Cabin Fever

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Zucky woke up well rested the next morning, stretching out, got ready for the day ahead and had some breakfast all quietly, as she didn't want to wake the bots earlier than they normally would have gotten up.

There was a new week ahead of them, and today she had to adjust to life around the bots for the most part as the human children were off to school and Nurse Darby was at work. So today it was going to be Ratchet's turn to check her shoulder and change the bandages if need be. The dragon was a bit worried about this, because of the ridiculous size difference; but she had to trust Doc-Bot.

It wasn't his first time dealing with delicate procedures, probably. No, that wasn't what worried her, what worried her was the stark difference between Cybertronian physiology and Organic physiology. Where he would have probably welded an open wound shut on a Cybertronian, the same logic wouldn't apply to living flesh. (Or any flesh for that matter)

Maybe she's just overthinking things...yeah, that's probably it. He's seen Nurse Darby do this many times over, he's bound to have understood the steps she took, right? Zucky was debating in her head whether or not she should offer to help with the smaller detailed work, like the wrapping of the bandages. Wouldn't want him to tie the things too tight and cut off the blood circulation to her arm!

Then it struck her how gentle these metal behemoths can really be when they have to; when she was out cold from exhaustion, they had to handle her body in order to get her into the medical bay, right? And even though, it was June who put the bandages on her, Ratchet was probably the one who was examining her injuries and vitals before the nurse got a chance to help least that's what she thinks happened. She was see-sawing between reality and fever dreams at that moment in time.

Her mind could have probably fabricated what she believed happened that day in the medical bay. She was lost in thought, mulling over the events that seemed to have merged into one heck of a confusing trip, that she didn't even notice Ratchet standing next to the platform.

"Good Morning, Zucky. I trust you had a peaceful recharge session, given by the fact that you didn't vocalize and/or tossed and turned throughout the night." Ratchet finally said.

The dragon flinched a bit and held a hand to her chest and another to her mouth so not to yelp. The medic noticed this and cringed a bit, anticipating a shrill shriek from the miniscule being, but it never came, so he vented in relief. He always hated it when humans scream... especially the females. It always hurt his audials.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you were still calibrating." Ratchet apologised.

"Cali...? Oh...I was more...lost in thought." Zucky replied. And yes, I did sleep well last night."

Ratchet walked around to the stairs of the platform and placed a servo for Zucky to climb on. "Is Knockout still bothering you?" he asked.

The dragon climbed on and sat down. "He won't anymore, I seemed to have effectively scared him off for now..." She answered.

Lifting her up to about Sparkchamber level, Ratchet started making his way to the medical bay. It was a relief to see he was doing a lot better now and that his back strut wasn't bothering him anymore.

"How so? You didn't leave the base last night." Ratchet asked as his optic ridge raised a bit with the question.

"No, of course not. I didn't have to; he came to me, in my dreams...again..." Zucky began to explain.

The medic still listened to her but kept his optics ahead, so he doesn't walk into anyone or anything on the way, as Zucky explained what transpired in her dream last night. It wasn't too long of a walk over to the medbay, so Ratchet deposited her onto the berth and started undoing her bandages after a quick overall scan.

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