|5| Safe Keeping.

464 14 4

TW!; Masterbation mentioned! Smut ahead!
Group Chat

Pinky: How you doing Baku?

Tape Man: you haven't responded
to our texts..

Dumbass: u ok?

Kirishima: let the man be!
He will talk when he wants.

Me: thanks Kiri.
I'm fine..getting worse by the day.
I just want her to be home.

Pinky: we know..I miss my bestie :(

Dumbass: my Pokémon buddy :(

Tape Man: wrong anime Denki.

Dumbass: still :p

Tape Man:..okay then. I miss
how the group always used to get together and have fun :((

*Kirishima is typing*

Kirishima: I miss (Y/)go. :(

Me: the hell is (Y/)go?

Kirishima: your ship name :')

Pinky: RIP Kirishima

Kirishima: why?

Kirishima's contact name has changed.

Dumbass #2: ??

Tape Man: uhh-

Me: you all are idiots :D

All three: thanks?

Me: :3

Pinky: okay then..

Laughing, I put my phone down and rubbed my tired eyes.
Her little laugh played over and over in my head, making me excited for when she was back in my arms.
My mind wondered, and I felt my..little Bakugo, get excited.
"Not again..." I groaned.
I sat up and stared at my lock screen, which was (Y/N) in her robe.
"Mmm..maybe just this once" I sighed.
My hands glided down to my sweats, and made their way inside, brushing the tip of my length slightly.
I gasped, then wrapped my full hand around myself.
I pumped slightly slow, then gradually sped up, and my breaths turned into pants.
"Fuck" I groaned, laying back down and pushing my head into the pillow.
Images of (Y/N) flooded my head, and I pumped faster and faster.
After one last pump, I felt my hand become warm, being covered in my warm seed.
After putting my clean hand to my forehead.
I slid off my boxers and sweats, then got up to put them in a dirty laundry bag.
I've always hated doing that..makes such a mess..
I closed the door to the restroom and showered, cleaning myself off.
After I got out, I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair, then walked back to the main room.
Knock* Knock* Knock*
I groaned.
"The hell do you want?" I yelled, walking towards the door and opening it.
Four idiots trampled me, making me fall to the ground.
"BRO!" Ashido and Kirishima said as they laughed on top of me.
"Ha ha ha. NOW GET THE FUCK OFF!" I screamed.
Everyone got off one by one, until I got up and brushed myself off.
"What are you all doing here?" I asked.
"We..came by to offer our assistance!" Ashido said, putting her hands up.
"With the investigation and search! (Y/N) meant a lot to us too!" She pouted.
"So we will help!" Kirishima added, hitting his fists together.
"W-what about your agencies?" I said.
"They're helping out too! No villains are involved at the time, so it's safer!" Kaminari said.
Sero put his arm around him, and I tilted my head.
"We are here to help you with everyone we know!" Sero said.
"Thanks you guys. Means a lot that'd you come and help" I cried, my eyes watering.
"Is Bakugo about to cry!?" Ashido yelled.
I wiped my eyes.
"SHUT UP! You just ruined the mood you damn dumbass" I yelled.
They all laughed, until the search began again.
Your POV~
You took a shower, and put on the TV.
You put on some leggings and looked in the mirror.
You looked bloated, and not just a little, but it was noticeable.
It's normal to be bloated during pregnancy, but not this bloated..
You grabbed a bra, and began to put it on, when the wires began to hurt your breasts, since they were more sensitive than normal.
Sighing, you grabbed a sports bra and put it on.
Guess we'll chill in a sports bra.
You walked over to your bed, and your phone went off.
"Ms. (Y/N) Chisaki, Dr. Akito was unavailable today. I'm afraid she's on vacation. Sorry for the inconvenience!"
"That's fine! I'll make an appointment at a different time!"
"Alrighty. Have a good day ma'am!"
"You too!"
You hung up and pulled at your hair.
That's when a wave of good old nausea hit you.
Bakugo's POV~
"So..where was she last seen?" Kirishima asked as we talked at a table, steaming food laying in front of us.
"I swear I saw her yesterday at a store. But damnit! I wasn't sure enough! I doubted myself!" I yelled as I crunched up a napkin.
"You can't beat yourself up over it. We'll find her. Promise" Ashido said as she placed a hand over mine.
I sighed, before bringing my hands up to hold my head.
I closed my eyes.
"W-what if she's dead?" I asked abruptly.
I heard Ashido gasp.
"You shouldn't say that!" Kirishima yelled at me.
"I can't handle the thought..I can't bare to lose her..I'd go insane" I mumbled.
"She's alive. We will find her" Sero said.
I felt my eyes water, and I placed my head down on my arms.
Baby..come home..please come home.
"Well we know that if Bakugo found her in the city, she must still be here right?" Ashido asked.
"Right! So if we look at nearby hotels-"
"We might find her!" Kaminari finished.
"You might need some help."
I looked up from my arms and saw Deku, Icyhot, Yaomomo, Pink Cheeks, and more.
"Damn Deku?" I whispered.
"We know how much she means to you, so I thought we'd all help" he laughed.
"(Y/N) wasn't just our classmate" Icyhot said.
"Not just another person to beat" Pink Cheeks added.
"But our sister. Our mother of Class 1-A" Yaomomo finished.
I wiped my eyes.
"So we're here to help you search for her" Shoji said as he walked up.
"Thank you. Every last one of you. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart" I said.
"We are all in this..together" I heard someone else say.
I looked over and saw Aizawa walking towards me.
"Eraser?" I asked as I ran to him.
"She's my daughter. I love her, with everything I am. I'm not losing faith and I'm not giving up" he said.
"Thank you."
"Thank YOU for giving us a chance to help. I'm glad to see that you're healing up better" he added.
I put a hand to my chest.
"Let's go find us, our hero!" I shouted, setting off small explosions in my hands.
Aizawa's POV~
"Where are you going!?" Mic asked as I changed into my hero costume, putting on my scarf and goggles.
"I'm leaving. Are you coming with me, or not?" I asked, opening the door and taking one last look at Hizashi.
He scoffed.
"Where are you going?" He asked again.
"I'm going to Ching Chang City. I'm helping Bakugo look for our daughter" I answered.
He stared at me.
I shrugged, before walking out of the door.
I stopped.
"I can't go. Someone has to watch Eri.." He lied.
"No. You just can't go because (Y/N)'s dead right?" I snarkly replied.
He went silent, and I took it as my ticket to leave.
I walked to the train station, and my phone vibrated.

Hizashi(the man I married🤦)

Hizashi(the man I married🤦):
Shota..I'm sorry..
I don't know what to think. Is she dead? Is she alive? I don't know.

Me: you've made your choice.
Face the consequences.

I wiped at my eyes and entered the train.
Leaving Mic like that was a bit of a dick move..but it was best. Before we said something we'd both regret.
Present Mic's POV~
"Dad?" I heard a small voice squeak.
I looked at the door with blurry eyes and saw Eri standing there.
I wiped my eyes and put the picture frame I was holding down.
"What's wrong Eri?" I asked, standing up and walking towards the small girl.
"Where's other dad?" She asked.
"I-...he left..why do you ask?"
Eri looked down.
"I heard you two fighting earlier..again" she said.
"I-I'm sorry" I apologized.
"Why'd you do it?" She asked.
I looked at her, to see her red eyes staring at me.
"Do what?" I asked, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
"You said (Y/N) was dead" she said, her eyes watering.
"Do you actually believe that?"
I looked away, looking down at the ground.
"You shouldn't. When I got really really sick a few years ago, did you give up on me? Did you think I was gonna die? No! So why would you think your eldest daughter would just drop dead?! She's the strongest person I've ever met! And you're just giving up on her!" She yelled.
"Eri..." I said, my eyes watery.
"WHY WOULD YOU THINK IT'S OKAY TO THINK SOMEONE AS STRONG AS HER IS DEAD!?" She finished, tears running down her cheeks.
I didn't even know what to say.
Was I being unreasonable?
"She's not dead dad..I know she's alive! She has to be!" Eri yelled again.
I opened my mouth to speak, but I heard the door being unlocked.
"Dads?" I heard a familiar voice call out.
I looked up and saw Shinsou standing at the door, eyes staring at us.
"Shinsou?" I asked
"What are even doing here?"
"Aizawa..uh...he sent me here" he said.
"Brother!" Eri cried as she jumped into his arms.
"Whoa! Why are you crying Eri?" He asked.
"Dad..said things about sister.."
Shinsou turned his head towards me.
"What did you say?" He asked in a low voice.
"He said she was dead! Told Dadzawa that it was his fault she's dead" Eri told him.
"Really?" He said.
"Shinsou..I didn't-"
"Why would you say that dad?" He asked.
"I didn't know what to think..I love her..but..I don't know if she's even still alive" I said.
"Well she is. Hama said she saw her at the store a week ago" Shinsou said.
"Really?" I gasped.
"Really really. Now have some faith in her. She's the strongest person I've ever met. Both mentally and physically" he said.
"I-I will.."
"Now, I've gotta go back home. I'll see you both later" Shinsou said as he placed Eri back on the ground.
"Bye brother" she said, wiping at her eyes.
I walked towards Shinsou and wrapped him in my arms.
"Thank you my son" I said, eyes watering.
"Anytime dad. It's okay to be worried..but it's never okay to lose hope" he said.
Tears fell from my eyes and I hugged Shinsou tighter.
Aizawa's POV~
"You alright Eraser?" Bakugo asked.
"I'm alive" I replied.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Hizashi thinks (Y/N) is dead."
I looked at Bakugo, who looked shocked.
"What?" He asked as he stared at me.
"Why the hell would he think that? Only dumbasses think that!" He yelled.
"I don't know..he said it's been a month, and still no sign of her living" I said.
"She's alive. I can guarantee that" he said.
"Where is the place we are searching next?"
"The city next to this one. We have her trail, and looks like she's hopping cities. We have no idea where she will stay, but we will look around the stores" he replied.
"It's late, we should get some rest" I said.
"You go ahead, I'll do night patrol again."
"You haven't slept in weeks Bakugo, you need rest too."
"(Y/N) wouldn't want you to be restless because of her."
He looked at me, then sighed.
"Fine fine" he mumbled, before walking off.
I followed behind him.
Third Person POV~
Bakugo finally got some rest, proper rest. Aizawa and Mic were going their separate ways, are they beyond fixable?
Mic just got news that his daughter is alive. He was shocked, but happy.
Will his family be able to forgive him for the words he has said? Or will it take a certain someone to make everything back to normal?

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