Starscream's Unexpected Playdate

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"Come in Optimus, something's not right. Zucky just contacted me via Bumblebee's Commlink to close the Spacebridge portal. No one came through, is everyone...?" Ratchet's concern rang out through Prime's commlink.

Megatron laughed. "It's as if me and my Decepticons share a single hivemind, doesn't it Prie You see Optimus, even if you restrain me or put an end to my spark. Decepticons across the universe will always fight for our cause. Carrying out my will, even from the great well of allsparks."

Optimus's optics narrowed as Megatron's words echoed through the chamber. The Decepticon leader's arrogance knew no bounds, his belief in his cause unwavering even in the face of defeat. But Optimus knew better than to underestimate his enemy's resolve.

"Ratchet, we're still here," Optimus replied firmly, his voice cutting through the tension in the air. "But it seems Arcee and Bumblebee have run into a decepticon shifter. Keep the ground bridge closed and stand by for further orders." 

Meanwhile, Arcee and Bumblebee continued their fierce battle against Makeshift, their movements fluid and precise as they worked together to subdue the shapeshifter. With each strike and parry, they drew closer to victory, their determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against them.

Zucky watching from the sidelines knew there had to come an end to the fight. She wracked her brain for a solution. Looking at the security camera feeds from all over the ship, she saw a glimpse of the real Starscream locked up in a cell. An idea sparked in her mind, and hands started dancing across the keyboard once again, entering a new command code. Just as she hit the enter button, the unthinkable happens.

Makeshift shot an energon blast that ricocheted off a wall and went straight for the command panel, blowing it up. The blast knocked her off the computer and she skidded across the floor when she landed.

.:"Zucky, NO!":.Bumblebee cried out when he saw this, and the rage that welled inside him got redirected straight at Makeshift. This caught Arcee off guard until she noticed what happened. "No!" She ran to Zucky's side to check if their friend was still alive.

The blast had left Zucky dazed and disoriented, she was momentarily unconscious as she lay sprawled on the floor. Arcee knelt beside her, her concern evident in every line of her frame as she gently checked for any signs of serious damage.

"Zucky, can you hear me?" Arcee's voice was laced with urgency as she tried to rouse her friend. "Stay with us."

Zucky groaned softly, her eyes fluttering as she struggled to focus. "I-I'm here," she managed to say, her voice weak but determined. "But the command panel... I couldn't..."

Arcee's grip tightened on Zucky's arm, her optics scanning the wreckage of the command panel with a mixture of frustration and determination. "Don't worry about that now," she said firmly. "We'll figure something out. Just focus on getting back on your feet."

As Arcee helped Zucky to stand and they hid behind the broken command panel, while Bumblebee continued his relentless assault on Makeshift, his anger fueling every strike as he fought to protect his friends. But despite their efforts, the shapeshifter proved to be a formidable opponent, his deceptive tactics keeping them on the defensive.

The dragon got back on her feet, leaning on Arcee's servo. She tried focusing her vision, looking around at the computers in the room. "Must...Press enter...Must...release...Starscream."

"Enter?" Arcee looked at the undamaged computers in the room. It seemed like the control panel that Zucky was using earlier was synchronized with another panel in the room.

"Release Starscream?? Why??" Arcee was confused.

"He's our only chance..." Zucky could barely keep her balance. It seems the blast really affected her.

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