Something is better than Nothing.

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After my run in with Mr. Itchyfingers, I decided to take refuge in the underbrush. I was still dizzy from the impact and my wound split open again from me running on all fours. My shoulder was pounding, but I apparently wasn't even allowed a single wink of rest! What's worse? These robots keep popping out of nowhere like mushrooms! They're everywhere!

As I keep an eye on the Yellow one, I feel the ground shaking.

["You've got to be kidding me...There's more of them?!What have I Disturbed a nest somewhere?!"] Sure enough, as if to answer my question, two more bots show up.

A big, green, Bulky looking one and a White and Orange one. The latter looking as if it took an ambulance apart and is wearing the parts like an armour.

They seemed to be worried with why the yellow one is rubbing its leg.

["Did I hurt it? No, Don't be so silly...I'm the one with the skull-splitting headache here!"] Last time I had to improvise with a shock collar and hope to the higher powers that it would work or turn Doc-Knock's sawblade against him just to wound, er...damage him, just a little bit!

["Because of course they had to be ludicrously, tough."] I rolled my eyes at the thought.

["The Yellow bot's arguing with the white one, now's my chance to..."] I can feel the ground started shaking again and I quickly sink back into the bush, out of sight. When I finally see it approaching, I start pinching my nose in frustration.

["*sigh* this is getting ridiculous!"] A considerably taller robot approaches the other three. He towers over the other two, who only reach about right below his chest plate.

Yes, I'm seriously considering that I have disturbed a nest somewhere.

["And who in Blazes are you supposed to be?! Daddy Blue-legs?"] I inwardly snickered at my own question.

Having made sure the little one was fine. He calms down for only a moment, when suddenly the cave where I came from, collapses because of an explosion. The little yellow one suddenly transforms into a muscle car and speeds off into the direction of the explosion.

["You gotta be kidding me...are all the cars in this world like that?!"]The other two follow behind, save for the tallest one.

I mean, he was about to...until I shifted to sit down and give my legs a rest from crouching for so long. He must have seen the bush move or spotted me briefly! I freeze in place, praying inside my head with my eyes closed, that he would just chalk it up to woodland critters, or the wind and move on. Luckily for me, he did just move on.

["Phew, that was close"] I take a deep breath.

I didn't want to look back at them, for fear that he might feel me looking at them and double back for me.

After the Autobots rescued Arcee and left Starscream behind for the Decepticons...

"Where are you going? I'm not done Talking here! Take me with you!" Starscream begged right before the ground bridge opened.

Megatron just stood there at the opening staring down at Starscream with an overwhelming evil look in his eyes. The poor seeker wishing he was blind for real, just so he could escape it, but of course his prayers went unheard. Soundwave and Knockout, who was looking as smug as ever; came out beside their leader.

"Oh, look Megatron! They even went trough the trouble of gift-wrapping him with a couple bows for you, isn't' it thoughtful of them?" He sneered. Soundwave reached his tentacles out, wrapped Starscream up and held him for Megatron to have a closer look.

"Take him to the interrogation chamber; We have so much to talk about...Don't we Starscream?" Megatron never broke eye-contact with the sniveling seeker.

"Mercy, my lord!" Was all the Autobots outside could hear, before the ground bridge disappeared and the cave went silent.

"Thank the Allspark. I'm on Team Prime." Bulkhead shuddered.

.:You said it, Bulk!:. Bee answered.

Ratchet just huffed and entered. He scanned the cave for a bit, and sure enough; there were still a couple of crystals left behind. Not a significant find compared to what the Deceptions scored earlier, but they managed to load up Bulkhead's vehicle form's storage area to capacity.

Checking the time, Arcee noticed it was almost time for school to be over.

"Looks like we'll have to cut our little field trip short, Optimus. It's almost time to pick the kids up from school." She informed the Prime.

"Very well, our mission today has been a successful one; thanks to your efforts. You may head back to the base to drop the crystals off and go pick up your charges from school thereafter."

"But wait a minute, Optimus, what about the creature you saw earlier?" Bulkhead asked.

"Ratchet and I will stay behind and search the area for any signs of it. Something tells me that Starscream knew a lot more than he was letting on, and by the description of it, it does not seem to match any of the recurring fauna normally found in this area. It might even be alien in nature, and if this is true; it might be in great danger." Optimus explained.

The three younger bots drove through the ground bridge that Ratchet opened up for them, so they could make it back to base, only closing it back up when they made it through.

Prime opened up the holo-image of the creature up and Ratchet stared at it, feeling in the back of his Processor, that Bumblebee will not let him live down being wrong about the 'Blue Moose'. He scoffed.

"And how are we supposed to track down this thing?" He asked Prime.

Optimus looked over to the wooded area; "We start searching where we last saw it." He answered.

Ratchet looked over and just realised how vast the forest really was. ["*sigh* I'm getting too old for these field ops..."] He thought.

Like clockwork, the bots managed to reach the school before it ended. Raf was accompanied by Jack out the school doors. He joined Raf and Bee today as Arcee wasn't able to drop him off at school, since she had the mission this morning. Luckily June was off work today, but she would only arrive until later, as she wanted to cook up some food for the kids to eat at the base.

Bulkhead had to wait a while, since Miko had detention again for the 'who-knows-how-many-eth' time already. Raf looked at a dent in Bumblebee's armour, before hopping inside. "Uhm, Bee...What happened, is everything okay?"

.:"*sigh* Had a run in with a strange creature today...":. Bee answered.

"What kind of strange creature?" Raf continued.

Bumblebee explained what happened, and described the creature based on the image that Optimus showed them and what Starscream recounted.

.:"Don't worry, though it's a quick fix. I'll be fine":. He reassured to boy.

"I don't know..." Raf was still worried.

"What about Arcee, is she okay?" Jack asked.

.:"Oh yeah, only the cave entrance collapsed. You should have seen it; by the time we broke through the entrance, she had already had Starscream in stasis cuffs.":. Bumblebee answered. .:"Don't worry, Cee can take care of herself very well":.

Back at the base, Arcee finished moving the Crystals into the Energon Storage area, when Bulkhead commed her. "Hey Arcee, Yeah, Miko's in detention again so I won't be arriving with Bee and the Boys. Just letting you know, in case Prime asks."

"Alright Bulk, Thanks." She answered and heard the faint sound of Bumblebee's motor as he approaches the main area. "Speaking of the boys...they're here. Now it's just you and Miko."she closed communications with Bulkhead and went to catch up with Jack.

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