|2| Searching For My Love

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Third Person POV~
An ambulance and police cars arrived at the scene, investigating every area of your old house. Katsuki was put into the ambulance and was rushed to urgent care. You were still on the run, now running aimlessly. You wanted to get out of there. Away from Katsuki, away from your home..away from your past.
Bakugo's POV~
"He's awake.." Someone said as I opened my eyes.
I heard the faint sound of machines beeping, and people talking.
"Hello, Mr. Ground Zero" someone said, catching me off guard.
"W-where am I?" I asked, hazy and dizzy.
"You are in the hospital. You were stabbed in the middle of the night sir" the same person responded.
"S-stabbed?" I asked, running a hand threw my hair.
I tried to sit up, only to be struck with a sharp pain in my abdomen.
"Ah- shit" I groaned.
"Sir, please stay seated. You need to rest" the nurse said.
I looked around, my heart beat speeding up as I searched for,
"Where's (Y/N)?" I asked.
"WHERE. IS. (Y/N)?!" I screamed, standing up and ignoring the aching, intense pains that surged threw my body.
"Sir! Please..c-calm down! We don't know who you are talking about!" The nurse pleaded.
I pulled the IV's and other tubes out of my arms and walked over to a different nurse.
"Where the hell is my fiancée?! Tell me!" I yelled.
"..there were no traces of any others at the location! Maybe the person that broke in.."
"Don't FUCKING say it. I'll go check my god damn self" I said, walking away, holding my bandaged midsection.
"But sir you mustn't-"
I turned back to look at her, eyes blazing with burning hatred and anger.
"Thank you for nothing you bunch of idiots."
"Look for any fingerprints on the knife! And check the glass! How was it broken?!" I heard officers yell as I neared my house.
I limped my way to the cop that was closest to me.
"Where is she!?" I asked.
"Excuse me sir but you can't - oh Mr. Ground Zero. Who is this 'she'?" The police asked.
"(Y/N) Chisaki! My fiancée! She was here last night, then..when I woke up in the hospital..she wasn't there" I said, sighing a bit sadly then regaining my composure.
"What did you do last night that may have attracted the attention of someone that wanted to harm you?" The officer asked.
I felt my face heat up.
"H-huh?! A-and why would you need to know that!?" I yelled.
The officer looked at me.
"Uhm.." I said, putting a hand behind my neck, embarrassed.
It wasn't everyday you told a police officer that you had sex last night, so I was a bit uncomfortable.
"It's fine if you don't want to say! I can tell it's a bit private by the way you're acting. So, anyone who might've wanted to kidnap the woman? Enemies, rivals, 'friends'?" He asked.
"Not that I know of sir."
The police man nodded, then clicked his pen, setting it down on the small notepad he was writing in.
"Understood. Please take a look around Mr. Ground Zero. I am Detective Hirio. You are free to contact me if anything happens" he said, ripping out a piece of paper, that contained a few numbers on it.
"Thank you sir."
I walked closer to the house, looking at the broken glass.
I walked over to the broken window, and my foot hit something.
I looked down, seeing a black slipper and a piece of ripped black cloth.
My love..I can't find you now..but I promise I will.
Your POV~
You were now running towards the only place you knew you would be safe. The only person you felt you could trust.
Did I make the right choice? Did I do the right thing? Damn it! Go back (Y/N)! Turn yourself in! Give Katsuki one last hug! Go home! Face what you have done you coward!
You pounded on the front door.
Please..please..PLEASE be here!
"DAD!" You yelled as you wrapped your arms around your father, who was very confused.
"(Y/N)!? What are you doing here? Where's Bakugo?" Aizawa asked as you sobbed into his chest.
"I-..I've made a mistake..and I'm afraid I can't take it back!" You cried.
"What happened (Y/N)? Where is Bakugo?"
You looked up, letting him go.
"Dad..I need to tell you something..but..I'm afraid you'll turn on me.."
Aizawa put a hand to your cheek, wiping away a tear.
"Now what happened?" Aizawa said, closing the door softly behind him as you sat down on his bed.
"Last night..after..me and Katsuki..w-well.." You said, your face heating up and turning a beat red.
"It's fine. You don't need to tell me when you and Bakugo have sex. I don't need to know that. Hah. Also, I'm sorry to here about yet another miscarriage. You can stop being so embarrassed kid. Now, tell me.." Aizawa laughed, sitting next to you.
"After we fell asleep..I had a nightmare..Kai was back, and..Katsuki was behind him, on the floor..dead" you said, your body beginning to tremble and shake.
"He said it was my fault..my fate..I- may have made it true.."
You felt your father place a hand on your shoulder.
"What did you do?"
You looked up, a single tear falling down your cheek.
"I stabbed him dad."
Aizawa immediately removed his hand, and stared at you.
"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry. I don't deserve him. I deserve nothing more..than death. I'm a horrible person! A monster! A demon like Kai said! I'll never-" you began, before you felt Aizawa wrap his arms around you.
"It pains me to see you like this..why couldn't you face it? He loves you..more than anything. I'm sure he'd-"
"No dad..he wouldn't. I t-think..I just risked my entire future.." You cried.
"I love him with everything I am. A-and now..I broke his trust..I've broken..everything. I need to get out of here! Run, run away. And never be seen again.." You said, standing up and slightly pushing your dad off of you.
"If that's what you really want, I can get you a place for a while. You'll be safe. But I expect the police to be on the look for you" he said.
You looked down.
"That's plenty dad."
"After this..I want NOTHING to do with this. I'm sorry (Y/N)..but my hands are tied" Aizawa said as he watched you packed a bag, full of clothing for you to change to.
You finished packing everything you needed, even grabbing a few extra pregnancy tests from the restroom.
You walked back to your room to put them in your bag.
"For?" Aizawa asked.
Your face flushed.
"Just in case" you mumbled.
You stood up, grabbing each bag and looking at your dad.
"Thank you so much for your help. I-...I'll miss you" you said.
Aizawa nodded, before walking towards you and wrapping you in a tight embrace.
"I love you kid. And promise me..face what you've done..tell Bakugo..and make amends" he whispered.
You nodded, letting go of him.
"I promise dad."
You began to walk towards the front door, opening it and walking into the open.
You looked back.
"Bye dad."
"Room for Aizawa" you said to the lady that worked the front desk.
"Aizawa...ah! There you are! Room 16, our VIP room. Have a nice stay ma'am!" She said, handing you a card.
You smiled and took it, walking away.
Incoming call from My love*
You ignored the constant calls that your phone would receive, each one being from the same person.
"Hi! You've reached (Y/N) Chisaki! I am currently unavailable and can't talk. Feel free to leave a voicemail and I'll get back when I can! LEAVE MY FIANCÉE ALONE DUMBASSES! SHE'S HAVING SOME FUN WITH ME, NOW LEAVE!"
You voicemail rang out again and tears were brought to your eyes.
"I miss you..my love" you whispered.
You wiped your eyes and walked towards the restroom to shower.
Turning on the water, your mind wandered back to the first time you and Katsuki had showered together.
"J-just get in dumbass! You're making this more embarrassing!" Katsuki said as he covered his cheeks with his wrist.
You were blushing, covering your eyes.
"N-no! I refuse to shower!" You yelped.
Katsuki sighed, before chuckling and reaching out to you.
He pulled you into the hot water.
You put your hands on the wet hard plains of his chest.
"Uncover your eyes. No need to be embarrassed..you've seen me naked more times than I dare to admit" he laughed.
You took your hands off your eyes, taking in the sight in front of you.
Katsuki's abs and toned stomach were shining in the water. You couldn't resist, and continued to search down his body, until you saw something going on.
"U-um..Katsuki could you maybe not.." You said, averting your eyes and looking at the wall.
"Not what? Not get turned on by seeing my fiancée in the nude right in front of me? Tch..not a chance" he laughed.
You swallowed and Katsuki turned you around, hugging you closer to him.
"U-uh..um..c-can we just shower now?"
You sighed, a small smile visible on your lips.
I'll miss all those times we spent together.
Sitting down on your bed, you opened map that was in your hotel room.
I'm here, and then the town over is Ching Chang City. I need to map out the places I'll go. I need to get out of Japan. And fast.
So it'll take me at least four months to get out of here fully on feet. I left the cars..shit. Four months it is. A plane would be too risky, they'd be wondering why the number one hero is leaving. I can't encounter anyone. Not Ochako, not Eijiro, not even Mina. No one that knows Katsuki should see me. They might..but it's better than anything else.
I'll go to Ching Chang City, then Jusifu, Himma, then Hitachi. I'll stay there each for one month. Live like normal and then run for the hills.
As long as I'm not spotted, I'll be fine.
Aizawa's POV~
"Dad! Where's big brother and sister? I thought they were coming for dinner?" Eri asked as she walked into the room.
"Change of plans. Sorry I didn't tell you" I replied.
"Aw. Did they say why?"
Eri looked at it, before turning back to me, teary eyed.
"Where's (Y/N)?" She asked.
I looked at her. I knew I couldn't just tell her what happened.
"I-I don't know.." I lied.
"How's big brother?! Is he going to live?! Will I ever see them again!?" She yelled.
I stared at the girl as tears streamed down her pink cheeks.
"Don't touch me!" She yelled, running down the hall to her room.
"Is everything alright Mr. Aizawa?" One of my students asked.
"Sigh, no. My daughter is missing and my future son-in-law was stabbed. I'm already stressed with them, and school on top of it makes everything worse" I said.
The student placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Then take some time off sir."
"I can't do that" I said.
"You're stressed sir. That's your daughter. The only one you'll ever get. So take time off and help the heroes look for her. Please sir" he said.
I looked at him.
"Alright then. I'll talk to the principal tomorrow. Present Mic will take time off alongside me."
"Of course sir!"
"Thank you for worrying. Now go to sleep."
Your POV~
Your heart was clenching as tears fell down your cheeks.
You fiddled with your fingers.
Using the phone your dad gave you, you scrolled threw old pictures.
One of them had Katsuki holding you from behind, his hands on your stomach.
Our first pregnancy..
Looking at the next, and the next.
Gods..imagine having a family..I wanted nothing more.
I miss you, and I'll miss you forever..
My first and last love.

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