No hard feelings

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Making her way back to the common area, Zucky saw Jack fiddling with his phone, as if he was messaging someone. When she got closer he noticed her approaching and put his phone away.

"Hey, I was just asking the others where you've gone off to." He said.

"I just came back from hanging out with Raf and Bee for a while. But Raf didn't finish his homework yet, so..."I explained.

"Uhm...yeah." Jack showed me his phone.

"...he already told ya." ^^; I finished my sentence. "You were looking for me?"

"Actually, it's Arcee who's wanting to see you." The young man clarified.

"Oh! Well..." *looks around* "Where is she?" I asked surprised.

"She's up top." Jack pointed to the roof. "C'mon."

"Outside?" I asked.

"Sure, come on." The teen beckoned me to follow, but I just stood there. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not supposed to go outside..." I answered.

Jack only now understood what I meant "No, it's okay; There's no one else around for miles, and the cons can't see us. The cloaking tech has a very wide reach, so it covers the topside of the base as well. Don't worry about it."

"Okay...I trust you on this..." I decided to follow him.

The dragon followed the teen to find Arcee sitting at the edge of the butte. Behind the femme bot, there was this little tower of rocks stacked on top of one another. She decided to leave them alone; besides, they reminded her of the stacks of rocks tourists would leave at the north coast of where she lived. But this one felt as if it had a deeper meaning than just a fun little sculpture. She didn't know why.

Zucky sat down next to Arcee, but kept her distance, in case the bot still isn't very fond of her presence yet. Jack mistook it as her making space for him to sit between them, but the dragon didn't mind.

"Hey Arcee..." I said cautiously. "Jack told me you wanted to talk?"

The femme was staring at the vast valley below them, but turned her gaze to the small blue creature. "Yeah...I heard you were getting bored of sitting around all day, so I figured why don't we hang out for a bit? I mean, if you're gonna be staying with us, we might as well get to know eachother better."

"Okay...That sounds cool...I guess." I'm really trying to move past her demeanor from earlier, but it keeps coming back to me.

There was this deep silence that was sort of creeping Jack out a bit. Zucky noticed it and tried breaking the ice further: "I've been wondering...I mean; I get it why I stay here, but what about you guys, Jack? You fit perfectly into society...why do you hang out here all day?"

"Because of safety reasons." The young man answered.

" were being chased by Decepticons too?" I asked.

"Not exactly, you see; It's Arcee who was being chased by Cons. I just so happened to be in the driver's seat of a self driving-talking motorcycle when she took off." Jack began to explain.

He recounted the events of that day from his point of view, from trying to escape from decepticons, how met Raf, the day after when Arcee and Bumblebee picked them up from school, when Miko saw Arcee in her bot form in the alley and had to tag along for her safety...

Arcee filled in the blanks for her side of the story as well, one bot kept coming up in her tale however...Someone who goes by the designation of: "Cliffjumper" or "Cliff" as Arcee calls him.

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