Play Cube!

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After making sure he braced the tree he crashed into earlier, Optimus Prime requested a Groundbridge leading back to the base and transformed, awaiting for Zucky to climb in.

When she tried to board the truck, Miko pulled her by the arm down back to the ground;

"You're coming with ME! Spill it, and spare NO juicy details!" The human girl demanded.

"We're all going to the same place anyway..." Zucky shrugged.

"But I missed out, and you're the one you saw it all!" Miko whined.

"Fine, I'll tell you..." The dragon replied, which made Miko's face light up and start a victory Air-guitar Solo.

"But, only once we made it back home. That way the others can hear it too." Zucky gave her condition, which earned a loud long groan from the girl.

"After all; sharing is caring, Miko!" Zucky smiled and waved before the door closed. "See you on the other side!"

Miko harrumphed and stomped back to Bulkhead, who was secretly sniggering at her reaction. "Very funny..."

Once at the base, the kids climbed onto the platform, to give the bots room to move, as Ratchet prepared to give the bots a quick once over, just in case trackers were planted. Once that was done, he tended to Prime to check for damages.

Zucky meanwhile, shared the action with the three humans, with a bit of help from Bee as well. -The bots listened in as Ratchet did his once over on Prime.

.:"You should have seen it: Breakdown was all; "PRIME!" and charged him to the ground! So there was this huge tussle on the ground, but Prime tossed him off and started hammering away like; 'BANG, CLANK, KTANG!' And that sent the Con running for cover!":. Bee excitedly explained.

"You were pretty cool yourself, Bee! This bot's a one-punch-Knock-out Machine!" Zucky added. "He went; 'POW!' and Frankenstein was out like a light!"

.:"Oh, yeah!":. Bumblebee showed off his jabs.

"And was pretty much when you guys arrived." Zucky pointed out when Bulk and Cee showed up.

"Hmmm, Sounds like an eventful day out." Arcee said.

"What do you mean, eventful? The fight wasn't even that long to begin with." As colorful and complete with sound effects as the tale was, Miko was still disappointed. "Who even plays hide-and-go-seek anymore? What are we? five?!"

Bulkhead nudged Miko and scowled. "Miko, That's not nice."

Miko's words had made Zucky upset. "Well, Sorry I'm not eager to get myself killed, Miko...but no matter where I go, trouble always seems to follow me. I'm like a living magnet for it. And because of that, I could never have a normal childhood growing up...Can't I at least have these moments please?"

Miko felt horrible for her selfish act, and started rubbing her arm. "Sorry... I forgot. But why didn't you tell me?"

"One, you were at school. Two, I don't have a means to do so, and three: Do you seriously expect Prime to put you in danger that way?" Zucky replied. "Also; I still don't understand why Knockout was covered in barnacles, seaweed and smelled of rotten fish."

"Hmmm...that is a good observation indeed Zucky, because he prides himself over his well-kept Armor." Prime answered.

"Uhh, Maybe he was trying to disguise his looks?" Bulkhead suggested.

"Isn't that what his vehicle mode is for?" Arcee answered.

"I mean, disguise from us? We would know it's him, so he decided to change his looks a little you know?" Bulkhead continued.

Optimus Prime's unusual ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now