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"Okay, so here's the thing...For some time now, I haven't had a smooth relationship with my fellow man."

I broke out of the containment/laboratory facility (again) and ran into the cover of darkness trying to escape the hunters tasked with my recapture.

"Well, I can't blame 'em (almost) for being so scared in the first place! I mean, look at me!"

Running into the streets only to be fleeing the police, with gunshots ringing in the dead of night and bullets whizzing past my ears.

"In their eyes, I'm a monster! A freak! So, this is how Frankenstein's monster felt..."

I run into an alleyway only to wind up cornered. I get shot at some more, shielding myself with my wings out of instinct. That's when I discovered; bullets seem to bounce right off! What the fuck?!

"I seem to be a mishmash of monsters or animals or whatever..."

"What the?! Look out!" While they dodge the ricocheting bullets, I take my chance and run past the Police officers, who jump out of my way.

"But at the same time, I'm not! I'm still me; I just look different..."

The bullets nearly hit the officers, but they manage to remain unscathed.

"It could have ended there, but nooo..."

"How in the world?! What is that thing?!" They asked themselves, confused by what just happened.

" had to include freakish powers as well, didn't it?!"

The Hunters catch up, along with the scientist, and they box me in!

"Now I'm constantly being chased, captured and experimented on like I'm some kind of monster lab rat...THING!"

"Thank you officer for cornering Steelwing for us. Deploy the tasers!"He commands.


The tasers get deployed and I get hit, causing me excruciating pain but in a flash and a puff of smoke, I disappear...

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