Seeing things...

552 23 11

"*GASP!*" I sat upright really quickly when the 'dream' was over....or was it a dream? The voice clearly stated that it...'he' is real. ["Who is he?!"]

I was hyperventilating again, surely I must be going insane! Why do these things keep happening to me? What are they for?! ["Why won't anyone just tell me the truth, DAMNIT!"] This was really getting frustrating now.

["I'm not a flower, I'm not a porcelain doll, I AM A DRAGON!"] As these words crossed my thought, I caught myself off guard when I snarled. 

I stopped immediately when I remember it might be really early in the morning and this place isn't exactly soundproof. Looking around, I noticed someone bent over the desk on the other side of the room. I stood up and quietly tip toed over to the railing to have a better look, and realised it was Ratchet. He wasn't moving though...was he there the whole night, and fell asleep at some point at the table?

I climbed down  and walked over to him, he was resting his forehelm on top of his crossed arms. I could see his faceplate, yep...out like a light. Scrap, where's Miko when you need her? This would have been such a cute picture to take. But, I'd rather live the rest of my life, thank you.

I stood there for a minute or two, before scurrying on my tippy toes over to my bag, grabbing my drawing utensils, coming back and spending the next 5 minutes making a rough sketch of Ratchet's sleeping faceplate. ["I might not survive after today... and if I don't, it would have been totally worth it anyway!"]

When I was done sketching, I got up and went to put them away, before Doc Ratch wakes up and finds me there. Next, I got my things and went to the bathroom to freshen up. It was a good thing too, because as I was about to get ready for a shower, I could hear his pedsteps going down the hall, probably gone off to refuel or something.

["Cutting it close, Steelw...ZUCKY!"] I thought. I was reminded of what the mysterious voice said last night. 

["Again with that name!"] I huffed in thought. "*sigh*"


In the mean time, the bots have woken up  and went to pick up their charges and drop them off at school. 

"Good Morning Bee!"

.:"Hiya, Raph!":. Bumblebee warbled.

"How's Zucky doing?" The boy asked when he climbed into the musclecar.

.:"She already fell asleep by the time I came back to the base":. The bot beeped. "She woke up early this morning to get clean and groomed, so I couldn't ask her how she was doing. But that she got up so early is a good sign, right?"

"I guess so, if she stayed asleep for a lot longer would mean she was either very tired or still in so much pain she doesn't want to move." Raph explained. "Having burned skin isn't very fun at all. Everything hurts you, even the clothes you wear."

:."Kinda like Metal burn?":. Bee asked.

"Does metal burn keep stinging until it gets fully healed?" The boy asked.

.:"Oh, yeah.":. Bumblebee answered.

"Well I guess it is kinda like Metal burn" The boy confirmed.

.:"Ouch...":. Bee Beeped. .:"Well, you're here. Have fun, buddy!":.

"Thanks Bee! See you after school!" Raphael climbed out of the car and waved at Bumblebee who honked before riding off.


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