The Reluctant Healer

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Zucky approached carefully. She stuck close to Optimus and watched Starscream from afar. Looking up at the autobot leader, her face etched with worry and confusion. "Optimus, I know I said he's not fully his usual self now, but is it really a good idea to have him here?" She flew up and perched on Prime's shoulder.

Prime watched Ratchet and the other Autobots work on Starscream, his expression a mix of determination and concern. He knew the risks involved in bringing Starscream to their base, but he also understood the potential benefits. When Zucky approached and voiced her concerns, Optimus turned his head slightly to acknowledge her, his optics softening as he listened.

"Your concerns are valid, Zucky," Optimus said, his voice steady but reflective. "Starscream is unpredictable, and his history of betrayal makes him a difficult ally to trust. However, we have seen glimpses of a different side to him, one that is not driven by malice or ambition."

Zucky's worry evident in her eyes. "But what if he wakes up and decides to attack us? Megatron never managed to keep him loyal, and he's much more ruthless."

Optimus vented deeply, considering her words. "Starscream's current state of mind is fragile. While he is vulnerable, he is also at a crossroads. We have an opportunity to reach him, to show him that there is another path he can take. If we can help him understand that he does not have to be our enemy, we might be able to change the course of his actions."

Zucky's wings fluttered nervously as she glanced at the unconscious Starscream. "I just hope this doesn't backfire, Optimus. We've all seen how dangerous he can be."

Optimus nodded. "I share your hope, Zucky. But we must also be prepared for any outcome. If Starscream reverts to his old ways, we will take the necessary measures to protect ourselves and our mission. For now, we give him a chance."

As they spoke, Ratchet finished his work and stepped back from the medical berth. He looked up at Optimus and Zucky, his expression serious but hopeful. "He's stable for now. It will take some time for his systems to reboot and for him to regain consciousness."

Optimus thanked Ratchet and turned to address the team. "Autobots, remain vigilant. We don't know which version of Starscream will wake up, but we must be ready for anything. Our priority is to ensure the safety of our base and our team."

The Autobots nodded in agreement, their resolve evident. Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee took up positions around the medical bay, ready to act if needed. Zucky remained on Optimus's shoulder, her eyes never leaving Starscream.

As the minutes passed, the tension in the room was palpable. Starscream's systems slowly began to power up, his optics flickering as he hovered on the edge of consciousness. The Autobots stood ready, their weapons at hand but not yet drawn, watching for any sign of hostility.

Finally, Starscream's optics fully lit up, and he groaned as he regained awareness. His gaze darted around the room, taking in the sight of the Autobots surrounding him. Confusion and fear flashed across his face, followed by a brief moment of clarity.

"Where...where am I?" Starscream's voice was shaky, a mixture of his usual arrogance and a touch of the vulnerability he had shown earlier.

Optimus stepped forward, his tone calm but firm. "You are in our base, Starscream. You were injured, and we brought you here to recover."

Starscream's optics narrowed, suspicion creeping into his expression. "Why would you help me? What game are you playing, Prime?"

Optimus held Starscream's gaze, his expression unwavering. "This is no game, Starscream. We helped you because it was the right thing to do. You don't have to continue down the path you've been on. There is another way."

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