|17| Dresses and Messes

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"Honey!" You called out as you grabbed house keys and walked to the front door.
"Yes?" He said as he walked into the room, a towel on his waist as he wiped his wet hair with another.
"I-" you said, before you blushed and face palmed.
"I'll be going to your parents today with the girls to try on our dresses for the wedding!" You sighed.
"Alright. I think my dad is bring the tuxedos today too. Be careful and don't stand for too long" he stated.
You nodded, when you heard a car honk outside of your house.
"That would be Mina. I love you, see you later Katsuki my dearest" you said, blowing him a kiss as you walked out of the front doors, closing them behind you.
As soon as you got inside of the car, you were welcomed by smiles and laughter.
"Hello everyone!" You said.
"Hi! Excited to be a bride!?" Ochako giggled as she waved from the front seat.
"Nervous..but excited" you admitted, putting a hand on your belly and feeling a small kick.
Heh..getting antsy my boys?, you thought, giggling slightly and smiling.
"How's the new house?" Mina asked as she put her blinkers on to turn to the freeway.
"It's great! We love it!" You said.
"Thank you all by the way."
"Not a problem!"
"Anything anytime!"
"Here (Y/N)" Mina said from the drivers seat, a box in her hand as she called out to you.
You grabbed it, and opened it, reveal a pregnancy test that read,
"Mina! No way!" You said, shocked.
"Yes way!" She smiled.
"Oh my god! You're pregnant!" You yelled, putting a hand to your mouth.
"Thanks!" She laughed.
"Wow..I can't believe it!" You said.
"Yep! I'm five weeks already."
"LOOK AT YOU!" Mitsuki yelled as she took you into her arms.
She put a hand on your belly and smiled with tears in her eyes.
"How are you doing (Y/N)?" She asked, until she felt a kick on her hand.
"Feisty little ones eh?" She laughed.
"Yep! They get it from their father most likely!" You giggled.
"Well! I wouldn't be surprised!"
"Now let's get all you beauties dressed!"
"First up, we have the bridesmaid dresses!" Mitsuki announced as your bridesmaids came out.
They had varying dress lengths.
Momo wore a short black dress, lace at the sleeves and bottom.
Ochako wore a dress that was lower, longer and flowy. It was a lace skirt and lace sleeves with flowers. It was red and black.
Ohhh that one is pretty!
The others came out with red dresses and black dresses.
You chose Ochako's dress for all of then, which they all loved.
Mitsuki had prepared extra of those.
Lastly, Mina came out in her dress and you were amazed.
"Wow Mitsuki! You were able to make that!?" You said as you took in the sights of Mina.
"It's gorgeous!"
"Thanks hun! Took a while to make!" She admitted.
"I might need slight adjustments around the waist" Mina said, a blush on her cheeks.
"I'm pregnant and getting bigger as we speak" she squealed.
"Awee! Congrats! I'll be sure to keep that mind so you're comfortable!" Mitsuki nodded.
"And now..for our beautiful blushing bride.." Mitsuki said, reaching for your hands.
You blushed and the others cheered you on.
You grabbed her hands and she helped you to the other room.
A big mirror was in front of the room so you could see yourself in full.
You walked in and Mitsuki locked the door.
"How have you been? Sick or anything? The brat being good? I'll kill him if he-"
"No no! He's been an angel! The most perfect man I could ask for! I've been fine! Self conscious of how big I am..but not sick anymore!" You informed her.
"Good! Have you guys found out the genders of your little miracles?" She asked as she walked to the back of the room to look for your dress.
"Yes..actually.." You said.
"They're all boys."
She nearly fell on the ground to say the least.
"All BOYS!?" She semi-yelled.
You put a finger to your mouth.
"All boys!?" She whispered.
You nodded.
"Oh you poor thing..cursed with three little kids like Katsuki. I don't know where I went wrong with that boy. He was a brat as a child though" Mitsuki said, shaking her head.
"Not a curse..I've always wanted a baby boy.. Obviously his childhood was just not great, but look at him now! He's going to be a father!" You said.
"Still can't believe that."
You both laughed.
"Close your eyes now honey. I have your dress!" She chirped.
You did as she said and closed your eyes.
"I took it into account to make a veil and make it big enough for you to fit when it is time! So it should be comfortable for you even at six months!"
"That's great! You did so much!" You thanked.
"Be a dear and take off your shirt and leggings!"
You got undressed and eventually, she got you dressed, zipping the zipper in the back with ease.
She fixed your hair and put the veil on.
"You can open your eyes now..." She said.
You opened your eyes and you gasped as your eyes met the mirror.
You were in a red silk dress. It had flower lace at the chest and shoulders and at the end of the sleeves.
You turned to the side and Mitsuki moved the train, which was long..long long.
The train was lace with rose lace at the end.
It was soft.
You put a hand on your stomach, which you felt was extremely comfortable and wide.
Still have space to grow!, you thought.
After the belly bump, your dress flowed down until it hit the floor.
"It's gorgeous.." You said.
You looked at your hair and noticed a red rose pinned to the top of your messy bun.
It was a veil.
She put the top over your face and you felt it in between two fingers.
"You look beautiful my dear" Mitsuki said, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Ready to go show the others?"
You nodded as you wiped a tear from your eyes.
"Here she is!" Mitsuki announced as you closed the door.
You had fuzzy gloves on and your veil out of your face.
You walked with your head down and a blush on your cheeks.
"Whoa!" You heard the girls gasp as you became visible.
"You look so beautiful (Y/N)!" Mina yelled.
"Wow! That's a beautiful dress for a beautiful bride!" Momo chirped as she clapped her hands together.
"What's wrong (Y/N)? Ribbit.." Tsuyu asked.
"After years of abuse..years of pain..years of being not good enough..and now..I'm getting married" you admitted.
"To the man..the only person that understands what I've been through. I never thought I'd live to see the day..let alone deserve it."
"You deserve happiness!"
"You earned it!"
You smiled to yourself.
Bakugo's POV~
"Hi dad" I said as I opened the door.
The other dumbasses were here, oggling at  the new house.
"Hey son. Your mother sent me with your tuxedos!" He smiled, lifting up several closed bags of clothing.
"Come on in."
I closed the door behind us and my dad placed everyone's outfits on the couch.
"Heyyo Mr. Bakugo!" Kirishima said as he walked over to us, followed by the others.
"Alright dumbasses, let's get changed and make sure these fit. The damn hag made them all. Let's go" I growled.
I looked in the mirror as I finished tying my tie.
The old hag made a black tuxedo jacket, with a dark red dress shirt under. Black dress pants, and black dress shoes. Much like eight years ago when I wore that outfit to the I Expo, my jacket had white and red roses sewed into them. The red looked the same as that red as well.
I smirked.
"Hey Bakugo! How do you-" Kirishima said, before his eyes landed on me.
"Wow! You sure do look like a groom!" He smiled, his sharp teeth shining.
"I-I do.."
I gathered the little confidence I had left, and walked out to show my father.
I walked out and saw the others in all black tuxedos, with bow ties and ties that had a single rose sewed.
Mine had many roses sewed.
I knew how much (Y/N) loved roses.
And I have to admit..I love them too..
"Would you look at you!" Masaru said as he looked at me.
I felt my face heat up.
Did he have to announce my presence to everyone!?
"You look like..you're ready to get married."
"My son.." My dad said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me.
"You're not our little boy anymore..not the little boy obsessed with All Might..not the little boy that caused us both hell..not the little boy you were."
"You're the man that became greater than All Might, you're the man that caused us hell and came out better than we could've imagined..the man..that can be loved..the man that will be a father to a three. The man..I always dreamed my son would be" he said, his voice cracking.
I felt my eyes water and I hugged him back.
"Thank you dad.." I cried.
"Just promise me..that you'll be the dad I couldn't be for you."
I pulled back and looked at him.
He smiled and pulled back to wipe his eyes.
"Anyways, how do the rest of you like your outfits?" He asked the others.
"They're great! Mrs. Bakugo did an amazing job on them!"
"Be sure to thank her for us!" Kirishima said.
"I will!"
Your POV~
You changed out of your dress and put it away, and when you walked back into the room, Mitsuki was crying.
"What happened?!" You yelled as you walked faster towards her.
"I..just can't believe my baby is getting married.." She said as she wiped her eyes.
You wrapped her in your arms.
"I know.."
"My baby is all grown up..I remember the day I first got to hold him. He grabbed my finger with his little hands..and smiled up at me."
You felt your heart ache.
"But..if I had to choose who he married..I'm glad it was you..I'm so happy I get to call you my daughter. My son deserves nothing better than someone like you. Someone to keep him in check, to change who he was. A bully and someone too self-centered.
You've changed my son for the better.
Thank you (Y/N)" she said.
You smiled as a tear fell down your cheek.
"Your welcome."
Once you got home, you laid down in bed to relax and rest your tired and aching body.
"How'd it go?" Katsuki asked as he brought you a cup of ice water.
"Can't wait to get married" you said as you reached for the water.
He pulled the cup back.
"Hey! Give it!" You pouted.
He put the cup to his lips and drank, until he looked at you and put his lips on yours.
Warm water filled your mouth and you closed your eyes as Katsuki kissed you.
"How was your water?" He asked as he drank his half of the water.
"Warm..but..good" you said as you blushed.
You pulled him back to you and put your lips on his.
Something that's said to be infinite,
Can run low.
But love this passionate,
This fierce,
This desirable,
Will never burn out.

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