Defiance in the Dark

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With everyone distracted, Ratchet slips out of the command room undetected. The Humans in one servo, and the other one equipped with his trusted dagger, the Autobot medic weaves through the chaos of battle to transport his patients to safety. At one point he almost got captured by the Vehicons again, the backup troopers that Soundwave desperately called over to take down Starscream. 

But thinking on his peds, the Medic quickly doubled back, not only leading the vehicons toward Starscream, but also managing to block them from following him to his own destination. As the sounds of blasters and servo to servo combat disappears farther and farther behind him, Ratchet manages to find a quiet room away from the chaos. 

He prepares to open up the Groundbridge, when he notices  a couple stuff falling out of the human's pockets. The kids always carry their cellphones with them, but he also saw the collar. The device still transmitting a signal back to the Autobot's base. He picks them up when he receives an incoming communication signal from his comlink and answers it. {"A little busy at the moment, Agent Fowler."}


"I know, I've been trying to reach you guys for a while now. Is everything okay, or does Uncle Sam need to get involved?" Agent Fowler had aerial support on standby in case the Autobots needed help. 

{"We don't need any more humans getting hurt, Agent Fowler...What we need now, is medical support."} Ratchet ended communication and remotely activated the groundbridge.

Fowler heard what Ratchet said and looked at his cellphone with a worried look on his face. "Oh no..." 

"Bill, What do you mean with 'Oh no'?" June demanded to know. But before Agent Fowler could answer, the Groundbridge opened and Ratchet came through with great urgency. "The Children are hurt." The government agent quickly called the military base, requesting an air ambulance.

Ratchet's words hung heavy in the air as he stepped through the Groundbridge, his expression grave with concern. June's heart sank at the news, her maternal instincts kicking in immediately. She rushed forward to meet Ratchet, her mind racing with worry for Jack, Miko and Raf.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice tight with anxiety.

Ratchet quickly filled them in on the situation, detailing how Soundwave had ambushed him, capturing both him and the kids. He explained how by the time he woke up, the Autobots were fighting the decepticons. Unfortunately the kids were caught in the crossfire, sustaining injuries in the chaos.

He hurries to the medbay, June and Fowler following as fast as they can, which was easier said than done. Ratchet's focus solely on getting his patients the help they needed. Together, the group hurried through the base, making their way to where the kids could be treated.

When they finally reached the medical bay, June's heart clenched at the sight of her son and his friends lying on the examination tables, battered and bruised but thankfully still conscious. After making sure the patients were situated, Ratchet helped June and Fowler onto the table as well, so they can help him take care of the humans. He has learned over time that he has no choice but to rely on the help of humans when it comes to treating injuries on their kind. 

"Mom?" Jack's voice was weak as he looked up at her, relief flooding his features at the sight of her. June rushed to his side, her hands reaching out to gently brush his cheek. "I'm here, sweetheart. Everything's going to be okay."

Miko groaned in pain, opening her eyes looking around in a daze. "Did we win?"

Ratchet was relieved when the kids started talking, a good sign indeed. "Bulkhead is pummeling those cons into a pile of scrapmetal as we speak~" He needed to keep her calm, so he reassured her.

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