Echoes of Steel and Sorrow

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Zucky struggled to stay awake, watching Soundwave. Nodding in and out of conciousness, her eyelids grew too heavy to keep open, until finally she gave away to sleep.

As Zucky drifted into sleep, her mind still churned with memories and fears. She hoped for a peaceful slumber, but her dreams were often filled with turmoil and echoes of her past traumas. Even in the unconscious realm, she found no refuge.

In her dreamscape, she found herself once again in a labyrinth of memories, each corridor echoing with the voices of scientists and the clang of metal instruments. She wandered through this maze, searching for an escape that seemed perpetually out of reach.

Meanwhile, Soundwave continued his vigil, his attention shifting between the screens displaying data and the sleeping form of Zucky. He remained silent as ever, his thoughts inscrutable behind his impassive visage. Yet, there was a flicker of something, a hint of curiosity perhaps, as he observed the dragon's restless slumber.

And so, the night persisted, with Zucky lost in her dreams and Soundwave keeping watch over her solitary confinement. Soundwave accessed Knockout's research files and studied them carefully. The fact that their medic was partaking in experiments on humans, didn't phase him one bit. He was only interested in anything that he could extract about this creature.

Soundwave keeps scanning the notes in the files for anything of interest. He stumbles upon what Knockout has been up to. It seems like he's been using the human experiments to better understand how the Dragon's DNA is put together. He's trying to decode it. Soundwave opens the file on the computer and looks at the codes Knockout has cracked so far. It seems he wasn't far off from finishing his work. 

Soundwave copies the file and transfers it to his own personal notes. He finished decoding the DNA in his own notes and saved the file for future reference. This provided him with countless new information about this creature. And to prove this, he needed to try a simple experiment he's been working on the side. 

Determined to test his theory, he typed a code into the console and this activated a small hidden device in the cage. Several small patches like electrodes were attached to Zucky's head and chest. He's seen this before in one of Knockout's files. They are used for what humans call 'sleep study'. A very antiquated equivalent version of the cortical psychic patch. Typing a few more codes into the computer, he activated the device and recorded the results in both audio, video and taking notes in his personal files.

As the night stretched on, Zucky's dreams grew more tumultuous, her subconscious mind weaving together fragments of her past and present into a surreal tapestry of fear and uncertainty. She found herself trapped in a labyrinth of corridors, each one reminiscent of the sterile hallways of the facility where she had been experimented on.

Every step she took seemed to lead her deeper into the maze, with no end in sight. The walls closed in around her, pressing in on all sides as if to suffocate her with their oppressive weight. Voices echoed in the darkness, taunting her with cruel laughter and mocking whispers.

Suddenly, she stumbled upon a familiar figure standing at the end of a corridor. It was Optimus Prime, his noble frame illuminated by a soft glow that seemed to emanate from within. Despite the chaos around her, Zucky felt a sense of calm wash over her at the sight of him.

"Optimus..." she called out, her voice barely a whisper in the vast emptiness of the dream world. The Autobot leader turned towards her, his optics warm and reassuring. "Zucky," he replied, his voice steady and comforting. "You are not alone. We are here for you, always."

With those words, a surge of strength coursed through Zucky's veins, dispelling the shadows that had threatened to overwhelm her. She took a step forward, reaching out to him with trembling hands. But before she could reach him, the dream began to unravel around her, fading away like mist in the morning sun. 

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