Cortical Psychic Patch part 1

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Darkness...Darkness and the silent humming that served as the only source of ambience in this cold dreary place. Besides the odd scream of horror that had randomly broken the silence, there was nothing different tonight. In the distance he could hear the approaching steps of a fellow Con walking down the hall that lead to the prison cells. This signalled the morning was upon him once again.

Not that he could see the sunlight in here, he was deep in the hull of the ship. He vented long and deep, but never opened his optics. He was only allowed an hour of sunlight every day and only under strict supervision.

Not noticing that the pedsteps have gotten near his cell door, he was startled and his previously closed optics flew open, when he heard three loud knocks on the door, the hatch opening and an energon cube shoved inside.

"Morning refuel time!" Was all he heard a vehicon say from behind the door, before the con walked away. The guards took back their position. Starscream growled. He hated when he was purposely startled. Rolling over he swung his peds to help him sit up, so he could get off the berth to go retrieve his meal.

It was not much, but it kept him going. Any more than that, and he would have had enough energy to put up a fight and escape somehow. But as is, it only kept his vitals running. Apparently Megatron still needed him for something, though he dreaded finding out what.

As he drank from the cube, he was thinking. His mind being the only entertainment he was allowed to have. He felt like he was forgetting something, but at the same time, he was sure he didn't...What was it?

See? It was already eating away at his processors! The seeker had finished the contents of the cube and put it back down by the door. Next he went to ponder about what he was trying to remember so badly. After all, there wasn't anything better for him to do anyway. After about a breem or two, he finally remembered.

["What was that rogue scream in the night anyway?"] He thought. It sounded familiar, but he could care less who or what was having a nightmare at that hour. It was not like he could help them anyway, so he had ignored the sound and continued his recharge session.

Right now however, he's curious. In the back of his processor, he felt like it clicked with someone on board, but couldn't quite put his digit on it. He's been in here for so long, he's lost track of the goings on around him.

That's when he heard the daytime-shift guards come replace the night time ones...

"Finally...What took you guys so long?"

"Eh, you know how it goes on this ship, having to report to the superiors everything before you do anything all that..."

"Oh...yeah...I forgot. Scrap, and I'm just about spent right now."

"Lucky it's our turn to report before we go into recharge, huh?"

"Can it, Steve!"

"Speaking of recharge, You guys heard about Knockout?"

{"Dude, Breakdown will scrap us for spare parts if it spreads any further!"}

"Yeah, so long as YOU don't tell!"

After begrudgingly agreeing to his fellow crewmate, What followed next was a colorful rendition of what they've witnessed between Breakdown and Knockout last night. From Knockout kissing himself all over, to the crazy doctor tightly hugging Breakdown and calling him a beautiful hunk of pistons!

The more Starscream listened, the more difficult it was to stifle his own laughter. He snickered and snorted so much his vents kicked off a few times before bursting into a loud hysterical laughter that seemed to have no end in sight!

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