|14| "Cotton Candyyyy"

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After a long night of tossing and turning, you woke up to use the restroom and shower.
"Morning honey" you said as you yawned and grabbed your toothbrush.
"Morning..grrrrrrr!" Katsuki said as he brushed his own teeth, growling as per normal.
You chuckled at his childish action and began to wash your own teeth.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked.
You just looked at him, giving him a 'how do you think?' face.
He laughed and leaned over the sink to spit.
"I couldn't get comfortable. I just get bigger and bigger, making it more and more uncomfortable" you sighed.
"And more and more beautiful~" Katsuki whispered in your ear, before placing a kiss to your cheek.
You could smell his minty fresh breath.
You took the toothbrush out of your mouth and kissed him back.
"At least warn me if you're gonna mmmmmm!" Katsuki mumbled before you kissed him again, silencing him.
You broke and laughed at him as he wiped his lips and blushed.
"You wiped off my kiss.." You said, making a sad face.
"Don't give me those damn puppy eyes."
He just stared at you.
"Thought you could resist?" You teased.
You laughed at his slight blush, and he walked out of the room.
You finished brushing your teeth, and walked out of the restroom.
You stand in your closet, struggling to put on your leggings.
"You okay honey?" Katsuki asked as he heard you groan.
You threw your leggings away from you and ran your hands threw your messy hair.
"Whoa what's wrong?"
"Nothing fits. I'm too big" you said, your eyes watering slightly.
Katsuki sighed and grabbed your hands.
"I know..I don't know how you're feeling right now. But you're beautiful, no matter how big you get."
He put a kiss to your forehead and smiled.
"If nothing fits then let's go get you new clothes" he said.
You looked up at him and a big smile printed on your face.
"Really. Now, you can wear a pair of my sweats. Stretchy and comfortable."
"Thanks my love!!!"
"Heh..anytime, you damn cutie."
You entered the clothing shop and immediately went to the maternity aisle.
"Hello and welcome-BAKUGO!?" The cashier said as Katsuki walked in.
"Hama!?" He yelled.
You looked behind you and saw a woman with long straight blond hair, light purple eyes, light skin, and freckles.
"(Y/N)!" Katsuki called, waving over to you.
You walked over to the two and smiled.
"Hama, this is (Y/N)!-"
"The woman you were searching for weeks ago!? You found her!?" The woman said.
"Well..long story. We found each other but yeah!" He said.
"Nice to meet you ma'am! I'm Hama! You don't know me quite yet, but I'm your brother's girlfriend!" The woman introduced herself with a big smile.
"Shinsou has a girlfriend!? Whatttt!? He didn't tell me. That damn fuzzy headed asshole. Anyways- I'm (Y/N) Chisaki! Otherwise known as Overhaul. I thought you worked at a grocery store back in Qing Qing City?" You asked.
"I got a new job. Closer to home" Hama said, putting a hand behind her neck.
She looked at you, before smiling.
"If you both need any help please do let me know!" She said.
"Thank you!" You said.
You waved her off and Katsuki followed you back to the aisle.
"How do you know her but not me?" You asked.
"Met her last time I went to Kirishima's house before the whole..stabbing incident. Boy's night."
You nodded.
"I see. Well, I'll grab what I need right now and grab extra for later when I get...bigger..and bigger..and bigger" you sighed.
Katsuki took your hand as you searched for leggings that were bigger than last time.
After grabbing enough pairs to last you a while, you wandered over to the maternity dresses and browsed threw those.
"What made you come over here?" Katsuki said as he walked behind you.
"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't look cute" you said, a small smile on your face as you searched.
You found a nice black dress and a dark blue one as well.
You grabbed a few floral and ones with print, then your eyes landed on a kimono set.
It has two, dark blue and red kimonos.
Your eyes lit up and you smirked.
I could grab them for me and Katsuki. I hear there's a festival downtown later tonight..
Years ago;
"Daddy daddy daddy!" You squealed as you jumped up and down in excitement, tugging on the pant of your fathers clothes.
"Yes my little angel?" Kai said, a smile being shown as he took the plague mask off.
"Can we go to the festival tonight?! Countless years I've watched from my window. I want to go in person now daddy! Please!" You begged.
Kai chuckled and picked you up.
"You know I don't allow you out of this place my little one. Too many germs, and-"
"The world wouldn't accept me. I know I know" you said, puffing one cheek out in a pout.
Kai tilted his head.
"I just want to go outside and see the festival."
"Oh come on now Chisaki, lighten up a bit! Let's take the kid to the festival" a man with a small face mask on said as he walked into the room.
"UNCLE CHRONO!" You said as you reached your arms out to him.
Chrono walked over to you and took you into his arms.
"Hey there my little rose" he smiled as he spun you around.
"Heh!" You giggled.
"Let's take (Y/N). What harm is it? If anyone asks, we can say she's my kid. Come on Kai" Chrono said.
Kai sighed.
"Alright alright. Just for the little one."
"Let's go get changed little rose. Be sure to bring a mask. You know how your father feels about that-"
"Of course!"
"WOW IT'S SO PRETTY!" You said as you walked onto the street that was filled to the brim with lights and people in costumes, fireworks and kites, animals and more.
"I can't believe you've never taken your daughter here Kai" Chrono said.
"Too many people..and germs" Kai replied.
"Thank you so much daddy! I love it!" You yelled as you went to hug your dad.
Kai crouched down and wrapped you in his arms.
A loud boom went off in the distance, and you grabbed onto his jacket.
He chuckled and lifted you up.
"It's alright little angel. They're just fireworks. Look how pretty the colors are" Kai said, pointing to the colorful pops in the distance.
You watched and smiled.
"I love you little one" your father said.
"I love you too daddy!"
After a bit of bickering with yourself, you chose to grab the kimonos and walked to the register.
"Is that everything (Y/N)?" Katsuki asked as he walked up behind you to wrap his arms around you and put his hand on your swollen stomach.
"Yep! Thank you for taking me Katsu" you said.
Hama began scanning your clothes and she smiled at the two of you.
"You two are super cute! Congrats by the way" she said.
"You got pregnant silly! And with triplets nonetheless!" Hama laughed.
You blushed and put a hand on top of Katsuki's.
"Heh..I'll tell him later to call you."
She finished bagging your items and handed it to you.
"Have a great day you two!" Hama said.
"You too!"
"Hey Katsuki~" you said as you moved on the bed to straddle Katsuki's lap.
He put his phone down and blushed.
"Look who's frisky now~ what did you want?" He teased, before placing his hands on your hips.
You rocked slightly, making him suck in a sharp breath.
You stopped.
"You fucking teasing teaser!" He whined.
"After they're out baby. After I promise. But I wanted to ask, can we go to the festival downtown?!" You said.
"Festival? The autumn festival? Uh s-sure. But we don't have any traditional clothing so-"
"Actually.." You said, sliding off of him and grabbing the bags from earlier and grabbed the kimonos.
You held them up.
"I saw them at the store earlier!"
After you put on your kimono, you did your hair and makeup to match.
"You ready babe?" You asked as you walked into the room.
You heard growling, and looked to see Katsuki snarling in the room.
You laughed and went over to him.
When he saw you, he stopped growling and his eyes explored up and down your body.
"Y-you..l-look...stunning" he stuttered, a blush hitting his light cheeks.
You put a strand of stray hair behind your ear.
"You're one to talk" you said as you looked over him.
He stood up straight, and held out his hand.
"Let's go my beauty."
"Wow.." You said as you walked down the streets that were covered in lights and stands of games and food.
People in costumes danced and sang, people stood at stands with others playing games.
You looked around and your eyes landed on a certain piece of cement.
"Whoa!" A high pitched voice echoed in your head.
"This way, you'll always have something to remember when you visit here" Kai's voice echoed.
You walked over, letting go of Katsuki's hand.
You crouched down and ran your fingers over the carved names.

Kai and (Y/N).
Sweet angel, you'll always be loved by those you keep close.

Your eyes watered as you felt a hand being placed on your back.
"You alright?" Katsuki asked.
You pushed yourself in his arms and silently sobbed.
"I miss him Katsuki.."
Katsuki looked at the cement and rubbed your back.
"For everything he did to me..he was still my dad. And...minus all the abuse and everything he said...I knew he still loved me. And..I loved him too" you sobbed.
Katsuki remained silent.
"I never met him. But after hearing what he did to you back at UA. Him nearly killing you. I hate him. But I know how much he means to you" he finally said.
You wiped your eyes and let go of Katsuki and stood up.
"Thanks. I'm sorry for being so emotional about it. Now..let's go have some fun!" You said.
After a few hours of playing games and walking on the boardwalk, you and Katsuki walk towards the grass field where others were sitting.
You didn't hold his hand, because you were holding cotton candy in your hand.
You took a small bite of the fluffy cloud of sugar.
"Why are we going over here?" You asked as the sugar dissolved on your tongue, leaving a taste of blue raspberry.
"Reasons. Ah-" he said, before opening his mouth, asking for a bite of the cotton candy.
You smiled and put the cotton candy by his mouth and he took a bite.
He licked his candied lips and groaned.
"I forgot how fucking delicious that stuff is" he laughed.
The two of you found a decent place to sit in the field and you leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for taking me Katsu" you sighed.
"You're welcome, although you were the one who said we should go."
The two of you laughed, until you lifted your head up to place a kiss to his lips.
A loud bang was heard and you yelped, getting closer to Katsuki.
More loud bangs filled the air and colors lit up the dark night sky.
"Scared of fireworks?" Katsuki said.
"No way! I never would've been able to deal with your freakin' explosions if I was. Just the sudden boom..surprised me a bit" you admitted, mumbling the last part.
After you calmed down, you leaned your head back down on his shoulder and sighed in content, when you felt a small flutter-like feeling in your stomach.
You lifted your head up and put a hand on your belly.
You shook off the feeling, when you felt another. And another.
You put a hand on Katsuki's wrist and gasped.
"Yes? What's wrong!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" He asked as he saw you holding your stomach.
You smiled softly and your eyes watered as you turned to look at him.
Instead of answering, you grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach.
He tilted his head in confusion, but when you felt the small flutter inside of your stomach, he felt it too and he gasped, before taking his hand off slightly, then putting it back on.
"Was that-"
Another small flutter.
"I think our kids are kicking" you said with a small smile on your face.
Katsuki chuckled slightly, before removing his hand and moving to lay slightly on your belly, his spiky hair getting smushed.
The two of you just sat there and felt the tiny kicks.
Katsuki held onto your hand.
He moved his hand and placed a kiss to your big stomach.
He looked up at you, his eyes shiny.
"My baby..my babies..I love you all..and I can't wait to meet and hold you all."
Your eyes watered as you ran a hand threw his hair.
"Your mother and father love you both so much..and we cannot wait to meet you little ones" you said as you looked down at you belly, resting a hand on it.
He placed another kiss to it, before he sat up and held you closer.
"You're amazing (Y/N)..carrying three of them."
"I'm strong enough thanks to you."
You looked up at him and kissed him as another explosion went off.
You laid your head on his shoulder and sighed.
"Love you hotshot."
"Love you too you damn hot hothead."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now