|48| Presents For The Miracles

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"Happy birthday my little princes!"
You smiled as you walked into the nursery, Katsuki following behind you.
"My babies are turning one!" you cheered, before reaching down and grabbing Kosuki from his crib.
"Happy birthday Koko!" you smiled, booping his nose and kissing his chubby cheek.
"Birfday?" he tried, giving you a questioning look.
Katsuki picked Katsuro and Kazuki up, giving them each a kiss on their cheeks and wishing them a happy birthday.
"Today is a day full of joy and presents for my little miracles."
You took them all down the stairs to eat breakfast, which would be oatmeal and some fruit for them, and maybe a parfait for you and Katsuki.
You sat them down in their high chairs, giving them something to teethe on.
You walked over to the fridge, opening it and looking for fruit you could chop up for the triplets.
Suddenly, hands were placed on your waist, turning you around and lifting you.
"Katsu! Wh-what are you doing?!" you giggled.
He smirked, before lowering you and kissing your lips.
"A year ago today....you blessed me with triplets. Bringing them into the world.." he mumbled, looking into your eyes with his red and sincere ones.
"I'm forever grateful for that. You gave them life, and you brought even more happiness into my life."
You kissed him again.
"Without you, none of this would be possible.." you smiled.
"So thanks."
You melted into his embrace while you had the chance to, before letting go and getting back to making your children's breakfast.
"I should be thanking you, my love" Katsuki smiled, hugging you from behind.
"Oh? And why's that?" you smiled.
He kissed your neck very gently, before letting his lips graze and tickle at you.
"Because you're the one who let me put them inside of you~" he purred, before moving one of his big hands to cover your stomach.
You looked down.
"I wish there was still that one inside.." you admitted, eyes starting to sting.
You took a deep breath, pushing the feelings away.
"Don't worry...when we're ready...I'll gladly put more babies inside of that beautiful belly of yours~" he teased, his hot breath hitting your ear.
You blushed as his voice sent shivers down your spine.
You felt him place another kiss to your cheek before letting you go and walking to the triplets.
You began to empty the small packets of oatmeal into bowls for your sons to eat.
While you prepared their breakfast, you began to cut fruit for yours and Katsuki's breakfast.
"Hehehehhehhe!" you heard a loud laugh escape your children.
You looked behind you, before seeing the triplets smiling greatly at Katsuki, who was tickling and laughing with them.
You giggled, feeling your heart melt as you watched them have fun.
You finished making all of the food, and walked over with five bowls in your arms.
"Let me help you honey bear.." Katsuki said, standing up and walking towards you.
He grabbed two bowls from you and walked back to the table.
You gave the bowls of oatmeal to your sons, before sitting down with Katsuki and eating your own breakfast.
"When do you think they'll call about the kids present?" Katsuki asked, before putting a spoonful of yogurt into his mouth.
"I hope sometime when Mits and Masaru arrive. That way they can watch the kids while we go pick them up."
You checked your phone, putting yogurt into your mouth and chewing the small bits of granola.
"What will we name them? I'd let the triplets name them, but they're only one. They know their names."
Katsuki looked at you, then looked down into the bowl.
"Hmmm..something meaningful since they'll be part of their lives for a long time."
You thought...until those thoughts were interrupted by a loud cry.
Your motherly instincts kicking into gear, you rushed from your seat towards where your children were.
"Oh...my...god.." you breathed out, before putting a hand to your temple and rubbing it lightly.
"What happened love?" Katsuki asked, putting an arm around your waist and looking in the direction of his children.
"Wh-what the hell?!" he yelled.
The triplets all stopped what they were doing, their attention turning to Katsuki.
"You trouble makers...." you giggled, pushing your slight irritation aside.
You walked over to grab wet wipes and napkins, cleaning the floor next to them and their trays, which were now covered in their oatmeal.
They had played in it, grabbing handfuls and smearing it on one another and their trays.
You cleaned up the mess they made, putting the dirty bowls into the sink, then grabbed your sticky babies.
"Let's get you all bathed. Can't have you all sticky before the guests arrive."
Katsuki picked up Kosuki, while you picked the other two up and headed up the stairs.
"Ma'am? Oh my! What happened?!" Aimi said shockingly as you made your way up the stairs.
"These little trouble makers decided to not eat their breakfast but to play with it" you giggled.
"Awwww! How cute! I'll go clean up the mess!!" she smiled.
"Oh we already did! Just clean the dishes that are in the sink."
She bowed.
"Of course ma'am!"
She went down the stairs, and you made it into your room.
One of the maids was in there, holding something purple, before hurriedly putting it behind her back.
"Ma'am!" she said.
"What were you doing just now?" you asked sternly.
Madoka smiled, before looking.
"Nothing ma'am-"
"Stop lying. I can tell you know."
She stiffened.
"Get out of my room. NOW."
She carried whatever was in her hands with her, and she walked away.
You sighed, before walking to the restroom, watching her exit the room.
You stopped moving when you saw her stop next to Katsuki, who was staring at you.
"If you ever want someone better than the old bitch you've been sleeping with, I'm open" she whispered, reaching a hand out to touch his chest.
Your eyes widened, before you turned your head and glared literal daggers at her.
These daggers weren't visible to anyone, they attacked from the inside.
She gasped, before collapsing to the ground.
Angered, you used Telepath to everyone in the estate.
"Let me make this VERY clear to you all. If I catch anyone, I don't care if you're a maid, a babysitter, or a guest, but if I find out you've been hitting or telling my husband to leave me for any reason, I will not hesitate to kill you right there and then. He's a married man, and he didn't get the ring on his finger just for show. So, BACK THE FUCK OFF."
You sighed, letting the anger out of your system, before walking into the restroom and beginning to get Katsuro and Kazuki unclothed.
Katsuki walked to you, looking down as he did so.
"Thanks hotshot."
You huffed.
"Don't thank me. Someone needed to say something. I ain't about to let some hoe hit and offer herself to my husband. You're married, not just for show but because you truly care."
"I would've never proposed if I didn't love you" he added.
He put Kosuki next to his brothers, taking off his clothes as well.
"Okay, let's get them into the bath" you smiled, starting the water in the tub.
You grabbed the color tablets you had, letting the triplets each pick a color.
Kosuki picked red, Kazuki picked blue, and Katsuro picked red.
You let them put the small tablet into the water, watching as the color bled from them.
You grabbed their bath crayons, which allowed them to draw and doodle on the tub.
After that, you grabbed them, putting them gently into the tub.
You added a small amount of bubbles, since you knew how fascinated they were by them.
"Bubblew!" Katsuro said as soon as he was placed inside the tub.
"Bubble!" you giggled.
The others played with their bath toys, having fun as you washed them, cleaning their hair and clearing them of the stickiness.
"Duck duck duck, ducky!" Kosuki giggled, lifting up a small rubber duck to show you.
"Wow Koko! It's a duck!" you smiled.
"Dadda!" Kazuki smiled, reaching his hands out to Katsuki.
"Heh...hey little guy" Katsuki said gently, putting his hand next to Kazuki's.
Kazuki took hold of his hand, and Katsuki closed his hand.
"Their hands are so tiny..." he smiled.
"They really are..."
Katsuro spurted.
"Yessssss?" you said playfully.
"Kiss!" he demanded.
You giggled, before leaning down and kissing his forehead.
"I love you my babies.." you said.
"Loves!" Kosuki smiled.
"Lovessss!" Kazuki spurred.
You started to drain the water, and began to dry your sons, when a kiss was pressed against your cheek.
"I love you, my honey bear."
You looked over at Katsuki, who was looking lovingly at you.
"You're the best mother anyone could ever want for their children....and the best wife in the world..."
You smiled, before he lifted your chin with his finger and placed a kiss to your lips.
Ringggg* Ringggg*
You giggled as Katsuki sighed.
"Something always interrupts our wholesome times.."
"Would you rather be interrupted during our not-so-wholesome times?" you joked.
His face went red, and heated up as you used Telepath.
"Aimi, could you answer that please?" you asked.
"Of course ma'am!"
You helped your sons out of the tub, and walked to the nursery to get them clothed.
"Already one year old!" Mitsuki smiled as she walked towards the triplets.
"Happy birthday my grandbabies!"
Kosuki giggled, reaching his arms out to her.
"Awwwww hi my little Koko!" she cried, reaching down and picking him up.
"Granpa!" Katsuro cheered, clapping his hands as his eyes looked at Masaru.
"Hey there little one's."
You smiled and watched as your in-laws showed love to your children.
"Did you bring your swimsuits?" you asked them as Katsuki wrapped an arm around your waist.
"Hell yeah! The invitation said a swim party!" Mitsuki laughed.
"Hell!" Kosuki laughed.
Mitsuki clapped a hand over her mouth.
"Sorry babes.." she apologized.
"It's fine, Katsuki curses in front of them all the time."
You looked outside, where the decorations were already set up.
Gifts were already present on the table designated for them, since Mitsuki and Masaru had brought quite a lot.
"Ma'am.." Aimi said, bowing next to you.
"Aimi! You're a sight for sore eyes!" Mitsuki smiled.
"It is lovely to see you again Miss Mitsuki."
You turned your attention to Aimi.
"Mister Koji Koda has contacted, he says your order is ready for pickup."
You looked over at Katsuki, who nodded.
"Tell him we're on our way."
"Right away ma'am."

Aimi dismissed herself, and Katsuki went to grab his keys.
"I'm sorry to ask Mitsuki, but could you watch Katsuro, Kosuki, and Kazuki? Me and Katsuki have to go pick up our gift for them."
She nodded.
"No need to apologize, I'd be more than happy to watch over them."
She winked.
"Have you guys figured out names for them?" she whispered.
"Mmmmmmm we'll get there" you shrugged.
You heard the jingle of keys and Katsuki walked to you.
"Ready hotshot?" he asked.
"We'll be back."

"Koji! It is so nice to see you!" you smiled, wrapping your arms around Koji.
"It's good to see you too (Y/N)!" he smiled.
"I'm honored to have the two number ones in my home!"
He blushed.
Katsuki wrapped a hand around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Your dogs are just this way!" Koji smiled, now walking over to a different room.
He lived in a large house, plenty of rooms fitting each new animal's requirements.
He had bought a large acre of land, just to be able to care for a wider spread of animals.
He opened a door, with the tag, Doberman, on the front.
You heard small barks fill the room as you walked inside.
"Here they are!" he smiled.
Your mouth opened as your eyes landed on two small Doberman pups.
"Oh my gosh! They're so small!" you awed, crouching down.
The pups ran towards you, curious of who you were.
They sniffed you, their stubbed tails wagging.
"Hey there..." you said.
You reached a hand out to one, and they licked your hand.
"Do you have names for them yet?" Koji asked, sitting down across from you.
Katsuki sat down, and the other pup ran to him, licking his face.
"Awwww hi there" Katsuki laughed.
"What are their sexes?" you asked.
"Both male."
You thought.
"How about Tadashi? It means loyal and faithful. It fits since they'll be loyal to the Bakugo family."
You looked at Katsuki.
"I like it."
You smiled, looking back down at the puppy that sat in your lap.
You looked at the other one.
"I was thinking Tamotsu...it means protector."
Katsuki looked at you for approval.
"I love it."
"So we have Tadashi and Tamotsu?" Koji asked.
You nodded.
"I'll get started on making the tags, leashes, and collars for you then!"
"No need"
you smirked, before you started to make the items you needed.
You made purple gear for one, and orange for the other.
You made golden tags, engraved with their names, and other information on them.
You attached the purple collar to Tadashi, and gave Katsuki the orange one to put on Tamotsu.
"They're already potty trained, chipped, and given their shots."
You thanked Koji for his work, before you took the dogs to the truck.
"We already bought everything for them, like food and bowls. All we need to do is surprise the triplets."
"Thanks for watching them Mits" you said, closing the door softly behind you.
You put the puppies into a room already ready for them, and now you were going to get ready for the party.
"You're welcome."
You and Mitsuki both went up the stairs, grabbing your bathing suits to change into.
"Can you believe it's already been a year?" Mitsuki asked.
"No...I can't..." you answered, looking down at the ground as you put your bikini top on over your clothes.
You took off your shirt and bra under, then removed your bottoms and slid your bottoms on.
"I can't believe it's been a year since...well...everything...since the stab incident...the kids...everything.."
Mitsuki looked at you, tying her black one piece in the back.
"But what did the year give you?" she asked.
"It's made mine and Katsuki's bond so much stronger than it was before...since we were both at the verge of death multiple times..." you muttered.
You fixed your hair, and looked in the mirror.
So much has changed....it's unbelievable.
You walked out of the restroom, going to the nursery where your three sleeping sons lay.
You were going to start getting them dressed, when you heard the doorbell ring.
"I'm on it ma'am!" she answered aloud, before opening the door.
"Ah! Master Aizawa, Master Hizashi, Master Shinsou, and Miss Eri!" she smiled, letting them all inside.
"Dads!" you said, rushing down the stairs and throwing your arms around your fathers.
"Whoa! Hey kiddo!" Aizawa chuckled, before dropping what he had in his hands and wrapping his arms around you in return.
"How've you been?! Hope you didn't miss me too much!" Mic laughed.
You kissed them both on their cheek, before looking at Shinsou, and wrapping your arms around him.
"I've missed you Shin.." you admitted, melting into his warm embrace.
"I've missed you too sis.." he said, voice cracking very slightly.
"Where''s Hama?" you asked.
You pulled back, and saw that his eyes went to the floor, and became shiny.
"Uhm.." he stuttered.
You looked at him.
"What happened? You two were so happy."
He sniffled, before looking up at you.
"....she cheated."
Your eyes went wide.
"Cheated?! With who?!" you yelled, feeling the anger boil to the surface.
"Some rando."
You looked at your brother, who was still averting your eyes.
"Where is that cheating bitch?" you asked.
He looked up finally, looking straight into your (E/C) eyes with his shiny purple ones.
"Don't. I know what she did was wrong, but I don't want anything to happen. If you wish misfortune on someone, it'll always come back to you."
You nodded.
"Are you alright?" you asked.
He shrugged, looking down to the floor again.
Sighing, you moved onto the next family member.
"Big sis!" Eri smiled.
"Hi Eri! How've you been?" you said, forcing a smile onto your face as you reached down to hug her.
"I've been good!"
You looked at her once you let her go, and she was looking up at Shinsou, who was still dejectedly looking at the ground.
"Poor Shin huh?" you sighed.
"I know..."
You stood straight again, and backed up a bit, bumping into someone behind you.
"Oops! Sorry-"
You looked behind you, seeing Katsuki looking down at you with a smirk.
"I must be a magnet...because you're attracted to me.." he chuckled.
You pinched his pec, causing him to yelp and making you giggle.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Hey Aizawa, Mic."
Aizawa and Mic both bowed, before taking Eri with them to go say hello to Mitsuki and Masaru.
"Hey fuzzy head" Katsuki smiled.
Shinsou nodded towards him, keeping his eyes focused on the ground.
"What's wrong?"
You looked down as well, feeling bad for your brother.
"Hama cheated on him" you telepathed to Katsuki.
You felt his breath hitch in his chest.
"I'm sorry.." he said.
"It's fine."
Katsuki let go of you, walking closer to Shinsou.
You cleared your throat, before leaving them alone.
A talk between brothers...
You walked back up the stairs, and headed to the nursery to get the triplets into bathing suits.
"We're so glad you guys could make it!" you smiled as you bounced Kosuki on your hip, making him giggle.
"Thanks for inviting us (Y/N)!" Izuku smiled, before walking inside with his hand in Shoto's.
"It's an honor to be inside the number one's home," Shoto admitted.
"Please think nothing of it" you blushed.
You looked back to the open door, seeing Mina in a camouflage two piece smiling greatly next to Eijiro, who was blushing with a shy smile on his face.
"Mina!" you smiled.
"Mimi!" Kosuki squealed, reaching his arms out to Mina.
"Koko!" she giggled, taking him from your hold and lifting him up.
"I can't believe you're already one! You've gotten so big!"
She kissed his cheek, earning a small laugh from Kosuki.
"Kiwi!" Kazuki cheered, clapping his hands as Eijiro approached Katsuki, who was holding Katsuro and Kazuki.
"H-hey little guy!"
Katsuki looked from the smiling baby, to his blushing and bashful best friend.
"Hold him you idiot."
Eijiro looked at Katsuki, before reaching for Kazuki with shaky hands.
"Kiwi!" Kazuki cheered again, this time reaching his arms out and placing them onto Eijiro's forehead.
"You're so big now! Holy wow!" he chuckled, before Kazuki moved his hands up and pulled at his hair, which was down with a headband pushing his bangs out of his face.
"Owwww!" Eijiro yelped.
"Hahahah! Now they pull your hair!" Mina laughed.
Mina's laugh was cut short just as Kosuki began to play with her horns.
"H-hey! Don't mess with those!" she blushed.
You heard Katsuki chuckle, before Mina and Eijiro moved aside to let you greet the next guests.
"Your pool is huge!" Mina gasped.
You laughed, before stepping in the pool with Katsuro and Kazuki.
"Mama.." Katsuro whimpered.
"It's alright Katsu...it's just water.." you said, kissing his cheek.
Katsuro held on to you tighter, until he was fully into the water with his little floaties around his arms.
You let him and Kazuki go of your hold, letting them both swim on their own.
"Dadda...." you heard Kosuki whine, holding onto Katsuki.
"You're okay Koko..." he reassured him.
Katsuki gently put Kosuki into the water, causing Kosuki to fuss slightly, before realizing that it was water.
He soon smiled and joined his brothers in splashing in the water.
Your eyes watered as you watched them.
"They've gotten so big..." you cried, feeling Katsuki who was pulling you towards him.
"I know...I can't believe it's been a year.." he sighed, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
"Our lives are so different now...and I can't believe how much has changed" you sighed sadly.
"This year has changed us...both for the better...look at how much stronger our bond is, how much stronger we are individually..look at you. You've grown as a hero, a lover, and a mother..."
You felt him start to turn you around, making your body go against his under the water.
He was touching the ground, still standing while you floated.
How does he manage to stand...I mean he is six foot five...but still..
He put a finger under your chin, and lifted up.
"You've grown into the perfect person I love....you're still the hotshot I fell in love with" he smirked.
You closed your eyes with a soft smile playing on your lips.
"You're still the hot headed hottie I fell for.." you smiled, kissing his lips gently.
"Ewwwwwww!" Katsuro whined.
You blushed as you looked over at him, seeing him staring at you and Katsuki.
"Eww?!" you stuttered.
"Dadda mama ewwwwww" Kosuki joined in.
Your face grew hot.
"Your children are ewwing you (Y/N)" Katsuki chuckled.
You growled, putting your face into Katsuki's chest and using a hand to pinch his nipple.
"Oww! Hey!" he yelped.
"They're YOUR kids too! And they're ewwing YOU just as much!"
He chuckled, before lifting you up from your hips and looking up at you.
"Katsu!" you giggled.
"Chicken fight rematch?" you heard Mina yell.
And soon, couples were all ready for the rematch, and you now sat on Katsuki's shoulders.
"We finally got a rematch after nine years!" Mina laughed as she held onto Eijiro.
Izuku and Shoto, Momo and Kyoka, Mina and Eijiro, and even Denki and Hanta joined the battle.
Mitsuki and Masaru held onto the triplets, watching from the sidelines.
"Goo mama!" Kosuki clapped and cheered.
"Goo daddaa!" Katsuro clapped.
"Goo mama an dadda!" Kazuki cheered.
You giggled.
"Ready? Go! Ribbit.." Tsuyu announced.
And with that, one couple after the other showed off in the rematch.
You and Mina smirked at each other, before Katsuki and Eijiro locked hands and began to push.
You and Mina laced fingers, pushing with your strength.
"I'll be winning this time!" Mina smiled, pushing stronger.
Your arms shook, tired from holding your children.
"Not today Mina!" you laughed.
"You got this (Y/N) and Kacchan!"
"Come on Ashido!"
The other couples that had lost or won their own battles cheered you on.
You pushed harder, her hand slipping from yours.
"Mimi!" Katsuro cheered, causing Mina to look behind her.
"Gotcha!" you laughed, using the last of your strength and pushing.
She yelped, before falling off of Eijiro's shoulders, who was also pushed.
"We won!" you cheered.
"No fair! That was cheating!" Mina pouted.
"No such thing!" you laughed.
Katsuki lifted you off of his shoulders and placed you in front of him.
"Good job hotshot" he smiled, kissing your cheek.
You blushed, before continuing to horse around with your friends and family.
After swimming and playing with your friends and children, you got out of the pool.
You grabbed your towel, drying your hair and walking towards Shinrai, who was staring at a figure quite a distance away.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
She shook her head, getting herself out of the daze she seemed to be in.
"Hmm? Oh! It's nothing" she stuttered.
You looked in the direction of where she was looking, seeing Shinsou, who was staring blankly at the pool water.
You smirked, before sitting next to her.
"Why don't you go talk to him?" you said, nodding your head towards Shinsou.
Shinrai's head snapped up, and she looked at you.
"Wh-who?" she asked.
You smiled.
"Wh-what are you talking about?!"

You chuckled.
"I saw you staring at my brother."
You watched as the tips of her ears turned red.
She looked down.
"Sure but...what do I say?" she asked.
You smiled softly before putting a hand on her shoulder.
"He's been through a lot lately, and he really just needs someone to talk to."
She nodded.
She stood up, taking a step before she turned back to you.
"Thanks ma'am."
She bowed, and you shook your head.
"Please, call me (Y/N) out of working hours" you smiled.
She smiled at you.
And with that, Shinrai walked over to Shinsou, who was sitting alone staring blankly ahead.
You smiled as you watched her walk over, seeing Shinsou look over at her and smile smally.
Heh...I saw that Shin..
"Those one's are from me ma'am!" Shinrai smiled.
You placed a small gift basket in front of each of the triplets, who were fussing with their birthday hats.
"Die!" Katsuro yelled, throwing his hat away.
"Katsu..no throwing!" you smiled.
You placed the basket in front of him, before he looked at it with shiny and wondrous eyes.
You opened the cellophane that covered it, holding everything together.
"Ah bleh?" Kosuki said questionly.
You looked at the gift basket, then pushed them closer to the triplets.
After you did, you walked over to sit by Katsuki, who's eyes followed you as you did so.
The triplets looked at the baskets, before reaching their small hands towards them.
Kazuki reached, grabbing a small giraffe with a blanket attached to its head.
"Awwwww is that a giraffe lovey?" Mitsuki awed.
Shinrai nodded, a bit shy, until a hand was placed on top of hers reassuringly.
Shinsou was smiling softly at her, before turning his attention back to the triplets.
"You look happy" you telepathed to your brother.
"Sh-shush" he answered back, face heating up.
Kosuki pulled out a lovey as well, seeing that it was a duck, which made his eyes light up in joy.
"Duck! Duck duck duck!" he giggled, pulling it closer to his chest.
Katsuro joined in, pulling up a small fox lovey.
"Ooooooooooo?" he tilted his head.
"That's a fox, Katsuro," you smiled.
"Fox?" he asked.
You nodded, before he smiled.
"Alrightttttt last gift of the night!" you sighed, before standing and grabbing Kosuki and Kazuki and placing them on a blanket that Momo had placed on the ground.
"Where ith dadda?" Katsuro asked as Mitsuki placed him next to his brothers.
"He'll be right back baby" you smiled, before sitting on one side of the triplets while Mitsuki sat on the opposing side.
"You ready for your presents?" you asked in a high pitched voice that the babies seemed to enjoy.
You smiled, before looking over at the glass slider door.
Katsuki held the pups, who were both happy and wagging their stubby tails.
You nodded, and he walked over to where you were sitting.
Kosuki put a hand on your shoulder, using it as help so he could stand up.
You held onto his hand as he stood looking at Katsuki, who crouched down onto one knee.
"Want your last gift Koko?" he smiled.
"Dadda.." Kosuki said, before reaching a hand out to the puppies in Katsuki's arms.
Katsuki chuckled, before placing the pups in front of the triplets, catching their attention.
"Ooooooooooo" Kazuki questioned, before crawling towards one of the pups.
Tadashi's eyes moved to Kazuki, before he stood up and went to sniff him.
"Ah blehhhhh!" Kazuki giggled.
Tadashi sniffed him, before licking his nose.
You giggled as the triplets all joined in to greet the new furry friends in their own ways.
"Woof!" Tamotsu barked, before licking both Kosuki and Katsuro in excitement.
Katsuki sat down next to you with a smile on his face.
You sighed, before leaning your head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arm around your side, pulling you closer to him, and gently placing you onto his lap.
"Think they liked their gift?" Katsuki asked.
You leaned back.
"I think so."
You both watched in silence as the triplets played and met their new family, having fun with Tadashi and Tamotsu.
Your peaceful and wholesome moment was soon cut short, when you felt a 'small' poke on your behind.
You smirked.
"You alright there Katsuki? Don't be thinking too hard" you teased.
You leaned back far enough for you to see his face, and you saw how red his face was at your comment.
"Sh-shut up you idiot."
You continued to tease at him, until he decided to fight back.
"Well since you're the naughty one here, you can help me out with this little issue later~" he whispered.
You shivered, before you felt Katsuki chuckle.
"Happy birthday to you" everyone began to sing.
You and Katsuki carried the cake to the triplets who had bibs and their birthday hats on.
"Happy birthday to you!"
You crouched, putting the cake in front of them.
"Happy birthday dear-" was all you managed to get out, before Katsuro reached, taking a chunk out of the cake and throwing it at Kosuki who sat next to him.
You giggled, before Kosuki grabbed a piece of cake and threw it at you.
"Pfffft! Haahahaha!" Katsuki laughed.
You growled, before you grabbed a small piece as well and threw it at Katsuki, landing on his nose.
"Hey!" he yelled.
"Payback for laughin' hothead" you giggled.
Kazuki joined in, throwing more cake at Katsuki.
At the pace of chaos unfolding, everyone ended up getting cake thrown onto them.
"So much for cake" you laughed as you looked at Katsuki.
He licked your cheek, getting the frosting off before he chuckled.
"Eh. We have ice cream in the freezer."
"Thanks for coming!" you and Katsuki walked the last people to their car, the returned to the backyard.
You closed the gate, before Katsuki lifted you up.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, and he put his lips on your immediately.
"Katsu" you breathed out as he pushed you against the fence.
Shinrai took the triplets back inside to bathe and put them to rest, leaving you two to do whatever you'd like.
"Remember what I said earlier?" he asked.
"Yeha?" you said, dizzed by his kiss.
He began to walk towards the hot tub, which had its lights on in the water.
"Well....you can help me and my little Bakugo now..."
You blushed.
"I-in the hottub?!" you asked.
"The water will help you...relax..more.."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now