Knockout's Revenge part 1

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The groundbridge portal opens up and Breakdown carries Knockout over his shoulder and places him carefully on a berth in the medbay.

The blue bot was also dragging a couple vehicons out of the portal behind him.

After making sure Knockout was alright, he strapped them each on a berth and started draining them of their energon.

Next, he carefully stored them in vials for possible future transfusions. He removed the empty husks and placed them in a pile in the corner, where he would proceed to strip them for spare parts later.

That where Megatron stomped in: "Breakdown, how goes the...What in the pits of Kaon is that?!" The warlord pointed at the unconscious medic.

"My lord, that is Knockout, sir. I've gone out to retrieve him." Breakdown kneeled as he answered the question. When he dared to lift up his gaze and look at his master's face, he regretted it immediately, once he realised that it was a rhetorical question. To say Megatron's wasn't at all pleased, was an understatement.

"I've kicked him out from amongst our ranks for not delivering on his promises..." The warlord growled and grabbed hold of the blue bot's chin plate. "...are your loyalties about to expire as well, Breakdown?"

"N-no sir, NEVER! I brought him back because he's not outlived his usefulness yet, master." Breakdown blurted out.

Megatron let go of the mech's chinplate. "Explain yourself, Breakdown." He commanded.

"Yes my lord; Knockout has located the creature, sir. She has finally ventured outside of the confines of the Autobot's base...However she was not alone." The blue bot explained. "She was accompanied by Optimus Prime, and by the looks of it; they already started training her, teaching her field strategies.

"Interesting..." Megatron listened intently. "And what types of strategies have you picked up on?"

"A very peculiar one, but I think he's teaching her how to be a scout? It was a strange teaching method though; She was facing a tree, covering her optics and counting out loud, whilst the autobot looked for a suitable place to conceal himself..." Breakdown continued. "I think the point was for her to see if she can locate him?"

"Hmmm...Perhaps Optimus is thinking about promoting his current scout in the near future?" The Warlord thought out loud.

"Or maybe it could have been the other way around? Maybe she was the one sharing valuable strategies with the Prime? I'm not sure...when we got there, the activities were already underway." Breakdown added.

"Whatever that was, we must get our servos on that fleshling! The last thing we need is a spy that can easily slip in and out undetected." Megatron said. "And should it get to the point that we can't get the portable space bridge technology out of her, we can't risk it falling into the servo's our enemies!"

"But Prime doesn't strike me as the kind of bot who'd allow such experimentation to take place on their pets, Lord Megatron...even if it was their medic performing the procedures." Breakdown was confusing.

"No, but Prime has always had a way with fleshlings; He doesn't want to endanger them, but..." Megatron said. "Their other three pets willingly do whatever they can to give the Autobots the upper servo all on their own...and somehow Optimus does this without even trying."

The Warlord walked over to the berth where his medic was lying unconscious. He looked miserable; Knockout smelled like rotten fish, there were still traces of seaweed and Barnacles clinging onto him in places he couldn't reach to pick them out. He was covered in an unhealthy amount of rust for a bot his age and with an obsessive maintenance routine.

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