Stealth and Survival

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Ratchet finished closing the bridge and made sure all was still well with the transmissions of the collar. "So far so good."

"Optimus to Ratchet, do you read?" Prime's voice came through the commlink.

"Ratchet to Optimus, loud and clear. The collar's transmissions are still steady as usual, and I have a visual on all of you." The doc-bot answered.

"Copy. Keep radio communication to a minimum. We don't want the Decepticons noticing our presence aboard. Over." Optimus silently gave orders to his team and they moved out, in search of their ally. Swiftly and silently taking down guards along the way when needed. Ratchet had given them the location to the laboratory with the help of the map, before they bridged onto the ship.

However, without the Autobots noticing, the kids were aboard the ship as well, armed with a tracking software Raf had programmed on his phone. They were following the signal that the collar was transmitting, believing it to still be on Zucky's neck.

Ratchet noticed the kids were being very silent at the moment. He turned to face them. "Don't worry, Team Prime will deliver our friend from the clutches of Megatron. You can count on...? Where are the kids??" He panicked when he noticed it was only Nurse Darby standing there and no sign of the children. She looked around. "Oh? Oh-No..." Seeing that even their favorite hangout spot was empty, it could only mean one thing; "T-they're aboard the ship!"

"Oh, for the love of Solus Prime..." Ratchet pinched his enstrill. "And I can't break radio silence now. Prime and the others are on a stealth mission."

Ratchet quickly weighed his options, knowing that the safety of the children was paramount, but also aware of the delicate situation with the Decepticons. He couldn't risk compromising the Autobots' mission, but he also couldn't leave the kids unprotected on the Decepticon ship.

"Nurse Darby, stay here and monitor the communications. I'll track down the children and ensure their safety," Ratchet instructed, his voice firm with resolve.

June nodded in understanding, her expression reflecting her concern for both the children and the Autobots. "Be careful, Ratchet. And bring them back safely."


With a determined nod, Ratchet opened up the groundbridge set off through the corridors of the Decepticon ship. With the bridge closed behind him,  his sensors started scanning for any sign of the children. Pretty soon he picked up the frequency emitted by their cellphones and he moved swiftly and silently, his processor calculating the best route to their location without alerting the Decepticons to his presence.

Meanwhile, the children moved cautiously through the ship, their eyes fixed on Raf's phone screen as it displayed the signal from Zucky's collar. They navigated through the corridors with a mixture of fear and determination, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they searched for their friend.

Suddenly, Raf's phone emitted a soft ping, indicating that they were getting closer to the collar's signal. They exchanged glances, their excitement mounting as they realized they were nearing their goal.

But their elation was short-lived as they rounded a corner and came face to face with a group of Decepticon guards. Panic surged through them as they scrambled to find cover, their minds racing with fear.


Back at the Autobot base, June monitored the communications anxiously, her heart pounding with worry for the safety of the children and the Autobots alike. She knew that every moment was crucial, and she prayed that Ratchet would find the children before it was too late.

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