Knockout's Revenge part 2

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The following chapter is actually a revised version of what I originally wrote down. The original upon finishing, I noticed might be a little too intense for some, so I decided to post it separately on DeviantART instead.

In case you're curious about what made me make that decision; it basically involved gore and violence. I know... "You kinda got that covered in earlier chapters, Linkah... no big deal..." Believe me I know ^^; This is not the first time I've done something like this, but I felt this one went that extra nine Mechanometers too far.

So, if you're not a big fan of OC's tortured within an inch of their lives, you can stay here and read onwards, and you'll be just fine. :) Trust me, it won't make a difference on the rest of the story anyway. It'll only spare you some (perhaps) life scarring details...that's all.

But, for those who really don't give a damn what happens to Zucky and how, you can go ahead and follow this link if you are curious to know what made it so bad in my opinion.

Heads up though, I have the mature filter on over there, so...yeah. ^^; Sorry, and YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


He didn't scare me; he may have muted my voice, but that doesn't mean I can't kick his...Tried as I might, I couldn't move! Every time I wanted to strike him, my movements just froze! When I stopped trying I was granted back movement. It was such a frightening feeling. But that's probably what he wanted from me; fear. This was probably to get back at me for what happened last time!

"Practice makes perfect, you know?" Knockout said as he enjoyed the look on my face.

["He must have taken advantage of me resting and somehow got in that way! But how didn't I know when he was sneaking in?! I should have felt something."] My mind was racing. No logical answers came to me.

"Not fun anymore, isn't it? To be at the receiving end?" He asked in a grim tone.

I didn't want to show fear in his sight, but I knew I was in deep slag and I had a feeling he was aware of that too. The smile never left his dermas and he just sighed deeply in response to my stubborn demeanor.

"Oh, right...your puny limited intelligence prevents you from seeing the full scope of your predicament, doesn't it? Well, you know what they say; 'seeing is believing'. So, let me show you!" He snarled.

His human arm collapsed, and in its place emerged that familiar looking 'Pizza slicer of death'!"Besides, I have several bones to pick with you...or should I say; out of you!"

["*GASP! Oh no!!!"] I had no idea what was going on, but I wasn't about to stand around to find out whether or not that was going to hurt for real, or if I die in here, will it kill my real body for sure?!

Turning on my heel, I break into a mad dash into the opposite direction! I managed to cover quite some ground I think, but suddenly I freeze, AGAIN! ["NO! NOT NOW, WHY?!"]

My 'body' seems to float right back to square one and turn around facing him again. "You are very rude for a fleshy, you know that? I was about to ask if you remember this, but by your reaction, it seems I've gotten my answer after not all was lost on you, huh?"

I whine. It seems that I can only make primal noises, but not actually speak.

"Remember this?" Knockout slashes the saw blade across my chest which earned him a very loud and painful howl from me that echoed throughout the space we were in. After screaming, I was left panting with a huge deep gash across my chest.

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