Dragon's first flame

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"So, for all we know, she could very well be suffering from PTSD, because of him." Nurse Darby concluded.

"That's hard to say June..." Ratchet had something else in mind, something that this situation mirrored all too well, but he was afraid to admit it... he only hoped it was not that.

"Speaking of the Con, I have been seeing him in mind..." I showed them my latest drawing. "At least, this is what I see."

June picked up the sketchbook and gave me a worried, but understanding look.

"Look Zucky, you've seen and been through way too much in a very short period of time..." She began.

Zucky lifted a hand up in a 'stop' gesture. "Sorry, but I have to stop you right there. I know you think I'm just traumatized, and I can understand why you think that, but I'm pretty sure whatever is going on inside my head right now, is not normal."

The nurse nodded. "I know, but you need help..."

"Yeah... We'll just take a quick trip to the Therapist and have them sort this out." Zucky had a grim tone.

June was just about to agree with her, when she realised what showing up to the Therapist's office will look like with a Furry Blue dragon. She dragged a hand across her face tiredly and sighed.

"How can we even be sure if this is real or not, whatever it is...?" Nurse Darby asked.

"Well, lately I've been feeling like I'm in two places at once..." Zucky began. "Like, even now, I feel like I'm at another...hold on; an... 'energon mining operation'? Something like that?"

Prime and Ratchet looked at eachother and quickly the medic started looking for exposed energon crystals. Shortly after he began searching, he came across a signal.

"By the Allspark..." His Optics widened.

The Autobot leader quickly left the medical bay and headed to the common room.

June finished up the bandage work and Ratchet helped them off the berth afterwards. He then headed after Optimus to man the groundbridge.

"Autobots; The Decepticons have found another deposit of Energon crystals. Transform and Roll out!" He was in a hurry to get there before the Cons had a chance to get away with all the crystals, but also anxious to find out if what Zucky was experiencing was as real as she was making it sound, or as Nurse Darby said, all in her head, due to trauma.

When the teens noticed the bots leaving, Miko true to form; hopped off the stairs and made a Beeline to the groundbridge portal.

"Miko, come back!" Jack yelled as he tried grabbing her by the wrist but missed.

"Oh boy, Bulkhead's gonna be pissed." Raf worried.

The girl sprinted as fast as she could to the portal, and in the corner of her eye saw Ratchet pulling the lever back to the 'off' position.

["No problem, I've done this a million times already."] She thought.

Miko was almost home free when her sight was suddenly obscured by Ratchet's Pede landing in her way in a rather forceful 'thud'.

This knocked her off her feet and she landed slumped over the bot's pede. "Hey, Watch it!"

"I did." He answered smugly.

When she pushed herself back onto her own feet, she saw just when the portal disappeared.

Miko was going to kick Ratchet's toe, but missed when the bot lifted his pede away to walk back to the console, and she fell over.

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