The Singing seeker

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Meanwhile on the Nemesis...

Starscream had spent the last two days inside the interrogation chamber, trying to convince Megatron that he wasn't trying to betray him in any way.

Which is easier said than done, because Megatron was hellbent on torturing the poor seeker until he spoke the truth and only the truth to his lord and master.

Between Starscream's sniveling, groveling and griping, the warlord had a field day torturing the living spark out of him!

By the end of day one, which started immediately, after they carried Starscream; screaming and writhing through the portal, the poor jet was left battered, scratched and dented all throughout his Armour.

Megatron was so pissed off, the thought of literally annihilating his second in command, crossed his processor several times that he even exchanged his servo for a large blade, with the intention of decapitating the seeker then and there.

But thanks to Soundwave, the warlord was able to calm down enough to not go through with that plan and let Knockout take the beaten decepticon to the infirmary, to nurse him back to health enough to continue his interrogation the next day.

Knockout had Breakdown carry the patient into the medical bay and onto the berth, for fear of getting his own finish ruined.

Once there, he patched the jet up where he started leaking energon, and cleaned the wounds up as best he could, but didn't buff out the scratch marks as they were still burning. Knowing Megatron, it would have been a waste of time and effort, as he would surely toss him across the room again, like he did today.

Starscream was knocked into stasis when Megatron tossed him into a wall, where he hit his helm really hard. This caused the seeker to start groaning and whining very loudly, later when he came back out of stasis.

The decepticon medic gave him some painkillers and energon, before he was ordered to slip into recharge for the night inside one of the cells. For tomorrow was going to be yet another very long day.

The night was long, cold and cruel as Starscream could barely slip into stasis with both his servos and wings in stasis cuffs.

His cell was heavily monitored by both camera systems aboard the ship, as well as vehicon guards that kept rotating every few hours.

Megatron wanted to make extra sure that the slippery little seeker didn't escape into the cover of night. After all, he only finished step one of his interrogation process. Tomorrow, he would wring the information he wanted out of him.

Megatron's bad mood didn't stop him from falling into recharge; his Spark Dreams filled with scenarios of him conquering this world and countless others, crushing his enemies and even ruling over the universe.

Starscream on the other servo was plagued throughout the night by horrific Sparkterrors. Megatron follows through with his threats and having him picked apart piece by piece; still conscious so he can witness his demise as it comes to fruition.

Having his Audials and various other parts of his, ripped out and used as decoration for either Megatron's armour or his throne.

Being converted into a Ped stool or hung somewhere as a trophy and as grim reminder for all who oppose him, or having his T-cog and weapons removed and forced to serve as the warlord's personal stress relief device!

But the worst and most humiliating of all; being demoted to the rank of a simple 'lapdog' or 'songbird' as the humans call them.

That last one made Starscream curl up even deeper into himself as he whimpered in fear. Not only for his dignity, but for his own physical, mental and emotional well being.

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