|49| Answers To Be Found

214 9 7

You felt a slight tickle on your nose, and you opened your eyes.
You saw Katsuki hovering over you, a soft smile on his face.
"Hmm?" you hummed, looking into his eyes as he nuzzled your nose with his again.
"Happy birthday beautiful..." he muttered, kissing your forehead.
"Morning~" you yawned, before looking at the clock.
"It's only four?" you asked.
He smirked.
"I woke you up extra early, so I could give you a small birthday present~" he whispered.
You smirked, before he placed his lips on yours and kissed you passionately.
"What's my birthday present?" you asked.
He moved down to kissing your neck, licking and nibbling slightly.
He chuckled, before going back to your ear to whisper.
"Roses are red...lemons are sour..."
You shivered as his breath hit you.
He pinned your arms to the side of your head, and licked his lips.
"Now spread those legs and give me an hour~"
"Happy birthday ma'am!" Shinrai smiled as you walked out of your room with a smile and your robe flowing behind you.
"Thank you Shinrai. How was your sleep?" you asked.
She bowed.
"It was just fine ma'am. Shall I go get the triplets ready for the day?" she asked.
"Please, don't worry about that today, I'll take care of everything" you smiled.
"No the fuck you won't" a gruffy voice said from behind you.
You looked back, seeing Katsuki crossing his arms and leaning on the door frame with his navy blue robe covering his still nude body.
"It's your birthday, and you're not lifting a single finger on my watch" he growled, before he walked over, scooping you into his arms.
"K-Katsuki! Put me down!" you demanded, before he walked towards the stairs.
"Shinrai, get the triplets ready. And yes, you can sext Shinsou while you're doing it" Katsuki chuckled, before making his way down the stairs with you in his arms.
"What?" Shinrai asked as she watched Katsuki go down the stairs.
"Did you really just say that?" you asked him.
"Damn right I did."
"Happy!" Kosuki cheered as Katsuki held him, reaching his small arms out to you.
"Thank you baby" you smiled, taking him out of Katsuki's arms and lifting him up.
"You're getting big!"
Kosuki giggled, before you brought him down and kissed his cheek.
"Having fun hotshot?" Katsuki smirked, putting on his 'kiss-the-cook' apron.
"Shut up."
He frowned.
"Don't bully me" he pouted.
"It's my birthday, I have every right to bully you" you giggled, before looking down at Katsuro who was playing with his lovey and entertaining his little brother.
"Rawrrrrrr!" Katsuro sounded, as if growling as he used his little fox lovey to attack Kazuki's giraffe.
You giggled.
"No! No kill my raffe!" Kazuki yelled at his brother.
"Die raffe!" Katsuro yelled, attacking the small giraffe again.
"What'd you make me for breakfast?" you asked.
"You'll see" he snickered, putting the food onto plates for you and your sons.
"Close your eyes honey bear" he ordered.
You closed your eyes with a smile, before you heard a plate being placed in front of you.
"Mama!" one of your sons smiled, before they shoved something into your face, missing your closed mouth.
"No! Damn it! Kazuki!" Katsuki yelled.
You giggled, before opening your eyes, seeing your son's messy hands next to you.
"Heh..." you chuckled, before grabbing a napkin to wipe the whipped cream and honey syrup off of your chin.
"You ruined the surprise!" Katsuki whined, before glaring at his confused son, who just stuck his tongue out at him, only making him slightly angrier.
"You think this is funny?!"
Kazuki smiled, before sticking his tongue out more.
"Ah blehhhhhhhh!" Kazuki chuckled.
"Damn you....you're too fucking cute to stay mad at" Katsuki growled, before turning back to you while you cleaned your son's messy hands.
"I'm sorry honey bear...that ruined the surprise..." Katsuki sighed sadly.
"It's alright...it didn't ruin anything...it made this birthday so much more special...a nice memory to remember.." you smiled, taking your husband's hands.
"Really?" he asked.
You nodded.
"I love it Katsuki...and I love you" you said, pulling him down and placing a kiss to his lips.
"I l-love you too (Y/N)" he stuttered.
"Awwww did I make you stutter on your words?" you teased, watching as his ears tinted pink.
"Wh-what?! N-no...keep d-dreamin idiot.." he blushed.
"Dadda..." Kazuki said quietly.
Katsuki looked over at his son, before Kazuki looked away.
Katsuki smiled softly, before putting a hand on his son's head and ruffling his hair.
"It's okay Kazuki. You're forgiven" he said to him softly, before kissing his head as Kazuki's eyes watered.
"Mama.." he said next.
"Yes baby?" you said.
"I sowwy too.."
You smiled.
"You're forgiven!"
Kazuki smiled, before he began to eat the small pancakes Katsuki had made for the triplets.
You looked back at your plate, before using Rewind to fix your plate.
The small heart shaped pancakes rearranged themselves, and you smiled.
"You went all out with this didn't you?" you asked Katsuki, who was smiling as he watched you.
"Only the best for my family" he smirked.
You grabbed your fork, before picking up a small pancake and holding it out to Katsuki.
"Say awww!" you teased, making his face turn red.
"You're seriously not doing this right now are you?" he asked, before reluctantly opening his mouth and saying aww.
He took the pancake and chewed it, before smirking and grabbing your fork, doing the same to you.
"Now you say aww, hotshot," he said.
"Ack! Really?!" you blushed.
He nodded, before you opened your mouth.
He took the fork back, and smirked.
"What's the magic worddddd?~"
"P-pleaseeeee?" you whined, making him smile and give you the pancake.
"Jerk.." you muttered as you chewed, before snatching the fork back.
"Happy birthday little sis.." Shinsou smiled as he pulled you into a hug.
"Thanks Shin...and I'm not little!" you pouted as he let you go.
He smirked, before putting a hand to the top of his head, then one to yours.
"You're short. Therefore, little" he stated.
"So is Katsuki your LITTLE brother in-law?"
He nodded.
"He's shorter than me but he has more muscle. That's due to our combat styles and quirks though. So I wouldn't say he's my LITTLE brother in-law. Maybe a little-big brother in-law."
"You're in better spirits I see" you teased.
Shinsou's cheeks tinted red.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Does it have something to do with Shinrai?" you smirked.
"Wh-what? No..."
You continued to tease, until he broke.
"Fine fine..we may have talked for a while at the birthday party for the triplets six months ago...and we've been talking since then.." he admitted.
"I'm so happy for you Shin!" you smiled.
"Thanks sis."
You nodded, before you looked over at Eri, who was smiling brightly at you.
"Happy birthday big sis!" she giggled.
You smiled back, before pulling her into a hug.
"Thanks Eri!"
You let her go.
"Dads both said they wish you a happy birthday! They got called to immediate service at UA today..."
"It's not a problem!"
You let them both inside, before Katsuki joined you, putting his hands on your hips and lifting you.
"There's my birthday bear!" he chuckled, before kissing your cheek and putting you down.
"Heh..hi my love. My brother and sister came over to celebrate today."
He put his hand into yours and walked over to where Eri and Shinsou sat, watching the triplets as they played with their loveys.
"Can you believe it's been a year and a half already?" Shinsou asked.
"Time flies...and it's saddening.."
Katsuki pulled you closer, kissing your head then walking over to Shinsou.
"A word fuzzy head?" Katsuki asked, hands in his pockets.
Shinsou nodded.
They both walked away, going to the backyard.
"Where's Sir Shinsou? I heard his voice..." someone asked.
You looked over at the stairs, seeing Shinrai.
You smiled.
"Him and Katsuki went outside to have a talk, about what? I'm not sure. But I'd like to have a word with you as well."
She bowed.
"Of course ma'am."
Bakugo's POV~
"What's on your mind?" Shinsou asked.
I leaned against the gate.
"Nothing much. Just wanted to talk. What's going on with you and Shinrai?"
"Straight to the point huh? Sigh...nothing really. We've just been talking for a while now.."
I nodded.
"Are you wanting to make this a serious relationship?" I asked.
"I-I....don't know yet...I'm still hurt from what happened with Hama...and I don't want that to happen again...so how can I trust someone with my heart again?" he asked.
"I have no idea what's going through your head...but I know that it hurts...a lot...to have your heart broken by someone you love. Shinrai isn't like Hama though...she's different. But I understand if you need more time to heal."
"Thanks Bakugo."
"You're strong, and I know you'll grow from this."
He smiled.
"Thanks again. This...really helped me get some stress off my chest."
"You can trust me. And your sister. We're here for you if you need someone to listen to. Or a shoulder to cry on."
"I will" Shinsou smiled.
Your POV~
"I'm only going to say this once, and I won't sugar coat it" you said.
"If you hurt my brother, I will not hesitate to kill you. Hero or not, no one hurts my family. No one hits on my husband, and no one will EVER get away with hurting my brother again. Your life is in your own hands. But if you hurt him, I will not be forgiving."
Shinrai gulped.
"I understand."
You nodded, before smiling.
"Take the rest of the day off. You can spend time with us today."
"Are you sure ma'am? But Mister Katsuki said-"
"It's fine. I'll deal with him later."
Shinrai stood up and bowed.
"Thank you ma'am."
"Please, it's (Y/N) outside of work" you smiled.
She went back up the stairs, and the boys came back inside.
"We're back my love" Katsuki said.
"I see that" you giggled.
"Shinsoup!" Kosuki giggled, reaching his arms out to Shinsou as he walked near him.
"Hey Koko" he smiled, before reaching down to pick him up.
"It's adorable that they call you Shinsoup instead of Shinsou.." you chuckled, picking up Katsuro and Kazuki.
"Shinsoup!" Katsuro clapped.
"Eerie!" Kazuki laughed, looking at Eri who smiled at him.
You let Eri hold him, who loved holding any of the babies.
"Hehe! You're so cute Kazuki!"
"Happy birthday dear (Y/N)."
"...dear big sis..."
"...dear honey bear..."
"Happy birthday to you~" they finished singing, and you blew out your candles.
"Thanks you guys" you blushed.
You cut the cake, giving everyone a piece, and even giving a little to the triplets.
They used their little forks to cut and eat the cake.
"Mmmmmm!" Kazuki exclaimed, smiling.
"Is that yummy?" you smiled, before taking a bite of the cake.
"Mmmmm! You did a good job on the cake Shinsou!"
He blushed.
"It's dad's recipe, the one he used to make all the time when we were younger" he chuckled.
"Ah! Brings back old times" you sighed.
"A toast to the birthday girl?" Katsuki asked, giving the adults a glass of champagne.
He gave Eri a small cup of apple cider so she'd be able to toast as well.
"To great health!" Shinrai started.
"To family" Shinsou added.
"To another birthday spent together!" Eri smiled.
"To love and years to come" Katsuki finished.
You all clinked your glasses together, before taking a sip.
"Are you sure you'll be alright drinking alcohol (Y/N)? You aren't pregnant are you?" Shinsou asked.
You looked down.
"I'll be fine. I took a test earlier, and it was negative....plus me and Katsuki don't have unprotected sex anymore. And Akito put me on birth control" you sighed.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I didn't tell you or Aizawa...but I had another miscarriage.."
"Wait what?! Since when?!" he yelled.
"It happened a few weeks before the babies turned one..."
"And you hid this, why? You know how much you mean to us!"
"Shinsou! Back down!" Eri yelled.
"Look. I'm sure (Y/N) had her reasons for keeping this to herself! So don't snap at her!" she defended.
"I'm sorry sis."
"It's fine. You're forgiven."
"I didn't tell any of you because it was my fault that I lost it...I didn't know I was even pregnant...I had my suspicions but I didn't check and I went into battle anyways.."
"(Y/N), don't blame yourself" Katsuki and Shinrai said.
You shook it off, before a tear fell from your eyes.
"Mama...don't cry.." Katsuro pouted, putting a hand over yours.
You nodded.
"I won't baby."
You took a deep breath, before smiling.
"Let's start with your gifts" Katsuki smiled, putting a bag in front of you.
You opened it, grabbing whatever was inside of it.
Momma's Memories
You gasped, before opening the book.
"It's from me and the kids. It's all of our pictures from when we were sixteen, to now. Including the babies" Katsuki smiled.
"Oh my god...Katsuki I love it."
You kissed his cheek and hugged him, before Shinsou put a bag in front of you.
"That's from dads. They said they waited to give it to you till you turned a certain age. By request" Shinsou said.
"Request?" you asked.
He handed you a paper, which looked stained and aged.
You read it.

これを見つけた人は誰でも、娘の(Y / N)千咲が25歳になったときにこの箱を渡してほしい。これはあなたにとって特別なことではないかもしれませんが、これは彼女の子供の頃の非常に特別な思い出を持っています。私の愛、あなたがこれを読んでいるなら...あなたの母親があなたをどれだけ愛しているか覚えておいてください...そして彼女はあなたになった人を愛しています。

Dear reader...
Whoever finds this, I want you to give this box to my daughter, (Y/N) Chisaki, when she turns twenty five. This may not be special to you in any way, but this holds very special memories of her childhood. My love, if you're reading this...please remember how much your mother loves you...and she loves the person you've become.
Don't forsake this life of yours just because of what Kai did to you...
You'll make an impact on someone else's life, and I know it'll be a good one.
A mother's love never fails,
---- Chisaki.

You put a hand to your mouth, and put the card down.
"Are you alright?" Katsuki asked.
"My m-mother..."
You opened the small antique heirloom music box, seeing a bunch of small papers and pieces of jewelry.
You grabbed the papers, which were old pictures of you with your mother and father.
You were little, maybe one or two, and Kai had you in his arms.
You touched the photo, running a finger over it.
"Daddy!" you smiled.
"My little angel!" he chuckled, bringing you close to his chest.
"I love you angel...no matter what.." Kai smiled.
Your mother smiled from the corner of the room.
"Won't you join us, my love?" Kai asked, looking towards your mother.
"Of course sir" she said, walking over.
"Momma!" you clapped.
"Hi my little one" she smiled.
Kai reached up, taking his mask off.
"We love you little angel...and we always will."
He kissed the top of your head.
"I love you too daddy!"
A tear fell from your eyes as you left the memory.
"She knew this would happen...so was her quirk really what it truly was?"
"What love?" Katsuki asked.
"Nothing ."
"Brother!" your mother yelled.
You watched from a seat at a park, the floor a giant puddle.
You were dreaming, and your mother was much younger, around age fourteen.
"I'm here Unmei!"
You looked in the direction of the man, who was taller than your mother.
Her name is Unmei....that means destined..beautiful..
You looked closely at the little boy, who had dark green hair with yellow streaks.
Is that...
"Mirai!" Unmei yelled, gripping onto the man.
"It's okay! Your big brother's got you.."
You looked closer, before you stood up and walked towards them.
"You're the best hero in the world big brother!" your mother cheered.
"Thanks Unmei...I think I've finally decided on a hero name as well" Mirai smiled, pushing his specs higher on his nose.
You looked at his eyes, seeing them gleaming golden.
"What's that brother?"
He stood proudly.
"From now on, my hero name is Sir Nighteye!"
You froze.
My....mother....is Sir's sister?!

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now