Of racecars and spiders

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"I begged my master for mercy, but it was no use... But he reminded me of what my mission was: To hunt you down and bring you to him...I will follow through with it!" Past Knockout roared.

"KNOCKOUT!" There was a thunderous roar that caught all the cons by sursprise. It echoed loudly as it came from behind them; Megatron immediately knew who it was.

"Prime?!" He spun around to see his arch nemesis (Yet another pun?! ^^;) charging at them!

Megatron instinctively swung at him, planning to stop him in his tracks, but Optimus phased right through him and his medic and rammed the other Knockout; sending him flying off the deck of the Nemesis! 

The Prime flew off the ship as well, and transformed back to his bot mode, firing a charged shot at the fallen con for good measure!

How did he not see this coming?! Megatron could not believe it.

"I still don't know how he did it either, lord Megatron." Knockout broke his master's silence. 

"You mean to tell me, that was NOT a figment of her imagination?!" Megatron fumed.

"Of course not, my lord. How could it have been? I was in full control of this entire...oh..." The red bot decided to stop as soon as he saw the warlord narrowing his optics at him. Knockout then awkwardly recalibrated his voicebox.

Megatron wanted to tear him fiber-optic from fiber-optic, but the Primus forsaken waste of energon was lucky he needed him, because of his medical expertise. The angry decepticon leader could only vent in Knockout's faceplate before turning to see the rest of the memory through, in case there were even more details that went unchecked. But he knew that after all this  was over, him and Soundwave would have to sift through all of it again, because he had to find out how Optimus was able to get in undetected.

As past Knockout was falling, what appeared to be a groundbridge, opened up right underneath him that lead him to fall into an unending cactus field. 

Were the Autobots somehow suddenly able to project a groundbridge inside the conscience of living beings now?! 

When did that happen?! 

Why isn't he aware of this crucial bit of information? 

Why isn't anyone on this ship telling him these things?! One after another his processor was being bombarded with questions, left, right and center.

When the procedure was all done, both Megatron and Knockout were released from the device. Knockout who was usually smug and confident suddenly felt the need to be unusually quiet and tried to sink into the background, despite his cherry red armour plating sticking out like a sore opposable digit.

Megatron on the other servo, got up off the berth and after making sure Soundwave had all the data he needed for research, and left the room without another word to any of them. Soundwave silently finished what he was doing and resumed his position at his post, no doubt exactly what his lord would have wanted him to do.

Breakdown just stood by thoughout the entire process, and when Megatron got up, thought that Knockout was going to serve as a target for the warlord's canon, if not a personal punching bag. Thankfully he refused to acknowledge the medic's presence in the room. 

Even after Meagatron and Soundwave left the room, the air in it hung heavily all around them. Their vents were on standby and only after they realised their systems starting to warm up more than usual, did they remember they had to ventilate.

Back at the Autobot Base.

After making sure Zucky was well enough to leave the medbay,  the dragon was sent on her merry way. But first, she wanted to take a shower and put on some fresh clothes. She was feeling awfully disgusting since she woke up, which was part of the reason why the hugs she did receive felt kind of awkward to her. She was sweaty and smelled of burnt skin and blood. This was because of the whole freaky experience she went through. 

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