Cheer up, Dragon!

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Almost an hour later, she heard the humming of engines making their way down the tunnel to the room she was in. Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee had returned from their daily patrol and picking the children up from school. Bulkhead being the noisiest out of the three, as he and Miko rocked out to some heavy metal songs of Miko's choice.

Though she couldn't see his face, Zucky could have sworn she felt Ratchet getting slowly aggravated by the chaotic noises that reverberated from the walls of the base, all the way into his processor through his audials.

Her ear drooped as she clung more closely to the railing she was holding onto, trying her best to melt into the background.

But lucky enough, Bulk knew to cut it off as soon as he assumed his bot mode, otherwise it would have been ten times louder! Miko didn't think it was cool at all to cut out in the middle of the good part of the song, though.

Bumblebee and Raf were conversing the whole way back to base, from what Zucky could tell. He's apparently the youngest out of all the bots, which makes sense why he and Raf would get along so well. There was always something special to these two, how Raf understood Bee's warbling, but somehow the other two humans couldn't. In fact Zucky was curious to know what Bee's story was, why he speaks the way he does and not with a speaking voice like the other bots do.

Arcee and Jack partook in casual converstation as well, but the femme was a bot of few words. Brooding and mysterious (at least towards her) from what Zucky was able to gather so far. She still wasn't able to approach the femme, because she had a feeling this one didn't quite like her for some reason, so she left her alone for the most part. The last thing she wanted was to piss her off.

["Nope, this dragon has enough life struggles as it is, thank you."] Zucky thought as she carefully watched the blue bot from afar.["I have to try and break the ice with her some time, Just's not the time."]

After a moment or two after the three teen's guardians returned with their charges, Zucky heard the distinct sound of a Big Rig's engine traveling down the tunnel into the base. Making it to the end of the tunnel it stopped, hissed and then transformed into the large red and blue bot that is the leader of the other four.

He greeted his fellow autobots and their human companions, as he carefully made his way deeper into the room, watching his step; as the teens were still down below on the concrete floor of the base.

After making sure he was up to speed with any progress that Ratchet may have made, he just realised he hasn't seen or heard Zucky at all.

Turning his attention to the teens again, but he didn't see her; so he scanned the platform until he spotted a tiny figure making a sad attempt at waving at him.

He walked over to her with a curious look in his optics.

By the time Prime finished greeting everyone, the dragon's eyes had glazed over as she continued staring ahead after a deep sigh.

Only to be shaken out of it when the bot started walking again. The 'thuds' of his heavy pedsteps sending vibrations that traveled up the platform and through the railing to which she was leaning against.

He doesn't seem to have noticed her presence. Well, at least her 'sinking into the background' plan had worked perfectly; even though it was meant for Ratchet.

Her gaze was now set on Optimus instead of Ratchet, but this one seemed to notice a lot quicker compared to Doc-bot. To be fair, he wasn't distracted with work, but still.

It wasn't too long before he turned around and scanned the base, as if he was looking for something...or someone. Soon enough, he seemed to be looking in her direction, but didn't quite see her yet, so she lifted one of her arms and failed at an attempt to wave at him, but at least it got his attention.

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