|16| Three.....excuse me?

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You snuggled up to the sleeping Katsuki as your hazily woke up from your slumber.
"What are you doing dumbass?~" Katsuki snored in his sleep as you rested yourself once again.
"Getting comfortable meanie" you complained.
"Go back to sleep..." he mumbled.
"It's hard to get comfortable when you're this big. Sorry for waking you" you said, feeling slightly hurt at his remarks.
You tried to go back to sleep, as it was early in the morning.
You closed your eyes for the fifth time in a row and sighed, angered that you couldn't sleep anymore.
You got up, trying your best to not wake up the grumpy blond as he slept.
"Where are you going?~" he whined.
"I have to pee. You can still sleep, I probably won't fall back asleep. My back and hips hurt like hell, I'll just go to the couch" you said.
You looked back at him as you walked out of the room, only to see his eyes following you, a glint of worry swimming in the beautiful crimson colors.
"I'll be fine. Now you get some sleep. You just worked four days in a row, you deserve some sleep."
After using the restroom, you walked to the living area, where two people stood laughing.
Instead of calling out to them, you went up to them and you caught a glance of their silhouettes.
"Eijiro? Mina?" You questioned as you walked back to turn on the lights.
"Finally you're up!" Mina laughed.
"Unfortunately yes I am. I wanted more sleep. But thanks to one of the little ones on my bladder, I had to pee really bad. And my hips hurt so" you shrugged.
"Ooooooo! Well we have some good news for you two!" Mina and Eijiro chirped.
"Us two? But Katsuki is-"
"Awake now because I can't sleep knowing my love is hurting and I'm not there to comfort her" you heard a sleepy voice say as they entered the room.
"Katsu, I told you to sleep. You worked, you must be tired" you said, running a hand over his cheek as he yawned.
"It isn't fair that I get to sleep properly while you don't."
"That's just how it is right now."
"Okay okay okay! No more fighting! We have a surprise for the two of you" Eijiro laughed.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and tugged you closer.
He put a kiss to your neck and you blushed.
"You're embarrassing.."
"You know you love it."
Mina and Eijiro both looked at each other and smiled.
"You are kicked out of this house" Mina said.
"And now moved into your new one!" Eijiro said, showing you a dangling pair of golden keys.
"Wait our house is already done!?" Katsuki yelled.
"It's been done!" Eijiro laughed.
"But we put in the request only a month or two ago!" You added.
"Well they're done already! Now let's go!" Mina said, jumping up and down in excitement.
"But don't we have to move all our stuff in boxes?" You and Katsuki asked in unison.
Mina and Eijiro exchanged glances.
"We'll talk about that later! NOW COME ON!"
"Wait how did you guys get our keys before we did?" You asked as you leaned your head on Katsuki's shoulder, dozing off slightly.
"We requested them" Mina giggled.
"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Katsuki yelled, his hands making tiny explosions.
"Reasons of our own privacy Bakugo."
"Sorry (Y/N)" Katsuki and Eijiro apologized together.
"We're almost there!" Mina cheered.
You sat up as you got more excited to see the new house.
Eijiro slowed down the car as you drove up to a beautiful house.
Once the car stopped, you got off and took in the sights of the estate.
It was wide. A fountain in the middle of the estate with the letters GZ and O engraved on the cement of it.
Water was flowing into the gorgeous fountain and you looked at the rest of your front yard.
Grass perfectly grown, flowers growing on the shrubs in front of the windows, not a single rock misplaced.
White and black stone covered the entire front area, where cars could be parked.
It was spacious.
You put a hand to your chest.
"My gods..it's gorgeous.." You mumbled, your breathing hitched at the beauty.
Mina went to open the large front doors and pushed them open.
You and Katsuki walked in with your hands entertwined.
You were welcomed by a scent of cinnamon, which made you smile.
A bright chandelier hung from the high ceiling. The living room, already having a black velvet couch sitting in it. Along with a TV and everything else.
Every room you went to, everything was already in there, unpacked and organized.
But we haven't even packed..we didn't even know it was finished..
"How'd all this stuff get here? We haven't even packed up the old house!" You questioned.
"Well..all of us old friends from UA decided to pitch in and buy you both stuff for your new house! Considering you already spent millions to get the house built! We all bought something, and soon enough, everything was done! Rugs and everything! From a few spoons, to buying the rest of the furniture!" Eijiro said.
You looked at Katsuki, who looked a mix of angry and appreciative with little tears at the corners of his eyes.
"You guys did not have to do that.." He said.
"Take it as a gift!"
"But..why?" You asked as your eyes watered.
"Friends don't give a shit about money..as long as we get to see a great big smile on your face, it's worth it!" Mina squealed.
"This is definitely a home fit for billionaires! Hope you love it!" They both said in unison.
"Of course we do!"
You ran over to Mina and wrapped her in your arms.
"Thank you both so much.." You cried as tears of gratefulness fell from your eyes.
"Anything for family" they mumbled.
After holding onto Mina for a few minutes, you pulled back and held her hands.
"Mina..I've been meaning to ask you for a while.."
"Will you be my maid of honor?" You asked.
"OHMYGOSH! YES YES YES!" She yelled, beginning to jump and down.
"Gasp! I just realized the wedding is in five weeks!"
"I know! It came so fast!" You laughed.
Katsuki came over to you both, followed by a blushing Eijiro.
"What happened to you Kiri?" Mina asked as she walked over to him.
"I-..g-got asked to be B-Bakugo's best man.." He stuttered as his face grew redder, matching the tone of his hair.
"You did Katsuki!? What did he say!?" You yelled.
"He said yes of course!" He chuckled.
"Well, we'll leave you two here! We have to go back home!" Mina said.
Eijiro threw the keys to Katsuki and they walked off with big smiles on their faces.
"Wow..I can't believe this is our house now..where our children will grow up" you said, your voice slightly echoing in the giant house.
"It's is literally five in the morning now, calm down."
Katsuki picked you up in his arms and carried you down the halls and to your bedroom, where a big bed was.
"Sleep" he said in a soft voice as he lay you down on the soft cushion.
"But..I'm not sleepy~" you said, a hint of drowsiness in your voice.
And soon enough, you dozed off into a nice little nap.
"Sleepyyy~" you heard Katsuki say as your eyes opened.
"Wake up lovely" he said.
"It's eight, we gotta go. The appointment is at nine."
"Right.." You yawned.
"You just get cuter and cuter..how did I end up with someone so perfect?" He mumbled, before grabbing your hand and helping you up.
"That is so sweet Katsuki..but it was I who ended up with someone perfect.." You said, kissing his soft and shaky lips.
"Get your perfect little body changed" he teased as he put his forehead on yours.
"You too. But you have a big body."
"Well would you looky here..my two favorite lovebirds!" Dr. Akito said as she walked into the hospital room.
"Akitoooo" you and Katsuki said as your faces heat up.
"Right right..can't help you two are too cute for this world" she laughed.
"Anyways, you ready to find out the genders?"
"Yes! I'm so excited! Finally get to see if these little miracles are."
"What about you Bakugo?" She asked.
"I'm excited too! Today was exciting. Our new house is finished, and now we get to learn the babies genders.." He said, a smile on his face.
"Well let's get to it!" She chirped.
"They sure don't want their genitals found out do they?" Akito laughed.
The one fetus she was looking at was near impossible to find the sex.
"I'll move on to another one since this one is being stubborn."
She moved the small machine to the next child, who had their legs open wide.
"Well that's a boy!" She laughed.
You blushed and looked away.
"Boys tend to have their legs open wide like 'look at me mama! Look at my penis!'"
"He's proud to be a boy" Katsuki chuckled as a blush crept on his face.
"Next baby over.." She said, moving again to the third baby.
"And it looks like..another boy!" She said as she pointed to the small fetus.
Your eyes widened and you put a hand over your mouth.
"Two little boys.." You said as your eyes stung.
She moved back to baby one, that had shifted over slightly.
"Gotcha!" She said, capturing a picture and looking closely.
"Wanna take a guess at what this one is?"
"I wanna say it's another boy" Katsuki guessed as he squeezed your hand.
"I don't know..I'll say a girl just to see if I can have at least one girl" you said.
"On three Katsuki?" You said as you looked at him.
"On three."
He put his forehead on yours and you closed your eyes.
"Three!" You both said.
"Congratulations (Y/N) and Bakugo...you're having three bouncing baby boys!"
You eyes opened in a split second and you turned to look at Dr. Akito.
"THREE...WHAT!?" You yelled.
"Heh..three baby boys!" She repeated.
Your eyes watered and you closed your eyes.
"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked, worry lacing his voice.
You looked at him and put a he put a hand to your cheek.
"I've always wanted a son" you said as a hot tear fell from your eyes.
"Now I'm blessed with three" you cried, putting your forehead on his as he wiped your cheek.
His own eyes watered as he watched your happiness fill the room.
"We're having little boys Katsuki.."
"Little..tiny..boys that will grow up to be the best they can be.." Katsuki said, placing a kiss to your lips.
"Congrats you two! Now let's clean you up (Y/N) so we can get you both out of here!"
You on your bed, eating Doriyaki and painting. You loved painting or drawing in free time now that you couldn't really move around without pain or being yelled at.
You were doing some calligraphy, moving swiftly with the paint brush, when hands covered your eyes.
You gasped.
"Do you trust me my love?" Katsuki asked.
"Of course I do!" You said.
"Then keep your eyes closed.." He demanded, taking his hands off to find your eyes closed.
He grabbed your hands and stood you up.
What are you up to Katsu?
Bakugo's POV~
I got behind (Y/N) and guided her out of the room.
"What are you up to love?" She giggled.
"You'll see.." I replied.
I walked her down the hall and stopped her in front of the room I needed to.
Thankfully Kirishima was able to get everything here..and she didn't check out this room because he said it wasn't done and a huge mess..
I turned the door knob and opened the door.
"Stay put, I'll be back" I whispered in her ear, before kissing it.
She had an adorable blush on her cheeks.
I moved quickly and opened the curtains.
"L-love?" She stuttered.
I saw her breaths hitching as she began to slightly panic.
"Shh shh I'm right here" I said, putting my forehead to hers and grabbing her little hands.
"You can open them..in three..two..one."
Your POV~
You fluttered your eyes open and your eyes were met with a white room, filled with furniture and hanging items.
You walked into the room, mouth agape.
Your fingers ran over the large wooden crib, fit for not one, but three little babies.
A shelf painted with blue stripes that looked to be still slightly wet, filled with baby books and bags.
A country guitar sit on a stand by the bookshelf.
A dresser stood in the middle of the room.
You walked over and opened one of the drawers, seeing neatly folded onezies and clothes, each divided into three separate sections for each baby.
Lastly, small bouncers and cradles near the end of the room.
Little mobiles hang from the ceiling, along with LED lights for light lighting.
Everything was painted, organized, clean.
Without notice, you put your hands to your mouth and began to sob uncontrollably.
"Whoa hey!" Katsuki yelped, running over to you as you crumbled to the ground.
He caught you and you landed softly.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Y-you did all this?" You cried.
"I did."
Instead of replying, you threw your arms over his neck and hid your tear stained face in the crook of his neck.
"I..I don't deserve someone as kind and perfect as you!" You cried.
"Don't cry.." He said, running a hand threw your (H/L) (H/C) hair.
"T-thank you.."
"Thank you for letting me get the chance to be here today, holding you in my hands."
You looked up and he wiped away one of your many salty tears.
"I love you" you said, resting your head back in his neck.
"I love you too..m-my..explosion.."
"New nickname?" You laughed.
"Well you set off the explosion in my heart.." He shyly admitted.
"Aweeeee! That's so cute and precious!" You said, a blush on your cheeks.
"I'm cool not cute!..dumbass."

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