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Next morning, Miko reluctantly went to school, but she might as well have not gone anyway. She was absent minded as she thought about Zucky the whole day. ["Is she going to be fine? Did she wake up yet?"] Miko wanted to be there, front and center when that dragon wakes up! The girl did her best, or as much as she possibly could, just to avoid detention for that very reason.

It was easier said than done with her mind almost completely distracted as it was. She managed to survive math class, next was history class...["Blegh!"] At least in this class she could take a break from actually paying attention, because the teacher always went on long tangents with facts and listing about each and every detail of events that happened in each year that he knew!

She blended right in anyway, as the eyes of just about everyone in class glazed over after a while every time. When the teacher asked them to flip to the next page, she reluctantly obliged as the teacher 'very briefly' wanted to touch on the subject of myths and legends of the past. Miko was trying to distract her mind with other things, when she was met with an illustration of a knight fighting off a dragon.

The knight was about to win the fight as he had already punctured the beast's neck with the sword he was wielding. When the girl saw this, she felt a pang in her heart. Normally she'd gush over such images, but right now she is not in the mood, and worse having a friend who is a dragon and on top of that injured herself, is not helping at all!

Before the idea crossed her mind to start vandalizing the image with her marker and poking holes in the thing out of pure rage, she flipped the page, covered the book with her notebook instead for good measure, and started doodling around her notes to take her mind off.

Not that she was feeling very inspirational either. She remembered the first day she met Zucky; The creature mistook Bulkhead reprimanding her for sneaking out through the groundbridge, as him attacking an innocent human bystander.

Zucky jumped in between Miko and Bulkhead and Fiercely defended the girl, a total stranger; from a Giant Metal Titan that could have easily crushed the creature's bones between his digits if he chose to do so.

One thing she never got over is the dragon's diminutive size. But that never held her back...heck, she single-handedly gave 4 Giant robots a run for their energon and then some; sending team Prime on a wild dragon chase before they finally managed to catch her!

The girl had to chuckle when she remembered the wild adventure Zucky experienced trying to escape the decepticons. Later she demonstrated how she did that, on Bulkhead when she was given the green light for her healed up shoulder.

This also reminded Miko how she promised Zucky they'd go off-road and hang out with Bulkhead some time. ["As soon as you're better."] she sighed softly.

The bell rang and it was time for recess, so she quickly picked up her stuff and left the classroom.

In the hall she met with Jack and Rafael who were talking.

"Hey Miko." Jack cautiously greeted, remembering yesterday.

"Hi guys..." Miko sighed as she opened up her locker to put some things away.

She was definitely not the wild and energetic friend they knew. They didn't want to push any more conversations further out of her, so they just gave her space and finished up whatever they were doing in their lockers as well.

Miko then broke the silence herself once she gathered herself. "Any word from your mom?"

Jack closed his locker. "After you left, the only thing she told us was that she's going to do her best. She came back home very late last night, I tried asking her how it went, but she asked me to leave it for today. I know she's off work today but she went out very early to run some errands. I didn't even get the chance to ask her any more questions. She'll probably be at the base later, so we can ask when we get there."

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