Cortical Psychic Patch part 2

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Wishing not to undergo the embarrassment Knockout did, Megatron took on a third person view of the events that transpired at the mines that day.

All of Kaon broke loose when the Autobots attacked, so the cons had to rapidly switch from mining to fighting as they desperately tried to fend their enemies off so they could escape with whatever they had acquired. Breakdown had opened up a ground bridge for Starscream and a few vehicons to escape through, and Knockout tried to follow suit, but almost got shot!

Transforming he passed by the two spectating cons as he sped off in the opposite direction of the incoming blasts. Future Knockout didn't know where to put his faceplate as his lord watched him run away instead of fighting back, as he shrunk in anticipation of what Megatron's reaction might be.

The Aston Martin pushed the pedal to the metal to quickly reach the bridge, but Bumblebee got in his way. He snarled for the Scout to get out of his way as he kept going, thinking he could either mow him down or knock him out of the way.

But the yellow Autobot didn't oblige and managed to grab hold of the red car's front bumper, and whilst digging his heel struts in, he managed to successfully skid Knockout to a halt! Megatron's Optical Ridge raised a bit as he observed the little scout in the field, most likely taking notes for future battles.

The medic right next to him, however, was hoping to Primus himself that the warlord would grow bored of this particular memory and skim past it. Even though he knew Megatron wasn't going to, probably.

Past Knockout wasn't going to give up that easily as he kept pouring it on the acceleration; but so wasn't Bumblebee as he pushed the red car back, grabbed him underneath the front bumper and flipped him over backwards violently!

Knockout was sent flying backwards, because the scout put his back strut into that throw, but the Aston Martin landed though, he transformed back to bot mode and landed on his peds, to avoid damage. Future Knockout had almost forgotten about this part of the memory, he was feeling pretty proud of his agility, but it didn't last long, because the part he dreaded has come.

He saw his past self charge towards the Autobot scout, but stopped halfway and started holding his helm in pain!

["Oh, Scrap..."] He thought. ["It has begun!"]

Bumblebee had his blaster trained on his target, but wasn't shooting. He must have been caught off guard, but was still being careful in case the Con medic was faking it. Past Knockout blamed Bumblebee for his helmache, claiming that the yellow bot was making the horrible sounds he was hearing, but the scout had no idea what he was going on about.

Megatron being a spectator didn't hear anything, but was curious to know and briefly shared minds with the past Knockout, just so he could sample the sound he claimed to hear. Megatron soon regretted it; he felt it scraping away at his very spark and quickly cut the connection before his processor started melting!

"AAAARGH! What was that?!" The warlord asked his medic.

"I don't know...I believe it must have been that dragon again." The red bot answered him.

"So, the audial connection wasn't completely severed after all..." Megatron thought out loud as he rubbed his ringing audials to ease the pain.

Turning their attention to the memory, they noticed Past Knockout's voicebox started glitching out in a very unusual way; violently blipping erratically for no apparent reason!

The future medic noticed Megatron looking at him in the corner of his optics. ["Why couldn't the earth just swallow him now and get it over with?!"]

The Con medic roared for Bumblebee to stop whatever this new torture method was, and got up; tripped the Autobot with a sharp kick, before he equipped his Energon Prod and went to town on the poor scout with it, emphasizing his every word with a shock to the yellow bot's system.

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