How to trap your Dragon

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Optimus could only raise his optical ridge in confusion. "Sit still?" He asked.

"Yeah, uhm...Bulk, She already knows Optimus isn't a statue..." Even Miko didn't get what Bulkhead was getting at.

"Okay, I know this sounds very confusing now, but trust me on this one... it will work." He tried explaining. "Here's the plan..."

Optimus was asked to move to a secluded part of the woods, after carefully studying the map of the forest they were in. He was in his vehicle form, since he had to take Miko with him. Bulkhead and Bumblebee joined them as well to help out with this part of the plan.

.:"Okay, we're here, so...tell me again how are we going to disguise a Mint condition, long-nose semi-trailer truck, just sitting in the middle of the woods?":. Bumblebee asked.

"That's easy, we'll make him look like the perfect hiding spot!" Bulkhead answered.

"Oh, I get it! Like an old abandoned cabin that's been overgrown with plants?" Miko suggested.

"Perfect!" Bulkhead agreed. "So long as you don't mind, Optimus?"

"If it is required for the plan to come to fruition then I will gladly oblige." Prime answered.

"Great, just remain in your vehicle form, and we'll do the rest." Bulkhead explained.

It took them a while, but by placing old logs, rotting plant material, smearing mud and placing a few rocks for effect, Prime looked like an old rundown shack. To not make things too obvious, Bulkhead and Bumblebee pulled a few tree branches down to make it look more hidden and secluded, but not too much that she wouldn't be able to see it. Stepping back, they inspected their work.

.:"So, Optimus, how are you holding up?":. Bumblebee asked.

"I feel...very uncomfortable." Prime answered.

"It'll only be like that until we catch her, I promise." Bulkhead reassured his leader. "C'mon, let's get into position."

Miko had to stay behind with Prime to help him see if and when their target was approaching.

The Robots seemed to have left me alone. ["Maybe it was just that; they needed a good talking to."] Nah...That can't be it. ["In fact I wouldn't be surprised if I ran into one, right about..."]

*Bump!* "Ow!" I fell back on my rump and looked at what I walked into, while rubbing my sore nose. I must have been lost in thought. Because when I noticed what or rather who it was, I back-pedalled trying to get up from my vulnerable position, into a defensive one.

"You should really watch where you're going..." It was Bulkhead.

"You again! I thought I told ya to leave me alone!" I exclaimed.

"Believe me, I want to...but I can't leave you out here to die or to be exploited." He said in a serious tone.

I steeled my glare and readied myself as I stared him dead in the optics. We stayed like that for just a moment, before his servo dove down upon me. I sidestepped it and quickly climbed up his arm. He tried grabbing me, but I twisted around it to avoid his incoming servo and got on top of his shoulder pad and hopped and clung onto his faceplate while covering his optics with my hands. Instinctually he tried to pry me off his faceplate, so before his servo got too close I jumped up and he accidentally punched himself!

{"Arcee, you're up!"} Bulkhead whispered through his comm-link.

Gliding down the rest of the way, I started to run again, but when I rounded the corner, I came across a driverless motorcycle revving its motor at me. I bolted in the opposite direction with the bike hot on my tail. It was gaining on me, as I was obviously running out of stamina faster in my weakened state. Suddenly it transformed into that Blue robot I saw when I escaped Starscream!

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