Mind over Processor

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"Decepticon, Lord Megatron?" Knockout was confused. "She's not even Cybertronian."

"True Knockout, and as much as I hate to admit it; The Autobots' pets have more than once been a glitch in our programs." Megatron sighed. "Decepticons absolutely don't take examples from the Autobots, but I feel as though in order to gain an upper hand on the enemy, we'll have to turn their own strategies against them."

"My lord, you're not saying we start taking in organic pets of our own?" The decepticon medic couldn't believe what his audial receptors were picking up.

"No, not pets...but a dangerous ally is more than welcome among my ranks." The warlord grinned.

"How are we going to do that?" Starscream asked . "She isn't very fond of our company, Lord Megatron."

"I'm afraid Starscream's right my lord." Knockout cautiously added. "After what she's lived through on this ship, I doubt she's going to come back willingly."

"Fleshies are weak, Knockout. Not only physically, but both mentally and emotionally as well." Megatron reminded him. "So, I suggest you start researching other ways to break her down to get her to side with the Decepticons. Once we have her, she will be retrained to better suit the needs of the Decepticon cause."

"Yes, Lord Megatron." Knockout left the room and started making his way down the hall to his lab.

He was trying very hard to wrap his processor around what his leader just ordered him to do: ["Megatron now wants to recapture the escaped prisoner, which is all well and good; but he also wants to somehow recruit the thing among the Decepticon ranks? How pray tell, am I supposed to accomplish that?!"]

Remembering how the creature ceaselessly struggled to get away from them, he mulled over a possible solution all the way to the lab.

He was so lost in thought he almost bumped his helm against the door, not realising he was already there.

Thankfully for him, Breakdown had opened the door to leave for a bit.

"Oh! Knockout, didn't see you there." He said.

"Mhmm..." The decepticon medic just hummed in thought and made his way over to the console.

"Something bothering you?" The big bot asked his friend.

"Mmm? Oh, Uhmmm...Yes actually." Knockout was roused from his thoughts. "Megatron wants me to recapture that creature we brought onboard from the mines again."

"I don't see why that would be a problem." Breakdown answered.

"He wants to make a decepticon recruit out of her." Knockout explained.

"What?" The heavy set soldier was confused.

"Apparently during the struggle last time, some of my energon got mixed in with her organic blood; but instead of her offlining from energon poisoning, she still survives" The decepticon medic explained. "No doubt Lord Megatron has a plan that involves this creature, but that's not the problem...My task is making sure she sides with us willingly!"

"Oh, she doesn't trust you...well, she doesn't trust any one of us, but yes, that IS easier said than done." Breakdown thought out loud.

"And I hate to think what Lord Megatron would do to me if I fail." The decepticon medic cringed and placed his servos on his helm as horrific images of torture came to mind, or worse...

"Hmmm...have you thought about tricking her, my friend?" The blue bot suggested.

The Con Medic suddenly was reminded of some Psychology tricks he came across once, when he studied human behaviour. "Of course, Megatron did say these fleshlings are weak of mind." He thought out loud. "Breakdown, My friend; you are just a load of inspiration."

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