Here we go again

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I was sleeping soundly when I started dreaming about those awful robots on the spaceship. I managed to escape the lab, but I was now hiding in one of the ventilation ducts. The ped falls just feet or inches away from where I was located and my mind racing on possible alternate plans, should I get discovered and hunted down again.

The dream was so real, I could feel the ped steps moving in closer and closer. Then I sensed an earthy smell? Some dirt trickling down on my head as I felt the earth underneath me being shifted and disturbed somehow. It sounded like tree roots being ripped out of the...?[" I'M NOT DREAMING!"]

I woke up with a start and found the same bots I was hiding from earlier looming over my den! "It's awake. Easy sudden movements." The White bot told the others.

["How in the world did they sneak up on me?!"] They're the least silent things that I know!

I shrunk back into the hole as I watched them with a wild look in my eyes; wide and wary, my vision blurry, because I just woke up, but I could make out how he got down on his knee joint and was slowly leaning down to pick me up from in my decimated shelter.

The yellow one was the one who pulled the tree back and revealed my location. No doubt he still has a bone to pick with me from my earlier though accidental, I have to stress; transgressions.

I feel a rising anger starting to boil in my blood. I have done absolutely nothing to deserve all this, and yet they keep making my life a living hell?! Well, No more! I've had it up to here with these rustbuckets already!

My expression darkens as I scowl at the servos closest to me. Then without warning; I swipe at em with my claws! Earning a hiss out of the bot as he quickly retracts his servos in pain.

"Grab it, Bee!" I hear coming from somewhere out of view, but I don't stay long enough to find out who, because the Yellow bot drops the tree and lunges at me, but I still manage to dodge him!

Taking advantage of the moment of distraction, I fly up over their helms, trying reach the canopies. Easier said than done, because I find myself weaving in and out, dodging and pulling off some crazy arial maneuvers I didn't even know I can do, just to make it to my target. Even Big Bot Blue-legs almost snags my tail; man, they're fast for big, lumbering titans! Managing to wing it, I was able to perch up in the treetops while I scramble my brain for a way out of this situation. I barely make it, because my wings still ache from when Knockout tossed me against the wall.

I haven't slept enough either. My exhaustion is taking its toll on me.

"Scrap. Now what? I know we shouldn't hurt it. But how to we get it down?" Arcee asked.

"It's exhausted, maybe if we tire it enough we'll be able to catch it." Optimus suggests.

"Keep an eye on those claws, though." Ratchet reminds them.

Bumblebee takes hold of the tree the creature was perched in and starts shaking it vigorously. It couldn't hold on and almost fell, but started hovering. Seeing as Bee wasn't gonna stop moving the tree, it moved to another one and he repeated the same process.

"Clever Idea Bee, Grab a tree everyone!" Ratchet called out. They all started helping Bumblebee out with his plan. With no tree to perch in and energy running dangerously low, it finally slipped out of the Canopies and fell down. Arcee saw this and hurried to catch it before it hit the ground, but;


"What in the Allspark?" She Exclaimed.

"It disappeared." Optimus answered. "But where to?"

Ratchet checked his scanner and sure enough, it was gone, for a moment, though. A few seconds later, the dot reappeared on the map at a different location; very close to Bulkhead!

"Teleportation!" Ratchet concluded optics wide. "It's like having your own portable ground bridge, but without the aid of technology!"

"That must be the reason why the decepticons were trying to capture it." Optimus stated grimly.

Somewhere farther away, Miko wandered through the woods alone. "I wonder where the dragon could be hiding." She mused to herself.

"On a ground bridge, heading back to the base...That's where!" Bulkhead thundered. He was disappointed in Miko today. She almost walked into his ped again, because she wasn't expecting him so soon, but here he is. He was standing right in front of her and he looked pissed. She shrunk back a bit because she knew that sometimes she really should just listen to Bulkhead when he says "no."

I reappeared in the woods again, as I couldn't go very far due to exhaustion. I was kinda getting the hang of it, but not really. For a moment there, I thought I'd fall to my death. I was panting now, as if I ran a marathon. I was used to being chased about like this ever since I became...Whatever it is I am, but I've never encountered such relentless foes before. ["They just won't give up!"]

Not surprised at this point, I see the big green bot from earlier. He loomed over a young human girl with double ponytails on her head.["What's a teenager doing in these woods, anyway?"] I didn't catch their entire conversation. But the girl looked scared. That pissed me off even more.

As he was about to pick her up, I jumped in and gave him a good ol' butt with my horns, knocking his servos away from the human, which caught him off guard. I then took a defensive stance in front of the girl and growled at the bot menacingly.

"What the? Hey! Get away from Miko!" Bulkhead demanded.

"Picking on me? Fine! I can still put up a good fight if I needed to, but picking on human children? That's just low!" I ignored his demands and spat back at him.

"What are you talking about?" The bot asked confused.

"Woah! Are you the dragon?!" Miko yelled excitedly, "You're so...Tiny... "


"No way! I'm not leaving, till I've snapped some cool pics of you! She took out her cellphone and took a picture of my face.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked. "Your life is in danger and all you care about are some stupid pictures?!"

"Hey! Nothing's wrong with me, also; Bulkhead's my friend." she answered."What's wrong with you?"She sassed.

I scoffed. "Friend?" I pulled the shirtsleeve off my shoulder. It was caked in blood, so it ripped some of the furs off and exposed the tender wound that's been struggling to heal from the moment it was inflicted and exposed it to her. Miko gasped covering her mouth, a worried look plastered on her face.

"Would a friendly bot do this?" I hissed."Now, I dare you to ask what's wrong with me again."

"But I didn't do that!" Bulkhead defended.

"No, Of course not...this was probably your friend, your brother, your crazy Frankenstein of an uncle or whomever the hell you claim him to be, but I am certain that it was one of you bots that did this to me, for I am neither blind, nor Stupid; Mister!!!" I snapped at the green metal titan that towered over me.

"..." He stood there dumbfounded. Either surprised by my bravery, or just plain at a loss for words.

"And this was nothing by the way, he was going for my heart!" I growled pulling the sleeve back down. My voice had a barely noticeable crack to it when I said that. I've never been so scared and close to death my entire life. But I wasn't going to show fear... not now.

"Who did this to you?" Miko dared to ask.

"Don't play dumb with me..." I answered darkly. Suddenly I felt tremors in the ground again.

{"They're here..."} I whispered.

I didn't want to run, I can't run. I had to though, so I still tried. I wanted to fight back, but I can't. It's five giant robots against one of me. The odds are against me and so is the world apparently. Don't get me wrong, I can still kick their tailpipes in if I really wanted to, but I'm too weak to even try, let alone succeed. I have no choice...I NEED to run.

Miko wanted to follow her, but Bulkhead held her back. "She's not going to trust you Miko. She thinks we're with the Decepticons."

"But we're not!" She insisted.

"I know...but she doesn't know..." Bulkhead simply answered.

They just watched as the dragon ran away. It wasn't just a simple creature after all, it was intelligent. Almost human. Could it have been?

"BULKHEAD! Aw, Scrap! Why did you let it get away?!" Arcee yelled.

"Her..." Bulkhead corrected her.

"What?" Arcee questioned.

"She thinks we're with the Decepticons..."Bulkhead began. "They tried to dissect her, but she escaped."

"No wonder she's so afraid of us... and she even attacked us." Ratchet confirmed. Bulkhead looked at Ratchet's Servos that had the scratchmarks.

"She did that?" He asked and looked at his servos again. "Yes, but it's just a scratch, nothing serious."

"There's still the matter of getting her to the base... From what I saw, she has a serious gash in her right shoulder." Ratchet stated. "She needs medical attention, or else she will die."

Optimus nodded in agreement.

.:"She's not letting anyone near her, though. How will we get her through the ground bridge?":. Bumblebee asked.

"Good question." Arcee agreed.

"I have a plan, but it'll require Optimus to sit really still and some psychology." Bulkhead told his teammates.

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