|44| Kiwi and Mimi🖤

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"Take me home."
"Yes. Now."
You growled in frustration as Katsuki continued to deny your order.
"Why not?!" you yelled, pulling his hair slightly.
"Oww! Because! We only have to do this twice a year! So suck it up!" he yelled back.
What he said was true, the Hero Billboard Charts were only held twice a year, once at the beginning of the year, and once at the end of the year.
You, along with all the other available heroes in Japan and neighboring states and cities gathered around in costume at the auditorium, where you'd learn your placement.
"Ah blehhhhhhhhhh!" Kosuki and Kazuki said as they looked up at you from their stroller.
"Ah bleeehhh~" you said back to them with a smile.
"Dadda!" Katsuro said, pointing to Katsuki, who was trying to blow his long bangs out of his eyes.
"Huh?" Katsuki hummed, before looking down at Katsuro.
"Pbbbbttt!" Katsuro blew an adorable raspberry at his father, causing you to giggle.
"Think that's funny?! Mmm!" Katsuki said, sticking his tongue out at Katsuro, causing him to laugh.
"Heh..you're all simply too cute.." you snicked.
Katsuki turned to glare at you.
"AND cool" you growled.
He nodded in approval and smiled.
"Damn straight."
"Onto more serious matters...if we place number one again, I have no idea what I'm going to do. We don't deserve it after being gone for almost two years."
"True, but think about it, we've been gone, but managed to somehow keep everyone safe. Villains aren't as active as they were when we disappeared" he said, taking your hand.
"True...but thanks to us, the others had to work twice as hard...that's a big gap to fill. Between us and them...we're further ahead in every aspect. So I could only imagine how hard it must've been for them."
"You act like we're horrible second choices (Y/N)!" someone said as they stepped behind you.
You turned around, seeing Mina as she pouted.
"H-hey I didn't say that!" you stuttered, feeling heat build up in your cheeks.
"Yeah, that was uncalled for (Y/N)!" Eijiro joined, shaking his head in disappointment.
"I-I'm sorry!" you stuttered, before an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer.
Your entire face went hot, and you buried it in Katsuki's chest.
"Alright that's enough you two...don't tease her too much.." he chuckled.
"You should've seen your face!" Mina laughed.
You turned your head to the side, still clutching onto Katsuki's chest, grabbing a handful of his hero costume.
You used your Hydra's, pinching them both.
"That's for teasing me.." you pouted, turning around again.
"Noted....won't do it again."
You smiled.
"Mimi!" Kosuki squealed, reaching both hands out to her.
"AWWW!" she shrieked, crouching down and taking him into her arms.
"Aren't you a little cutie?! Koko!~" she purred, taking one of his hands.
He bounced in her arms with a smile.
"Kiwi!" Katsuro giggled, looking up at Eijiro, who looked questioningly down at him.
"H-hey there little guy!" Eijiro stuttered, putting a hand behind his neck nervously.
"Don't just stand there you dumbass, go pick him up" Katsuki growled.
"Dumbath!" Katsuro repeated.
You growled, hitting Katsuki's chest as a result.
"Itoldyounottocurseinfrontofthem!" you growled through gritted teeth.
"Grrrr.." he growled, before you saw Eijiro walk towards the stroller and crouch down.
He carefully put his hands under Katsuro's arms and lifted him, putting him close to his chest.
Katsuro looked up at him, eyes beady.
He placed his small hands on Eijiro's cheeks.
Eijiro blushed and smiled at the child's actions.
"He's so manly!" he exclaimed.
You laughed as you saw a tear fall from his closed eyes.
"Owww!" Mina yelped.
You turned to see Kosuki laughing and pulling at her hair.
"Now for our top ten heroes!"
You and Katsuki both sat down in the front row, next to Mina and Eijiro.
You bounced Kazuki on your lap, making him let out little giggles and noises, making his voice stutter.
"At number ten...Eraserhead!"
You clapped for your father, watching as he walked up from his seat, hands in his pockets.
"Number nine...the Everything Hero; Creati!"
You applauded your friends as everyone started to go up one by one.
After Momo, it was Denki, then Hanta, then Fumikage, then Kyoka.
"Next up....Shinsou!"
You stood up, putting Kazuki on your hip, using your other hand to whistle.
"Way to go Shinsou!" you cheered.
You saw him shake his head with a smile, before he took his spot on the stage.
"Now for our fantastic top three! In our number three spot, we have Shoto and Deku!" they announced.
You clapped, seeing Katsuki also clap for his friends.
That's so exciting for them! They didn't make the top five last year!
"Then we have a bubbly and fun couple holding our number two spot! Pinky and Red Riot!"
Mina and Eijiro stood from their spots, before making their way to the stage.
"Way to go you guys!" you cheered.
"Now...for our number ones. After nearing two years of being on hiatus...unavailable due to family matters, and incidents involving them...a true power couple...we have...Ground Zero and Overhaul!"
You stood up, keeping Kazuki on your hip.
Katsuki stood up beside you, Kosuki in one arm, and Katsuro in the other.
"Let's go love."
You followed Katsuki through the aisle, before you made it to the small stairwell.
"Miss Overhaul! Is it true that you and Ground Zero are married with three children?!"
"Mister Ground Zero! Is it true that you only put a ring on Overhaul because she had your children?!"
You ignored their questions as you went in front of Katsuki, who followed very closely behind you.
Flashes from the photographers blinded you, and you growled.
"Get out of my way. Now."
You glared at them, and they scarcely walked out of your way, letting you and Katsuki on the stage.
You both walked to your spot, standing there and looking out at the crowd.
"You alright honey bear?" Katsuki thought, asking a question directly to you.
"Yep. Why do I care what the media thinks?" you telepathed to him.
"Let's begin the speeches everyone!" the announcer said.
She walked up to Aizawa first, putting the mic to him.
"After years and years of doing hero work, you still believe an old man like me can protect you. I thank you for putting forth your faith, and I'm humbled to be on this stage."
He bowed, and she moved on.
You stared out into the crowd, looking at no one in specific.
"Momma..." Kazuki let out.
You looked at him, seeing his eyes glossy and his face pouty.
"Yes baby?" you asked quietly.
"Home..." he said.
"I know honey...but we only have to be here for a little while longer."
You looked over at Katsuki, seeing him dealing with two fussing children.
"Home..." Kosuki ordered.
"Dadda! Home!" Katsuro whined.
He looked at them sorrowfully, putting a kiss to their cheeks.
"I know...we'll go home soon..I promise."
"Home!" Katsuro growled, pulling Katsuki's bangs.
"Oww! Hey!" he yelped.
"Katsuro...we'll go home soon baby...please don't hurt dadda.." you said, putting a kiss to his cheek.
"Momma....home!" he ordered again, pulling at your hair.
"Owww! You're strong what the heck?!" you yelped.
Sighing, you pulled their binkies out of your belt pouch, putting one in their mouths.
"Pleh!" Katsuro pouted, spitting out into your hand.
"Katsuro...please baby...just a little longer" you pleaded.
"Hmph.." he pouted, before opening his mouth and letting the binky stay in his mouth.
You watched as they relaxed, and you took Kazuki into your arms, letting him rest on your chest.
"Now for a speech from our number ones!"
A mic was handed to you, and you hurriedly took it.
"I-" was all you managed to get out, before the flashes of cameras interrupted again.
"Miss Overhaul! Please answer all of the rumors!"
"Are those your children you both are holding?!"
"Ground Zero, are you the father of them?!"
Growling, you glared at them.
"If you'd shut up and let me speak, then maybe I'd answer something!" you tried, only getting ignored.
"Oi! Shut the fuck up!" Katsuki tried.
"ENOUGH!" you screamed into the mic, putting a bubble around you and your family so you wouldn't hurt the babies ears.
Everyone else shut up, putting their hands over their ears.
"I already hate being here. Now, before I got rudely interrupted, I want to thank everyone for their continuous support for me and my husband. Being gone for nearly two years, well it wasn't easy for the other heroes. We don't deserve to have this spot. We'll do our best to keep everyone safe, since it was our fault that the rate in villainous activities has spiked."
You turned to look at Katsuki, seeing him nod.
You turned back around and took a deep breath.
"The children you see here with me and Ground Zero are indeed our children. We were blessed with three baby boys during the drama from earlier this year. To answer any more questions, yes Ground Zero and I are married, yes I am the true mother of his children. And no, he did not marry me due to the fact I bore the heirs to the Bakugo family."
You heard Katsuki clear his throat, and you turned to him.
You put the mic to his mouth.
"Never in a million years would that be the reason. She's not just a 'baby momma' or a side hoe. She's so much more than just that. She bore my children yes, but she wanted them too. We both agreed on a family. She's more than everything you label her as. She's my wife, and can't be degraded to something so simple. So back the fuck off with the rumors. We've cleared them up, and that's that-" he said, before getting cut off.
"Who is responsible for the stabbing incident?" a reporter asked.
Your mouth opened at the sudden question, and your heart dropped.
"Uh-" you stuttered, looking at him.
"Hey! That was way too personal!" Mina yelled, stealing the mic from Katsuki.
"Yeah, no way do they have to answer that!" Eijiro added.
"Back off, you media people don't need to know their personal business" Aizawa defended. Stepping in front of you and Katsuki.
Mina and Eijiro also stepped in front of you.
"SO BACK OFF!" they all yelled.
The media calmed down, and they left.
You looked over at Katsuki, kissing his cheek.
"Thanks for standing up for me love..."
"How'd I know the media would ask about that?" you asked Katsuki.
"I know..." he sighed.
Your eyes watered.
"It's my own fault.." you mumbled.
"Honey bear.." he said quietly.
"I know...I shouldn't worry about it..but-"
"Well if it isn't the number one heroes!" a familiar voice said.
You looked up, seeing Mirio standing with Tamaki, who was smiling.
"Mirio! Tamaki!" you said, running towards them and wrapping them in a tight embrace.
"It's been so long!" you exclaimed.
"How's the agency?! I heard you took over Sir's old agency after you graduated!"
"It's been great! Me and Tamaki have been taking care of everything."
You looked over, seeing Tamaki, who was blushing and nervous.
"How are the two of you?" you asked.
"G-good" Tamaki stuttered.
"We're great!"
You nodded, looking at their hands, which were intertwined.
"Awwww are you two together?!" you squealed.
"Yep! We got married just last year!" Mirio smiled.
"That's right! I'm so sorry we couldn't attend..."
"Don't worry about it! I know you both had a lot on your plates."
Katsuki wrapped his arm around your waist, putting a hand on your stomach and pulling you closer to his body.
"Ah! You're that blond kid from UA who yelled all the time!" Mirio laughed.
"Tch.." Katsuki scoffed, obviously embarrassed.
"Well, we'll let you get back to your lives. Why don't you stop by from time to time (Y/N)?" he asked, waving goodbye as he walked away.
"Heh...it was nice seeing them again.." you smiled.
Katsuki nodded, before licking at your neck.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" you yelled.
"You smelt good..."
You blushed, before you looked at the stroller, seeing the triplets asleep with their binkies in their mouth.
"Sleeping cuties..." you mumbled.
You yourself yawned.
"Let's get you all home, so you can nap."
"But I'm not sleepy.." you lied.
He kissed your lips gently, before he helped you push the stroller.
"You're my number one hero.." you muttered, putting a kiss to his cheek.
"And you're mine."
Third Person POV~
"She lost her composure with that last question..." Kage muttered.
"Which means it was her who did it...heh...hehehehehehhahahahhaah! I can get my revenge on that bitch for framing me..."
She looked up at a picture of Kai.
"I'll do the thing you couldn't...I'll kill her...."
She cackled.
"You were too weak! Killing your own blood! Hahahah! I'll kill her..."
She put a dagger into the picture.
"For you, my love."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now