic on board, right?" He shoved her to the side and tried again at locating the dragon, though he knew it was hopeless at this point, he should at least keep trying. 

Airachnid growled at him, Knockout was right unfortunately.


"It looks like she left for the woods. Why does she keep going there?" The autobot medic found where Zucky disappeared to. 

"Perhaps that's where she feels most at ease. She did have a profound lift in demeanor when we went there last. It is good that humans rarely ever go there. However..." Prime had a bad feeling.


Knockout was caught off guard by what he sensed. He repeated over and over again what he did to double check if it wasn't just false hope. It wasn't and for once, things were starting to look up for him. Without thinking, and perhaps on purpose, he drove off into the direction he felt Zucky was, without telling Airachnid about it.

"HEY! Where are you going?!" She was steadily growing more and more frustrated with him and now this? The femme transformed into her vehicle mode and followed him.

Knockout ignored her and put the pedal to the metal, driving towards a forest he saw coming up ahead.


Zucky was wandering through the woods alone. It's happening again, isn't it? Just when she thought she'd gotten used to all this, now this happens...She's not sure what's going on, but she's sure this is all Knockout's fault. The weird stuff that were happening before is already confirmed to be his doing anyway, So why not this?

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