Lab rat

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"...Recognising my expertise in the field (or as far as the other decepticons are concerned) Megatron's allowed me to conduct research on our little prisoner...Or should I say? Lab rat..." Knockout finished recording his latest addition to his logs, before he prepped the various tools he would use to conduct said research.

He made sure to have the creature secured onto the exam table, but armed with the knowledge that she could probably teleport out of her bonds, he had put what looked like an upgraded shock collar on her neck, just in case.

Once everything was set, he started taking notes of his observations before he got started with poking and prodding.

"Hmph, not much fun when you're in Stasis or whatever the fleshy equivalent is...oh, well...maybe you'll wake up when I start." He mumbled to himself.

["Nah, I'm still alive... question is, how?"] My head hurts, all I remember was everything going dark and numb, then nothing. Now I slowly started coming back to, but my back feels cold, as if I'm lying on a metal surface.

["No, duh! Everything in here is made of metal! By the looks of what I saw, I'mma guess I'm on some sort of alien Spaceship? Great...Well, at least that explains what why those robots acted more like living creatures than well; robots."]

["Wait, What's that?!"] My hearing started coming back as I heard something, but it was more like mumbling than anything. Also, something's touching me! My eyes flew open and I tried sitting up, but I couldn't, I was tied to a table or something! Knockout was poking me with his digits.

"*Gasp!* You, stop touching me!" I snapped at him. Fearful of my situation, but I kept a brave face as I stared him in the optics.

"Oh! Well now, Welcome to the world of the living! My name is Knockout, and I'll be your Doctor this evening."He chuckled.

"Not laughing..." I kept up an Icy tone with him as I scowled at him.

"Why thank you, I'm here every night..." He was being sarcastic.

"So, Frankenstein, what's with the setup?" Although I had a sneaking suspicion of what he might answer.

"I'm glad you asked, my little lab rat..." He cooed, trying to tickle me under my chin, I snapped at his digit, but I missed. ["Damn."]

"Megatron wanted me to find out more about you... you could make this easier on yourself and tell me how you were able to teleport back there? Pretty please?" He mocked by batting eyelashes that didn't exist anywhere on his faceplate.

["I'm gonna kill em!"] I thought as I snarled.

"Alright, since you've asked me so nicely..." I sugarcoated my tone as a sassy comeback.

"I'll show you instead!" I was trying my hardest to 'poof' out of my bonds, until I felt an excruciatingly painful shock travel up and down my spine several times and towards my various extremities, as if my whole body was catching fire! "AAAAAAAH!!! UGH...."

"Ooh, did I forget to tell you?" he teased. "How silly of me... I thought it'd put a collar on you, since you're not leaving here anytime soon and get this;" He pressed the button on a remote he was holding.

I screeched again out of pain. "Pretty neat, huh? You have humans and the disciplinary devices they use for their pets to thank for that one." he winked.

I breathed heavily as I glared at's at times like these that I wish that my stare could kill.

" tired already? But we're just getting started." He revealed the table with all the scary tools on it.

"Well, you can't say I didn't give you a chance to tell me out of your free will..." He stared at the tools as he pondered about which one he wanted to use first, then his discission fell upon a small (to him) device that looked like a pen or something...A precision tool perhaps?

"But, I'm not as cruel as I look... You still have some free choice in the way this procedure will be conducted." He continued.

"W-what Procedure?" I asked, fearing the worst.

"Well, you see; I've been doing my share of research on you fleshlings and I've found many similarities between the species on this planet and us cybertronians..." he explained.

I only listened.

"I won't go into too much detail, but I figured; what if...similarly to us, your abilities depend on certain organs?" He asked.

"I-I don't think that's how it works, I mean I can barely control it myself and you want me to explain to you something that I don't even know anything about?!" I frantically scrambled for an explanation.

"Like I said; you had your chance...But enough talk, which tool do you think is the most appropriate to get your 'chest' I believe it's called, open? This?" He tested the tool on a piece of scrap metal that looked about two, maybe three centimeters thick and I could see the thing emitting a laser that sliced clean through. Who knows what it'll do to my flesh?!

"NO, PLEASE!" I screamed.

"Oh? Already made your choice, huh? Well, Okay...just for you, little one..." His servo got switched out for a ridiculously scary looking circular saw.

"OH, HELL NO!!!" I yelled as I felt my eyesockets almost spit my eyes out.

"Too late..." He smiled, revealing his dentas. As he lowered his saw closer and closer to me. ["I didn't even know robots had teeth?! Wait, what am I thinking about? I should be trying to escape!"]

Not wasting my breath in screaming for help, as I doubt any of these guys are kind-hearted anyway and started tugging at my bonds as hard as I could. To no avail, but I still tried.

I almost ran out of time, when with one forceful tug, trying to fold my leg to instinctively kick at the threat, I managed to slip my foot out from under the strap and kicked his arm hard enough that the saw sliced a bit into and left a big ol' scratch job on his chest plate!

"Aaaarggh!" He howled as he turned the saw off.

My eyes were closed so I could concentrate on escaping, but when I heard the saw fly off course and heard an ugly scratching sound, followed by a pained howl come from above me, I dared to peek and saw the Doctor of doom standing there in shock clutching his chestplate, with a slackjawed, yet pained expression.

It took him only a few seconds to come back to reality and looked down on the damage I made him do to himself. I saw scratchmarks on his chest plate, but there was also a spot where it cut a bit deeper and it started to bleed this blueish liquid...stuff... {" he bleeding? Naw can't be...he's a car-robot...thing, right? Probably sliced his coolant tank open or something..."]

But I didn't get the chance to dwell on it, as his expression darkened. Nowhere near as scary as the one cosplaying as 'The shredder' but yeah...I'm not sleeping tonight, who needs sleep anyway? Hah-hah...

"I... just... BUFFED THAT!!! NNRAAAGH!" He thundered, and he turned the saw back on and started punching at the table with it, desperately trying to slice me up, probably into bloody viscera...I dunno, just throwing that out there.

Freaking the hell out now, I twisted, turned and wormed my way in all sorts of shapes just to avoid Dr. Rampage's Pizza slicer! The bot must have been seeing red now (pun intended) cause he foolishly sliced open my bonds as he raged.

Noticing what he's done, he focussed better on what he was doing, (not by much) and rammed the saw straight at me, going for my chest, like he promised he would. I must have miscalculated my dodge, for the saw still managed to brush my shoulder and left a large gash that left me bleeding quite a bit from that wound.

"AAAARGH!" I curled to my side, clutching at the wound, trying to get it to stop bleeding. The table was covered in that blue stuff... so was I. Yuck! Who knows what that stuff really is, and some of it even got into my wound! Grabbing my shoulder and forcefully turning me back over on my back, he glared at me with those crimson orbs of horror.

"Serves you right, Fleshy! Now, Let's finish the Job!" He raised the saw up once more; it's blade still covered in my blood and splattering it everywhere. One last idea sprung to mind when I saw it.

["Here goes nothing..."] I quickly lifted my neck towards the evil piece of machinery, and the collar was sliced off, got caught on one of the saw's teeth and was flung right into the motor that made it spin, stopping it long enough to distract him as I used my tail to grab the remote off his other servo.

"Payback time..." I said and pressed the button. I didn't think the current was going to be strong enough to hurt him, but he's made of metal, so might as well.

"GAAAAAAH!!!!" He screamed and almost fell completely, but he grabbed the edge of the table. Good thing the table was attached well to the ground, or else he would have taken me with him.

Catching his breath (if these things even breathe) he lifted his optics to meet my eyes... "That was...pretty smart of you." He gasped.

"Size isn't"I replied.

He grinned as he tried grabbing me and I ducked, tossing the remote up. He pressed the button by accident which started the collar again. And true to nature, his joints sinched up and he couldn't let go of the thing. Knowing it might run out of juice sooner or later, I bolted for the door.

But as soon as I got to it, surprise, surprise; Megacreep shows up!


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