Bonds Beyond Battle

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Tools still in his servos as his mind wandered. "Something bothering you, Knockout?" Breakdown placed a servo gently on the con medic's shoulder pad, making sure he didn't scuff up the paint. He knows how sensitive the doc is about his appearance.

Knockout glanced up from his thoughts, his optics narrowing slightly before he vented a quiet sigh. Breakdown's careful touch and the question made him pause, if only for a moment.

"It's nothing, Breakdown," Knockout replied, his tone dismissive, though his posture suggested otherwise. He resumed his work, his movements precise but lacking the usual confident flair.

Breakdown frowned, not entirely convinced. "Come on, doc, I know you better than that. You've been on edge since we brought Megatron in. Something's eating at you."

Knockout's servos tightened on his tools, his optics flickering with a mix of frustration and reluctance. "I suppose you could say that," he finally admitted, setting his tools down with a bit more force than necessary. "It's...this whole situation. Megatron's condition, Starscream's disappearance, Airachnid's betrayal. It's all a mess, and I can't help but feel... responsible."

Breakdown tilted his head, his optics softening. "Responsible? You did everything you could for Megatron. You're the best medic we've got."

Knockout scowled at Breakdown. Although that's a nice to say, they both know the glaring truth. Breakdown noticed and corrected himself. "Oh, you're the only medic we've got..." He rubbed the back of his helm. Knockout shook his helm, closing his optics in frustration.

Knockout sighed, rubbing his temple. "It's not just that, Breakdown. It's...everything. The decisions I've made, the way I've handled things. Sometimes I wonder if my own ego has gotten in the way. Like with Zucky-I shouldn't have dismissed Soundwave so quickly."

Breakdown listened attentively, his optics widening slightly as Knockout's frustration poured out. He hadn't seen the medic this agitated in a long time, and it was clear that the situation with Zucky had deeply affected him.

"Dismissed?" Breakdown was confused now.

"I needed rest at some point, so Soundwave took over the night shift. In the morning, I found he was forcefully collecting information, let's just call it that. I promised Megatron we would not lose Zucky this time. She's literally the only one of her kind that we have. If she were to die, whatever potential Megatron saw in that infernal dragon, dies with her!" Knockout's fist slammed onto the table, causing several devices and tools to clatter and fall. "She was a mess... Extremely stressed... These creatures are so incredibly fragile, you can literally squish them without even trying. What I saw was leaking blood everywhere, no doubt her systems were going to go critical if I didn't do something about it!"

Breakdown's optics softened with understanding. "I get it, Knockout. You were trying to protect her, and you didn't want Soundwave's methods to push her over the edge. You did what you thought was best for her and for our mission."

Knockout vented deeply, his shoulders slumping slightly. "But what if I was wrong, Breakdown? What if my actions only made things worse? Megatron entrusted me with her care, and I feel like I've failed. Zucky's escaped, and I have nothing to show for my efforts. Megatron will surely make a speedy recovery. And as soon as he opens his optics, he's going to have my helm either way. Even is she didn't escape, but ended up dead because of Soundwave's actions."

Breakdown shook his head, his expression firm. "Listen, Knockout, you've done everything you could. You tried to protect her, and sometimes things don't go as planned. It's not your fault Zucky escaped. You had to make a choice, and you made the one you thought was right at the time."

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