Rescue Mission

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After a long all-nighter, Soundwave retired from his work to rest and recharge. He left everything as is, and after logging out he made a mental note of where everything was before climbing into his recharging chamber to rest. The Collar that he had removed from Zucky's neck was left in a locked container out of sight. After all, he had ensured that the device would no longer be able to transmit any signals.


"Care to share with the class, Ratchet?" Arcee noticed Ratchet had the 'Gears are turning' expression on his faceplate.

Ratchet was snapped out of his thoughts. "I'm not even sure it's going to work."

 "Our audials are open to ideas Ratchet. No matter how unlikely it's chances of success, we'll find a way to make it work." Optimus was willing to try anything at this point.

"Well...Remember a while ago when Agent Fowler needed our help transporting that Prototype energy source?"

"Oh! Uh...What was it called again?" Bulkhead scratched his helm, trying to remember the name, though he knew what Ratchet was talking about.

.:"Dingbat?":. Bumblebee offered to help, even though he wasn't too sure of this random word either.

"No, it's Dingus." Arcee corrected him.

Ratchet vented and facepalmed. "It's Dynamic Nuclear Generation System, but nevermind the name! What I'm referring to was when MECH realised the device was not inside Optimus' Trailer. The children suggested I'd groundbridge them onto the moving train, which at first I did not agree with, considering what could happen if it all went horribly wrong. It's nearly impossible to fix ground bridge coordinates on something moving at the speeds that the train was traveling at; 90 miles per hour. However, Raf managed to get access to the train's coordinates in real time. And that was what did the trick."

"I see where you're going at with this, Ratchet. However, we lost connection with Zucky's collar..." Optimus remembered. "Soundwave most likely deactivated it as soon as they came aboard the ship."

Ratchet nodded. "True, but that doesn't mean we can't hack our way into its system, does it?"

The Autobots were confused. "I don't follow..." Bulkhead shook his helm.

"Humans call it a; Plan B." Ratchet walked over to the computer module and started typing in lines of code that Raf once shared with him. "By manually reactivating it, we might be able to get a signal through."

Arcee approached and looked over at the screen. "And you are positive that the device will be able to transmit from  30,000 feet in the air, and moving 500 Miles per hour?"

"Please, if Rafael can do it, so can I." Ratchet finished punching in the code and hit enter.

As the computer was activating the code, the Autobots  waited for the results with baited vents.


In the silence of the room, amidst the ambient sounds of the decepticon ship, Soundwave has fallen into a deep resting state. He had exhausted his energy relentlessly searching for answers and now it was taking its toll. In the corner, the collar locked away in the box, although slightly damaged, tapped into the limited quantity of energy stored away in the battery that was installed in it before it was first placed on Zucky's neck. It seems to come to life, transmitting a barely noticable signal.

The dragon in question's ears perked up. She noticed a familiar sound. A sound she hasn't heard for a while, though she couldn't put a finger on what made it. It always seemed to be there, until she came aboard this ship, and suddenly; gone. Until now.

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